The racism on this site is ironic, right guys?

The racism on this site is ironic, right guys?
I'm a blackbot, you don't hate me, do you?

Attached: Blackjak and hookers.png (633x758, 33.84K)

Other urls found in this thread: people&src=typed_query

nice to meet you
im a BRAPbot

In my case yes in

Used to hate blacks in my Yas Forums phase. I have empathy for any robots as long as they suffer from the same social isolation that I do.

I don't hate you. But we shouldn't pretend that we are the same. There's a reason africa is the way it is and it's not solely because of white colonialism. Am I racist? People probably would call me that yeah, because I don't like the way you guys live and especially the way you gravitate to pointless violence. However there are many aspects of the white mentality that I hate just as much if not more. They've done some fucked up shit and the worse part is how they try to justify everything. They're smart enough to exactly why they're being dishonest and just looking for an excuse to sate the bloodlust. I'm probably just misanthrope who hates everyone if I really think about it. I don't hate "you" but I do hate the culture of your people. And my own, and pretty much every culture. The only things I like are the rare individual humans with an ounce of self awareness. I think an evil person who is fully aware of his actions and doesnt make excuses is better than someone who thinks of themselves as good while doing the petty, grimy shit the average person does. I do not think male or female nature are okay. I do not think bullying is healthy and natural. I do not like it that weak people are allowed to die because they are useless to the machine. I hate mobs of people looking for a scapegoat, I hate gangs, I hate normal people just trying to satisfy their daily need for some sense of superiority.

No, I dont hate you. I just hate everyone.

Thats kentray you newfag
Kys people&src=typed_query

what? Why should I care about twitter?

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the racism is a way for these autistic fucks to cope try to ignore it no i dont think it's all ironic

We all love you bro, don't worry about it :)

what made you grow out of Yas Forums?

I hate you if you dress like that wojak, but that's all.
Also do you think fallout 4 deserves all the scorn it gets?

I'm way too tired to make judgements on individuals before I even pass them on the street. But when you observe patterns of behaviour in groups of people you take an extrapolation of that as your default stance on them, until such a point that they prove you wrong. I don't particularly blame you for that.

It's probably not ironic, either actual racists or more common sad people who hate everyone, blacks included

>Also do you think fallout 4 deserves all the scorn it gets?
Don't play Fallout so not sure.

Nah, i don't hate you. I just hate niggers. Black people are alright. Niggers aren't.

It's more so your culture.
And not your entire culture or even most of it. It's this cancerous rap culture that glorifies crime, promiscuity, drugs and greed that's infecting and killing the West. Like the plague.

I think migration-genocide is wrong, no matter whether it's targeting Tibetans or Germans. So according to jews I hate you although I don't actually feel the emotion of hatred directed against you.

No hate, but if a rough looking group of young black men are ahead on my path or route I wont shed a tear of regret when my whole plan of walking by them changes into a plan of taking a detour. I will not hunky dory my way into getting jumped

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OP here, I honestly agree with you on our rap culture. And the fact that many blacks like to harp on other blacks for "acting white"


No I cant stand you black cunts. Your shit slang, your tribe rap music. Anyone here who says otherwise, is just a zoomer cope because they're scared of niggers.
I wish all you dirty fucks would fuck off back to your countries.
There's a reason why you apes were kept in chains and shitskins in third worlds.

You don't hate blacks fren you just hate niggers

Ok I hate you now.

I guess it's all relative to one's experiences with the "man of brown"

My reply is "man of brown, please get out of town, or we'll do more than just make you frown"

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>Defiling Wallace and Gromit like that
You'd be the first in the gas chamber

Attached: You disgust me.jpg (480x360, 17.17K)

>you don't hate me do you
being half Asian. racism doesn't come naturally, but rest assured that i fucking hate you

Some probably do, some don't it's a mixed bag. Personally I don't, I understand life sucks for most people in general.

You don't even know me, user. I think we could be friends.

Attached: Supermanbest521 - Frame 1.png (3840x2160, 501.97K)

Holy shit you sound like a fag.

seethe, darkoid. and count your lucky stars i don't cough my half-digested bat soup all over you


Are you bitter because you're ostracized from both of your races?
If you hate individuals that show no reason to be hated, then be prepared when people with your views who don't look like you take power.