
*gets his pitchfork out of the shed and heads down to london*

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lf the facist government dont reopen the pubs soon they'll be blood

Nth for watching Deep Space Nine

Stay inside? Obey the police? All because of the flu? I can't believe the sheeple let these government fascists just walk over them, it is LITERALLY 1984 right now

I've heard the revolutionary leaders get their own pubs.

To be fair, obeying the police has been a demand since police began.

We need our own revolutionary police force.

but who polices the revolutionary police?

two bluddeh rite gaz, theyr tryna install 5g deff towahs as well

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Day 2 of the break up. Feeling good and motivated and happy. Haven't smoked weed or a cig in week + and feeling fab.

*gets mugged in the britfeel city at night level*

Time to carry on learning Japanese for real this time.

The industrial revolution was a fucking mistake lads.

>but who polices the revolutionary police?
Me as it was my idea. I'll be the sam vines of the revolutionary police. We'll stamp out corruption and make a difference to peoples lives.

I think I can hear somebody singing outside, oh god I hope they're not trying to get the whole street singing together

After the revolution no one will have a name as it can lead to inequality and people being judgemental. lnstead will all be assigned a number l'll be number 1

Lads today I finally took the final, ultimate 4chanpill which is
>discussing things on Yas Forums is the fastest way to make you hate the thing

Anyone been t' shops in the past hour or so? I wanna know how busy they are atm

>tfw no cute dorky looking gf
Love odd looking girls lads

Cool ill be Number 0

Morning lockdown lids, just got up. Could do with a bit of shopping in but might leave that for later in the week.

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I like some of the architecture that came with it.

Morning Helper de lad, good to see you up bright and early!

What revolution are you trying to get started mr not so well disguised GCHQ fella?
Should we all have the numbers tattoo'd on us and have chips to keep tabs on each other?

fucking grand episode that was lads
kim absolutely peng as always phwoaaar

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Loving the lockdown lads, simple as. Don't know how normies are coping but I assume they're all dead.
Any schizoid lads here? Blessed as fuck if so.

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we'll have an ID card and chips to eat

Your piss isn't mean to be orange you retard

>Love odd looking girls lads

>Any schizoid lads here?
I only feel it, never been diagnosed with anything so got to say no I'm perfectly sane

As for me I simply hate people instead of things. Talking about things you like on Yas Forums be it anime, tv, games is can be very destructive. People come here to discuss the things that they like, and if someone doesn't like it, they will try to completely erase it from the board instead of ignoring it, they will do this even if rather than not liking it, they are just indifferent to it, because it doesn't affect them. Thus comes the insufferable shitflinging, the misinformation and the scorched earth, as I said I hate the people more than the thing, but I still can't help but associate the thing with the shitflinging. Obviously this isn't always the case, just what I've observed over the years.

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Sorry you have to be cute and also not have a penis

Gubbermint spies in here trying to quash the revolution already eh, you won't succeed you bastards.

>Sorry you have to be cute and also not have a penis

Doccy was going to diagnose me lad but then all this shit happened and I don't know what's going on with it. Why do you think so?

Some fella on this morning said his wife wont let him play video games. Based wife desu. If you have a wife why the fuck are you playing video games like a child.

the revolution will not be televised
the revolution will be posted about on britfeel

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I was diagnosed that but I'm not enjoying the lockdown. I miss my walkies

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Last week of neet for me, very nervous about starting my job. I'm watching as many films as possible during my last week. Mainly ones I haven't seen yet. Yesterday was American Beauty, today is The Pursuit of Happiness and then I've been told to watch enternal sunshine of a spotless mind I never bothered with it because Romance isn't really my thing.

based Gil

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Leggie weggies are sore from yesterday's squats

why are you just watching things other people told you to watch

I never click a single link posted in these threads :]

Guess that makes us Crips then

These last 2 episodes have been good but other than that I haven't cared for this season

Whats a HDD eraser that will do a simple pass on a 1tb hdd that wont take forever? Refurbing my old pc tower to sell for a friend but I'd rather not have some nigerian go through old bank statements

What's your new job la? American Beauty is an absolute classic. Eternal Sunshine is fucking fantastic

Pissing like a race horse. Already filled 2.5 litres worth of piss jug and it's not even noon.

She wears denim wherever she goes
Says she's gonna get some records by the Status Quo
Oh yeah
Oh yeah

Still she won't be forced against her will
Says she don't do drugs, but she does the pill
Oh yeah
Oh yeah

I didn't want to hurt you, oh yeah
I didn't want to hurt you, oh yeah

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Dunno lad why are you such a cunt?

That's how I also find movies to watch, I mean I usually watch at least two movies a day for the last 4 years it's very hard to find things I haven't seen.

I just use "Eraser".
Why does it matter if it takes time lad? Just do it overnight and then the next night if you're worried, and then the following night.
Or do what I did any copy a million pictures of Costanza over and over again.

Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind is kind of Sci-Fi-ish, you can ignore the romance in it.

Onto chapter 9 of "The Last of Us" on HARD mode

Special thanks to the cunt from the last thread who spoiled the new "Better Call Saul" episode