A man should keep his virginity for marriage

A man should keep his virginity for marriage.

I mean, why would you marry a man who's penis has been tainted by other women's vaginal juices?
He will never be the same.

A man is his wife's property, and should obey her.
That's how it has been in nature, but weak beta males decided to build civilisation, just to compensate for their shortcomings.

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60% accurate. Not bad.

A man should not marry and the state has no business in a man's relationships or families.

Marriage has existed long before any state was invented.
You could have a non-legal marriage too.
This is not about your petty laws, basedboy.

That's a good joke.
Everyone should remain virgin until marriage, jackass.
Women must obey men. That's the way of things. OP is full of feminist bullshit.
Look at the world right now. Men are the rulers of earth, not women.

Can opener and opend cans

>You could have a non-legal marriage too
Nope, those are counted as common law marriages and you still get fucked by the state.

Do not marry, do not cohabit with a woman. Anything you can get from them isn't worth giving someone the ability to nuke your life over.

But in your case, it's more of a... hand opener.

>the state has no business in a man's relationships or families.
They do is when its polygamy and familial love like incest.

Good bait, haven't seen it before 5/10 for makingg me reply faggot

they hate the best kinds of love

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Incest without birthing is a victimless crime

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soon the genetic testing and CRISPR technology will get so good even the "retarded children" argument will go away

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The government shouldn't be able to dictate who you can and can not breed with.

The irony is, people with severe genetic diseases are allowed to breed, and if you question it, you will get shamed, possibly called a nazi or something.

Yet those kids suffer and die.
A young girl I know has heart disease, and her brother had it too, then he died in the 5th grade.
Both of their parents have heart disease too.

This is such a double standard.
It's sad when ever someone is born with a defect or some kind of a disease, but I still think the government should stay out of it.

true, they are unconsiously making a eugenic argument, while thinking eugenics was one of the greatest evils in history

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I think the legal argument is preventing grooming, not retarded kids. I think that holds more water. Obviously not every case of incest is grooming (I'd even wager not even most), but hey.

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then why is brother/sister incest illegal, even when they are the same age? why is marrying a close family member illegal even if you grew up separately and only met as adults?

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Because they'd rather protect more people than necessary than not enough people. And sibling incest can come from grooming, it's a case by case basis.

Incest (both physical and yes, emotional, ie. making your child into a codependent "safety net") is abuse that mentally damages the victim even if it "consensual" because of grooming.
They may not notice it now, but they will once they grow a little older and feel disgusted by it.

Grooming even though says its not the case, parents/siblings can be very covert about the grooming. Heck even with marrying, its just like arranged marriages. and repeated incest births will cause defects. so why permit one generation to do it when its going to cause trouble for other generations if they want to do the same thing

Yeah, sibling incest can definitely come from grooming, or even force.

Children go through some key developmental phases, so for example, a teen could definitely groom their 3-4 year younger sibling.

I've even read about such exmples in psychology books.
Yes, I'm an advanced armchair psychologist neckbeard.

what words do you google to find more pics like this. if i google milf you just get fake ass porn stars, i want the real ugly ass shit like this

>Incest (both physical and yes, emotional, ie. making your child into a codependent "safety net") is abuse that mentally damages the victim even if it "consensual" because of grooming.
>They may not notice it now, but they will once they grow a little older and feel disgusted by it.
I meant for real adult relationships, any person can be groomed and mentally fucked its not limited to children. Maturity and consent laws should still apply for incest.

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seeAlso could raise age of consent to 25+ if your paranoid about grooming.

Good idea. People shouldn't be having sex when they should be studying.

No they don't.
Consenting adults should have the right to arrange their households however they please.
Especially in the case of poly families.

About genetic defects: it's eugenics, and if you want it you should also ban all people with genetic defects from reproducing
about grooming: it can happen in any relationship, and is not essential to incest. Yet you can marry a stepsibling you have been living with since birth, but you cannot marry a close relative you only met when you were both adults.
and being "bad on average" can be said about alcohol, gambling, masturbation, premarital sex and a thousand different things that are still legal today
there are no rational arguments against incest, it's all rationalization of your evolved feeling of disgust

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I honestly feel 18 is an arbitrary age for "adulthood" the frontal lobe is not fully developed till 22~ and even kids that age make poor decisions see insurance driving data. 25 is a better age but by then the body has sustained too much environmental damage proving to be far less reproductively fit than 16 year olds.

25 year olds are past their prime.

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Nah, for the simple reason independent alpha men are happy while independent alpha women are miserable.

I like freedom but in the u.s the state has undeniable interest in your offspring see: Roe v. Wade and its subsequent amendments and just recently heartbeat laws.

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>I like freedom but
No you don't.
Also what the flying fuck does that have to do with poly relationships?
Also does that mean you think the state has a right to decide who can and can not breed as well as practice eugenics?

>and being "bad on average" can be said about alcohol, gambling, masturbation, premarital sex and a thousand different things that are still legal today
I agree but masturbation and premarital sex are healthy. Our species largely evolved under the absence of marriage.

>Consenting adults should have the right to arrange their households however they please.
>Especially in the case of poly families.
What are families largely composed off? Offspring, otherwise as soon as you and your wife dies there is no family. The family unit exist to birth and raise the future.