This is the most mentally insane picture i have. post yours

this is the most mentally insane picture i have. post yours.

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this is the most mentally insane picture i have

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sorry I don't post pics of myself on here.

best 1 i got

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this guy called Xue Jiye makes some pretty insane art

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Here's something from a porn artist I like

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Although, I do unironically believe a lot of what this infographic is attempting to convey.

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How does this one do I think it qualifies

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OP here
heres the original image.

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i love schizographics but i usually dont understand most of the terminology. gonna read it tho

Absolutely kino new age infographic

If you wonder about any of it, I would be happy to attempt to explain what its talking about in a SLIGHTLY less schizo way. But I actually think its relatively straightforward, just some of the focuses and wordchoices make it seem more odd than it would need to seem to a normie.

It's like I'm reading badly translated text

Hi my hello is not good? Is well. Don't deliver fine artisan? John.

Please educate a plebian.
I'm trying to understand this shit but the language mixed with the schitzo structuring makes it hard to read

greetings from beyond the break

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About which thing within it? Anything in particular? I could give a general overview if that's what you would like I suppose, but it relies, of course, on presuppositions that many people, especially browsers of this board, would call crazy or delusional.

What's there to understand? Practice compassion to restructure your DNA, preventing the illuminati from controlling you, and allowing you to transvibrate into the fifth dimension.

The bottom portion
Also the obnoxious color switching

Basically all of it for me. A general overview would be neat

I'm not exactly sure about the color switching, but I could see it being associated with the chakras. Blue-throat, green-heart, red-root. I'm just going to tie in the bottom part for your question with my response to this posterI'm going to attempt to do this as succinctly as possible. Firstly, a couple presuppositions. All energy/light is consciousness. This consciousness which pervades all things is the prime creator they refer to. I am quite fond of the term "intelligent infinity" or "the animating force" personally.

I'm not going to try to explain exactly how non-corporeal bodies form because I am not entirely sure myself, however I believe it to be related to the electromagnetic nature of things. Intents and desires, ideas and thoughts, are all created by this energy, and are charged certain ways themselves. So basically you have this thing akin to what most would call a "soul". This lightbody soul thing (which occupies a higher dimensional space) will animate a flesh-vessel in third density space. Basically, the brain is an antenna that localizes consciousness into a space where it can experience self awareness. The entire universe is like an algorithm constantly spiraling out to build better and better systems to understand itself (evolution). When the lightbody animates the material vessel, it interfaces with the electromagnetic charge of the genes which it is able to resonate with. This is how it "sticks" itself to the body and prevents becoming delocalized. Most of this infographic is talking about this. Basically, as we all know and experience, the apebody vessel has many pulls and desires of its own related to its own evolution and survival. Sex, food, etc. However, ideally, YOU are the consciousness, and you are piloting it, rather than it piloting you. (As a fun aside, I actually believe this is what the NPC phenomena is, people who are solely driven by the apebody).

As far as what it says with "Heritable sin", I'm unsure if I exactly agree with them, but I do think there is some credence to reincarnation actually being like a larger lightbody encompassing smaller facets, which appear in a chain of being, i.e. through reproduction. I tend to think it goes beyond these lines for more advanced consciousnesses, but I do think this is a process all instances of consciousness had to evolve/grow through. Another thing I'll get into though, because I find it particularly interesting, is what it says in relation to 5th density earth.

I will describe it like this:

Imagine a sine wave. In the third density, linear perception of time as we experience in the apebody, you are perceiving from the perspective of a single point moving along the wave. If you were outside of this density, in the 4th density, it would be like perceiving the entire wave at once. Or in another words, experiencing eternity, time as a whole. 5th density would be like seeing that sine wave, but as a superposition of every potential the wave could take based on what is put into the variables of the function that creates the sine wave.

I think the idea is that the earth, and all things, are existing on all dimensions already. Especially given that each dimension above each dimensional contains to totality of the previous. So basically there is a 5th density phase of earth that is existing right now, and it is "heaven" (which is often referred to as ETERNITY). I think the general idea is that as a consciousness experiences and grows/spreads/coalesces more fully back into the source, that it is able to more easily stay in resonance with higher density/dimensional instances of a space.

So basically the tl;dr is it saying be a master of your body and try to get the body in resonance with your lightbody-soul thing, which already exists in eternity, so that is can have better resonance with eternity, stay there, and continue to grow.

Very informative, thanks for sharing user.

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One last thing, just because I love austistically ranting about my theories, is how exactly we perceive linear time.

It has to do with the wave-particle nature. Basically the brain/apebody is like hardware. Its a computer that can't run as fast as eternity, or rather it is incapable of processing the whole. Thus it has to break the eternal now into the instances of linear now that we experience.

Basically we occupy a particle space, and that's the mode our consciousness is perceiving from. So stuck in the particle-moment, we continuously are collapsing the wave function of eternity into the linear time we know. To bring it back to the sine wave analogy once more, to be able to perceive 4th dimensionally and onward, one would see the entire wave function, and not the particle moment it collapses into.

What the fuck does that have to do with genes

If you find it interesting, these are sort of "out-there" sources of information, but check out the Law of One Ra material, as well as the Urantia papers.

All matter is just energy at a slower vibration. Genes are made of matter. The vibrations that they have have to have resonance with the vibrations of the light body. However, the genes will also lead you toward natural survival instincts as I mentioned. You have to balance these. If you go further into what they're talking about, there is the idea of negative entities attempting to sabotage this process, or keep you in the lower vibrational state/mindset of the apebody.

Think of it as something like epigenetic memory.

>this thread
Wtf am I reading even.

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Okay, so I just read Law of One. That's got to be either the religious text of our time or the most captivating sci-fi LARP ever conceived by a human mind.

I would very much agree. Even if it is a larp, I am so impressed by the level of detail that I would commend the regardless. Or even if this was just their theory of the universe and they are using this Ra character to seem like an authority.

It is impressive and intriguing regardless.


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I cant beat metro 2033, that fucking Library

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