Feels thread

How you holdin up Yas Forums?

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I don't know why I feel sad but I am sad. I feel empty.

>tfw no gf
does anyone else know this feel?
or is it just me?

Alright. Got ghosted by a chick I talked to for like 5 minutes, that made me sad. My friend got fucked over today too so I'm trying to help with that. Been secluding myself lately.
It's like Jimi said; loneliness is such a drag.
Honestly I just wish I had someone I could share things with and vent. Being lonely in this way is starting to get to me. I just hope someone's out there.
Oh, all out of cigarettes too. Great.

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Don't worry bro I've had that feel for quite a while now. I just keep telling myself that things will get better and I'll find someone who values me as a person. It'll happen to you too bro. We'll all find happiness eventually.

I'm a med student. Been working with coronavirus patients on the wards and I've gotten a cough, so I'm going to die.

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Sad. I hate my life. I wish I had anyone to actually confide in besides you guys. I wouldnt wish this kind of loneliness on anyone. Dealing with this shit by myself is hell and it makes me wish russia would just launch the nukes already.

Feeling super empty bc I can't go out to eat, I can't go out and drink at the bar occasionally. I'm pretty shut in but fuuu

I finally managed to get a new barbell. they suddenly became hard to get when all the normies couldn't go to the gym, but I always worked out at home anyway, and I'd been using a fucked up one from 6 years ago. they were almost impossible to get for a couple weeks but I lucked out when I found one on amazon for a good price(after being teased before by one being canceled). it's better than the one's I was looking at before too, came with spring collars even, which I call getting a duck with onions(the japanese phrase farfetch'd is based off of).

i can't stop thinking of a guy i rejected on this site because im too anxious to actually have real relationships. i fear I wasted my only chance at ever being with someone genuinely

Not that different from yesterday. Only now corona gives me joy because the normies are suffering

It's tough.
But I got a match on tinder and she seems to be interested at least a little.

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I'm holding on but for what reason I don't know. My heart aches for what never was, and I'm at the level of lonely where talking to people doesn't help because I have no will to carry through.

on one hand, i dont want a gf
but on the other hand, i want a blondie with big milkies
anyone else know this feel?

bored and lonely as fuck spent the last few days just playing ets2 all day

>no job
>no school
>no passion
wat do

I don't even have the confidence to take a pic of myself let alone use tinder...

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Being & feeling alone has ruined me, I can't even form a coherent sentence. Everyday I find myself talking more & more to myself and I keep obsessively reflecting on painful memories, I've fucked myself over the past few months in school, haven't spoken to my family in over a year, everyday I wake up with a painful feeling in my chest and a huge lump in my throat. At this point I'm honestly considering that I'm nearing the end. I'm always so scared & anxious, I can't take it anymore.

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Why not contact your family again? Assuming theyre not toxic, Im sure theyd be glad to hear from you

46ty motivated me to write my own implementation of nihilist encryption/decryption + polybius squares. Not sure if the guys have yet broken nihilist. But i feel great, finally i can do some brain excercises

They're just gonna yell at me & guilt trip me again then ask for money, they always do. I'm not even comfortable speaking to them about anything. They probably think that I'm making good progress in school now and am a couple years away from finishing my degree, but I've conpletely fucked up & I feel trapped. Everytime I have a decent opportunity to do something with my life I ruin it. I didn't make any meaningful progress in the Air Force before I got out and now at school I'm ruining myself again. How can I face them as a complete failure? I'm so ashamed & I hate myself so much.

you sound just like me, bro. I've gotten to the point I wish I could just live off government disability checks because countless trips to the doctor to help with adhd has just left me more confused with meds that fucked me up more.
I talk to myself all the time. Driving alone talking to myself is one of the few things I enjoy these days.

It's an old photo someone else took of me. Unless I've aged poorly I still look about the same.
It's not really a good place for confidence and the girls are all normies....

No bf.
Family hates me right now.
I am a fuck up. Not from drugs, never been pregnant, but just haven't achieved much and always sucked at school.
I feel some people in my life have a sense of satisfaction from my lack of success, while others get a sense of pride to look down at me for it... if that makes sense.
My Grandmother, only person I really care about who really cares about me, is confused and with Alzheimer's, I can't even go see her because of this Covid bullshit.
I hate how my parents gas-light me, both in different but very shitty ways.

I feel good since i know you retards are suffering and i'm not.

>no bf
We can fix that right now.
keep your grandma safe user

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I am on day 4 of nofap and I have been working out a lot so I actually feel pretty good
I've been cheating a bit on the nofap though, I masturbate without porn to cum a little without orgasm to "release the pressure", I have had much less desire to coom

Not doing okay. Extremely suicidal and having constant mental breakdowns. My entire life has been nothing but autism, cringe, embarrassment and anger.

I'm not going to make it to 30.

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Is there any way you can phone her or wherever she's located? I'm really sorry user.

I am turning 23 in 72 hours. I feel old even though realistically I know it is not very old just sort of old. I hate birthdays. With each extra year it feels like my life starts caving in and I am forced to reflect on what I have accomplished so far in life. And so far it doesnt feel like much. Sure, I have a good job, but thats a basic thing. Im saving up right now so I can buy a house in the mountains before I turn 26 so I have that to look forward to. Its gonna feel real nice and comfy. No gf to share it with but thats okay I guess.

The only difference I mentally/emotionally feel is that apathy has grown within me. I went from being a depressed sensitive piece of shit in my teens to an almost full blown nihilist within a matter of years. I cant tell which is worse: caring about your future and being depressed or not feeling depressed but living a meaningless life with no true purpose. Everyday feels painfully empty, but at the same time its an oddly refreshing change from crying everyday over dumb shit. I dont even know. Life is weird bros.

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I am, for the first time in over a year, doing like shit.

I want to get away from my family. They drain my energy, I'm not my true self when I'm around them and I'm wasting my youth living at home. This quarantine is driving me up the wall because I have to deal with them 24/7. When I wake up and hear my parents shuffling around the house I just go back to sleep so I don't have to interact with them for another few hours. I'm so sick of their narcissism and their insecurities and their alcoholism.

what's going on?