Im a drunken bipolar disaster that completely destroys every friendship ive been involved in...

im a drunken bipolar disaster that completely destroys every friendship ive been involved in. im intensely depressed and have backtracked everything ive worked for and now i have nothing. i have no job anymore and am contemplating my own death. how have you been doing during the gayvirus, robots?

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I too suffer from that but the worst aspect of it is the anhedonia
I now drink energy drinks almost daily

Tits or kys the choice is easy

Been doing swell.

i have a fat cock i just thought the picture was cute

I'm actually enjoying the break from wagecucking. Been lifting weights, reading books, cooming and cooking food. Just wish my housemate would man up and fuck me in the ass already. He used to be a total daddy but now he's shaved his beard and he looks like ron jeremy. It's gross.

i googled anhedonia but idk what it is still

Having no pleasure in what you used to and have no pleasure in new things. Basically feeling dull
It's an abyss that I wouldn't wish on anyone

extremely relatable. tried to play 8 different games today and gave up on 3 movies on netflix. hopefully i dont resort to cutting.

Your post is very relatable user

You gotta drink energy drinks, pain pills whatever man
I'd smoke weed again if I knew it could alleviate this
Anything to feel normal again. Even the pills they give you aren't enough

im not medicated for the mental shit. i dont trust it and i have no idea if im right or just being a retard. ive had the mania of deleting all my contacts and accounts and thinking everyone is lying.

For the bi-polar? bruh the meds help with that shit. I've been burned enough times to know
I was talking about the anhedonia. Anyways once you get on meds for the bp you'll notice the difference

is it going to fuck with me and change my personality and shit? ive been hit in the head a ton and knocked out a few times so i think thats making it worse too.

Yeah if you're a guy it will weaken your self drive and make it harder to cum and stay hard sometimes
Personality wise it just makes you like a lawn chair. Or a pillow

exactly why im not taking that shit. id rather be a piece of shit than a complacent fucking doormat softdick.

That's up to you man. The pharmaniggers are evil and won't give us cures without drawbacks
I bet they're in cahoots with the viargras and cialises of the world

The reson a started taking amphetamine every day. Lots of bad things with it but at least i enjoy doing stuff like playing dota now.
Hope you find something that fixes it for you that dosnt break down your body and mind.

Amphetamine is too strong man. And the taste is bitter as hell
I use other pain relievers

Dont want the physical addiction from benzos and opiods but they are pretty nice. With amph i just sleep for a few days and get cravings when i dont have any. Weed makes my paranoid so i dont use it.

Strangly have no problems with chemical tastes like mdma and speed but i mostly snort it.

I'm really thinking of getting back into weed. I've only tried it once but I didn't feel a big difference
Do you know others like us that use weed regularly? Maybe I'll go back on it
but yeah I've had cravings after taking big amounts of it

I dont know seems to effect people very differently it's not for me too easy to get anxiety and paranoia on it but most seem too handle it fine. Only use it with vodka or opiods now best thing about it that i boosts downers.

Then I'll get back into it. Anything is better than being sober and feeling like a black hole

Im type 2 and weed helps alot with the depression and anxiety I have. Also really helps with actually enjoying shit again for sure. And if you have sleeping and appetite problems like me it'll probably help with that too

I should mention this is also after I stopped taling all my meds as well. I fucking hate the way that shit makes me feel and act.

Hope it works for you. It's a safe drug and not hard to quit if it doesnt work so not much to lose.

I'm actually good with appetite it's the enjoying life part that I care about
but thanks for the help famm

Welcome to the club. I'm glad I fit in here

lol, you sound just like me...

how have i been doing? not good, at least in some way i chose to be alone before.

Clean your room, buckobot.

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My room isn't that dirty