I could never see myself proposing to a black girl, or saying I love you

I could never see myself proposing to a black girl, or saying I love you

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Same, fellow black broham

Same here
I'm latino tho

They're not that bad, honest.
The worst part is when they want dick.

Do black girls even have souls? Everyone says gingers have no souls, but I think I've seen black girls that are worse.

why not? Black girls are cute

Funny, cause I could never imagine saying I love you to a white woman. Black woman sure, brazilian woman, definitely, asian women maybe, but a white woman? Soulless. Nice enough people though

Dude I've been around black women my entire life. It's pretty much a rule if they're absolute massive cunts to deal with if they're not lightskin, and even then you gotta be careful. And this is in the suburbs with the educated ones too. The ghetto/woke ones are basically untouchables.

I don't even like white girls anymore solely because they're starting to act like black girls now. I'd rather just go MGTOW and never marry or have kids at this point, it's not worth the stress. I think I have PTSD from black girls, and hearing hand-claps and smelling their stupid hair products just sets me in fight or flight mode.

Hard pass.

I could imagine saying I love you to a white woman like 3 years ago. Now they're more insufferable to be around than black women due to all the woke sjw tranny shit.

Asian/arab/latina women seem like the last bastion of sanity. If they get corrupted too I'm throwing in the towel with w*men.

This is the only type of white girl I'm attracted to, is there something wrong with me?

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Growing up most of the kids in my town were white, and m parents pretty much raised me like them so I never fit in with the other black kids.

Now here I am, I can't find black chicks attractive, and just about every other race is a hit or miss because I'm mixed. I just wish I wasn't short.

You're into sjw women?

>Growing up most of the kids in my town were white, and m parents pretty much raised me like them so I never fit in with the other black kids.

LOL bro there's dudes here that were born and raised in fucking Africa and absolutely want nothing to do with black girls when given any alternative

Don't let your "white" upbringing get to you

speak for yourself as long as she likes the same shit as me im fine

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Nice latinas

Can you stop making black threads please? I'm black too but it's annoying. Maybe once in a while but can we all just be anons on Yas Forums? Thanks

this. the barrage of """"black fembots""""" threads has been fucking ridiculous

indeed, mate, indeed

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Yeah I feel racist but its pretty true, I've never in my life ever said "that black girl looks cute/pretty/beautiful", I've always just thought "they're fucking hot" or "I want to fuck them".

For light skins it's different though, I've definitely had major crushes on light skins before.

I feel the same about women in general. It's just easier to focus on myself, my job, and my hobbies. I've never met a female that I felt that I could trust.

this is why there are so many black fembots

I like black women but I love dabbing on dumb black fembots too so keep it up bro

Good, the quality of most women these days is the lowest it's ever been. Even more so for black women. You're making the right choice. Good on you.

She has to look like pic-related and have the same interests and not be a hood rat for me to fuck with her
t. blackbot

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Theres so many black fembots because they fetishize white guys similar to how white girls do it with black guys then get depressed when they realize they dont matter to them outside of their weird raceplay shit. ive added plenty of black femanons who dip out the moment they learn im black

I just like "alternative" girls robott

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The world doesn't deserve us. It's best if we blacks disappear from the earth

>falling for the fembot meme
They're just attention whores dude. All of them.

same here user. theyre walking red flags but i cant resist

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I pray that no of you white worshipers have children, especially daughters.

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me either, and it isn't because I don't want them, it's because they don't want me.

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