still provide for her?
allow her to stay home and not work a 9-5 job?
have her be your one and only?
would you adopt?
would you force her to allow you to have sex with another woman just to have kids and make her raise those kids?
Would you still wife a girl who couldn't have kids?
>allow her to stay home and not work a 9-5 job?
Stay home doing what exactly?
cleaning? cooking? maybe raising your other kids that you might have?
>still provide for her?
>allow her to stay home and not work a 9-5 job?
>have her be your one and only?
>would you adopt?
>would you force her to allow you to have sex with another woman just to have kids and make her raise those kids?
If she agreed to it and I'd have the other mother raise the kids. Why the fuck would I force her to raise kids that aren't hers? lol
what i meant is like, you'd get a segregate mother i think they're called.
If I was a single dad I'd take a barren woman no problem. It'd probably work out really well.
Then again, single dads have their pick of women, so it might depend on how hot she is.
yes to all but the last two. I don't believe in adopting humans
>so it might depend on how hot she is.
i was thinking something quite good looking. depends on what your type is though
Why is she so ugly now? Guess she had the type of face that doesn't last.
Nah I wouldn't do that. In my religion I can have one more wife and she and I can raise that kid
i wasnt expecting you to be a rich saudi muslim prince desu
sunny is still hot>? what you on about
>Would you still wife a girl-?
how are you this much of a simp lmao
probably a fuckin mormom tbqh
>Would you still wife a girl who couldn't have kids?
>still provide for her?
>allow her to stay home and not work a 9-5 job?
>have her be your one and only?
>would you adopt?
if she wants to
>would you force her to allow you to have sex with another woman just to have kids and make her raise those kids?
hell no
do guys really want a gf this baddly. that she doesnt even have to do anything other than exist and love you and thats good enough.
would marry because fuck condoms and I'd rather come inside of her than to pull out.
in equality era, she needs to support me as much as I would support her.
stay at home when can't have children, unlikely!
would only allow her adopt her younger sister child that I would father.
not him but
>be cute
>love me
that's all she has to do
may I ask for your stats? your datemax? gimme
Having kids sounds horrible. Having a wife or gf sounds wonderful.
>do you want a fun life of daily monogamous bareback sex and free from shrieking rugrats
Gee, I dunno, OP. That's a real tough one.
what are you even talking about. can you try and type out a coherent thought without sounding like faggot high schooler
If she has those features, and isn't a complete idiot in maintaining a house, she's a keeper. I'm not even talking about her being a stay-at-home gf/wife, she can have a job or whatever, but I'll be damned if I have to order food every day.
no because
1) you aren't a girl
2)even if you were a girl and liked most of my stats you wouldn't be my gf
so its actually better for you? more ideal. interesting
This works out great because I don't want kids. I'd wife her, pay for all her expenses and let her not work, but in exchange, she'd have to be my ABDL mommy after I get home from work every night.
and this is why you are an autistic virgin on r9k, faggot.
you want her to dress as a baby? wtf.
No. I would be the baby.
god marky is so beautiful. thanks for the pic
dont kid yourself buddy, nobody is going to like your stats. nobody is going to like your insecurity either.
marky aint bad looking yeah. she needs some sugar cubes tho
>on r9k
everyone on the internet is a faggot
but you discord trannies forgot that was just a meme
why are you telling me something i already know?
i dont have anime as my profile picture mate. im in the clear.
Yes. I don't want kids. I have nothing against them, I just know my family and don't want to propagate their genes. I'd only have kids if my wife wanted them.
>still provide for her?
This is what I want.
>allow her to stay home and not work a 9-5 job?
This is also what I want. I'm not against her having a job, I just want to be with her when I'm home.
>have her be your one and only?
>would you adopt?
I'm not a fan of adoption unless it's a bizarre scenario, like it's my friends' kids and they died.
>would you force her to allow you to have sex with another woman just to have kids and make her raise those kids?
I think that's disgusting. If she wanted me to do it, I mean, I want to say I wouldn't but I might be in love and incapable of saying no. I've never felt love before so I can't say.
>he isnt even a robot.
jump off a bridge buddy
sunny is so hot id love if she couldnt get pregnate id get so much use out of her if that was the case.
Yes, it would be absolutely ideal for me. If she just can't have kids I don't have to worry about her changing her mind or leaving me for someone who will indulge her baby fever. The desire for children is not a magical feeling all humans share, the only reason robots are chomping at the bit to have kids is because they're naive and they think it'll cure their depression. I guarantee you the same anons would blow their brains out if they had to trade lives with working class, married fathers in the current year.
>these are the thoughts trannies have because they literally believe the only difference between them and real girls is the ability to bear children.
nah mate, im not a tranny and everybody knows about chromosomes. gotta be said though, that image is extremely gay
>wanting kids
Lets feed her sugar cubes out of the palm of our hands like she's a horse.
better be sure to give her carrots as well! she needs a balanced diet
>that image is extremely gay
>would you force her to allow you to have sex with another woman just to have kids and make her raise those kids?
Why not let her be a dom and forcing women to take her place as breeding stock?
No, gotta fatten her up. Time to make some Pierce Brosnan tier gains.