I'm 30, good looking and make very good money

I'm 30, good looking and make very good money.
I like this 18 yrs old girl from chuch. Good chance she likes me.
Suggestions on how I should go about wifing her?

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Pic related.
Similar haircut

Find someone your own age old man

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it really depends on where you live, but if you date an 18 yo you will destroy your reputation in that town. she probably wont be interested because she would rather date some college kid who is gonna be a doctor or some shit

Do you know where you're at fren?

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Don't listen to the seething old roasties and go get that prime puss

Why? I can provide things that guys her age cant'.

Your mental age is so much more than hers its impossible to have a real relationship. Shes still just a child zoomer that doesnt know shit about herself and shell just milk your old desperate ass for money. Try to find an equal for real companionship unless you just want the coochie.

Reputation wouldn't be an issue in the community here. Her parents have a similar age gap.
She just got into college and I think it's better to wife her before it's too late, not to mention that this is the best age for a woman to become a wife.

Seethe more post-wall roastie,

Can you explain exactly why you think this girl likes you?

18 year old male zoomer try again incel

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We had our moments.

Isn't that a pic of a tranny? I'll pray for her

I'm going to be honest with you, shes probably just trying to be nice. I find it extremely unlikely that she would be interested, just ask her and see what happens.

I can see it happening in a few years, but since she's starting college and all, I'm afraid I have to expedite the process.

Stop lying.
Marry a roastie.
And have kids with her.
Then get divorced.

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She's. 18. All the girls at my church lost their virginity long before they turned 18. Except that one ugly chick. I'm glad I waited though.

Women don't mature mentally, you idiot. How many women do you know? They stay dumb teens forever.

Kek. Imagine thinking you had looks and money, then coming to Yas Forums, the haven of turbovirgins and nice guys, to look for advice. No, OP. Shes not interested in someone who clearly lacks confidence or common sense.

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You hurt my feeling so bad...
But perhaps I should've made this thread on /adv/

Nice try FBI
Not today CIA
Dirty tricks, MI6

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I'm an 18 year old girl I'm nice to older men because they think that if a woman isn't always extremely friendly than she hates them and she's literally the worst person on earth. Also she's a christian she was raised to be nice if you try it update us with a link to this thread but I don't recommend

Fuck off grandma, young girls are great for marrying

Do you think it's better to ask her out or to straight up ask her to be my wife?

My only advice is to be genuine, let her learn about the world and experience new cities n such if she hasn't left her home town. And hope she finds it best with you.

The problem is that there is no way of making a move without risking major awkwardness if she says no. I used to go to her house and I'm friends with all her family.

>asking r9k how to get a wife

>The problem is that there is no way of making a move without risking major awkwardness if she says no.
> no way
Uh, lol?
Just ask her out on activities and if someone (or even her) asks if they are platonic say of course. Then on those activities ask her about what she thinks about what she wants in her life and the future. It's all plausbily deniable but still going directly towards your objective (or realizing it's not going to work out without telling your hand).

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>posts girl (male)
Get her (him) OP, we believe in you

>expedite the process
just get her contact info and keep in touch spergbro. maybe flirt just a bit