where are the black weeb girls that play vidya? im tired of generic video hoe thots
Where are the black weeb girls that play vidya? im tired of generic video hoe thots
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There are some youtube Channels, pelvic games, sunbooksgames, and bobdunga, maybe I wrote them wrong, sunbook is a mutt from a white father
Another jungle fever thread, yuck.
*pelvic gaming
Anyway, the one I love is bobdunga, she a cute and needs to be protected
Chasing after black men who don't want them
I am not white, so go seethe somewhere else
holy shit i always got ads for her channel on mobile lmao
That's weird, maybe one of the guys trying to fuck her works for google
>I am not white
Carry on then. I'm sick of other white robots and their racemixing obsession.
There's a few I saw in Vegas. My sister found out about Papa Roach from one in the early 2010s.
I discovered papa roach because of the WWE song
Here you go.
Also FYI black female weebs are fucking agents. They're not actually into that shit and feign an interest to get access to nerdy-black men. At some point in the 2010s black women realized that the "nerdy black male" was the prime candidate to take his black nerd salary, and jump ship and marry a white girl or an Asian girl. They could just say "I'm nerdy black girls didn't like me" and get off Scott free. Black girls wised up to this and are now pretending to be into anime that was out of style years ago. Ghetto bitches with Naruto headbands and a bunch of cringe shit. They still don't want to fuck these black men they just want a backup to wife them up as a backup option after getting dicked down by thugs and white guys.
I'm so glad I jumped ship from weeb/vidya culture. A bunch of nerdy niggas are gonna get fleeced in the next 10 years when they marry the "nerdy black girl who understands them" (LOL) and get rocked in divorce court for bullshit. I found some other alt-shit to get into that black chicks haven't infiltrated yet.
Have fun with the sheboons
if i didnt want them i wouldnt have made this thread user.
>tfw black weeb gf
Bruh who is the kung fu wolf bitch and is she canon single?
Get a white girl.
i just beat horizon zero dawn. surprised so see so many of us blacks in a game that's so white, if that makes any sense. lovely game though
>so many blacks in a game that is so white
What are you talking about? The characters?
the story and setting is very white. i'm not ectly sure on second thought, but with all the nordic kind of promo material i saw i figuredit was a whites only type of game.
Your worldview is unhealthy.
I am clearly talking with a black person because you didn't explain shit, the game is post apocalyptic and settled in a place full snow, so people dress and use resources according to the place they live in, it is not nordic, but you still didn't explain what are you talking about?
>who is the kung fu wolf bitch
one off lonly and crazy woman with attachment issues from the boondocks
> is she canon single?
yes but shes also dead
Are you talking about the game having a lot of black characters? Yes or no
i really loved the tear ability, seeing a huge chunk of a monster fly off, taking away a weapon, that was super cool, it looked breathtaking too
ah i remember her now
>tfw S4 never because McGruder is too based and also because RIP pops
When will blacks accept that they are fucking retarded?
I know more smart black people than I do whites. Can't stay off that meth.
Germany is fucked hahaha
yeah, it didn't feel forced either, very nice thing about it
I'm a burger, bud.
It was a joke, like your life
game looks fun but i never bought pos4 and now that its on steam im broke so i stick with tekken and other games
when i stop scoring higher than my white peers bud
If blacks are considerated smart in that country then no wonder it is becoming a shithole full of slums
So when the system stops giving you free points for being black? Having high grades in a shit career like human resources means nothing as well
this is honestly all i wanted as a teenager but nowadays ive gone back to being attracted to black girls. it feels like most of them just like black guys because its "exotic" or some shit
Or because it is endorsed by society?