25 year old male loser

>25 year old male loser
>browsing Yas Forums for last 4 years
>end up internalizing certain things from this board
>specifically what robots often criticize women for
>figure this thing is a moral wrong
>decide that romance and relationships shouldn't be defined by physical attraction
>end up dating a Discord friend who has gender dysphoria
>because I said before I would date him if he were a woman
>agreed to be my girlfriend
>we do text ERP stuff and talk as a couple a bunch
>I fall in love with the idea of her (?) and vice versa
>she (?) helped me get through a lot of painful and tough stuff
>lots of cute romance shit
>eventually shows me her face
>very masculine mannish guy face with long hair, no make up, some stubble
>become disgusted but brush it off
>months later I can't stop thinking about how I'm in a relationship with someone I'll never be attracted to
>not sure what to do, I have strong feelings but no positive physical reaction
This isn't fair. This isn't fucking fair. I love this person, they love me, but I'm not gay so it's all going to go to shit.
I'll never have anyone who loves me or cares for me like this literal DIscord tranny does and we'll never be able to consummate those feelings. I've started something my body refuses to follow through with. Why can't I just find this man-looking person attractive? I will never have another chance at love this good.
Women are wretched, vast majority of divorces are caused by the man losing his job. Yet, I have no job and this person wants to be with me forever and I want to be with them forever.

but I will always be disgusted by how they look and as a result we will never have a true relationship.
I don't know what to do. I want to keep living and be happy with them but my body may not allow me to become invested in a person whose face and body disgusts me.

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if you cant sex it then leave it

not fair to either of you, sexual relationships only work if there's attraction

maybe pursue a different kind of relationship

Don't know what to tell you.
That is a very difficult situation to be in.

Is it the pain of having to break it off and hurt their feelings you're scared of? Or the fear of really not being able to find another relationship as caring if you do? Both?

Honorary e-thot right here. I feel horrible for your victim.

it's not fair to her for you to continue the relationship while you feel like this. you can be intimate without being in a relationship.

>your victim
What do you mean?

"Hey I'll just play make-believe with a trans person even though I'm not attracted to trans people. It will feel good for a little while."
Maybe you should re-internalize how that shit isn't OK.

wow so this exact situiation is more common than I thought, except I've been browsing for longer and since younger and even before I saw a picture I couldn't be dissuaded regardless

>strong feelings but no positive physical reaction
idk if I can help op besides just saying stop letting your apebrain fuck this for you. if you actually like them as a person then who gives a shit what they look like. unless you are just using them as an outlet because you can't get a female to like you, in which case, go fuck yourself.

I guess its just what you want op. Do you want to have a connection with somebody? you can always just keep it as an emotional thing if your body truly refuses.

OP let me tell you something. One of the most precious things in life is Time.
If your relationship has an expiration date, you should end it ASAP. Don't waste yours or somebody's else time, cuz months or years from now you'll deeply regret it.
Specially when they care about you and don't see the relationship the way u do, since feeling tend to grow stronger as time passes by.

Both, they're definitely happier than they were since dating me. I'm happier than I was since dating them. I'm afraid I may never be this happy again.

I don't want to feel good for a little while with this person, I want to feel good with them for the rest of my life. I'm just afraid that neither of us will feel good if I can't somehow make myself physically attracted.

if you're straight and she doesn't pass you're not going to be attracted to her. stop indulging in fantasies

Yeah you basically led on a marginalized person by pretending to have sexual preferences you don't actually have. I won't belabor the point, though. I hope ypu break up with her as gently and as soon as possible. At least try to mitigate the damage you're doing in terms of false expectations and wasted time.

why would you fall in love with someone you arent even attracted to lmfao. this is why I ask for butthole pics and face pics within 1 hour of talking to anyone.

I genuinely like her as a person. Before getting really bothered by the idea that my lack of physical attraction could hurt this relationship, I wanted this to last forever.

We also both talked about the possibility of this happening but never really explored what it could mean or where we would go if it did actually happen.
>Do you want to have a connection with somebody? you can always just keep it as an emotional thing if your body truly refuses.
I don't know if this is possible, she seems to hyperprioritize people she's in a relationship with and doesn't value friendship much. I can still be there for her and talk like we used to, maybe.

When she first asked her out, I said no for this exact reason. I said yes months later when the topic came up again partly because she said she wanted to be my girlfriend (she was identifying as male with gender dysphoria she shelved the first time), partly because I thought it was wrong to let physical attraction get in the way of what I saw as strong romantic feeling. Partly because we did this 2 week trial period thing to see if I'd be okay with the relationship.

However, I'm positive I fucked up and was being greedy without thinking. This makes me upset, I somehow deluded myself into thinking what I was doing fine, morally right even. But now, I kinda feel like a piece of shit.

I never lied and said she was attractive (or told the truth and said she was mannish, I'm not rood) but I think I gave her false hope in myself when I shouldn't had.
I wish I just said no.

>When she first asked her out
asked me out*

OP you're a very considerate person and unfortunately just in a really tough spot.
This is coming from a trans person.
I don't have any advice though.
Good luck.

it's ok we all make mistakes. just do the right thing now.

I thought looks wouldn't matter or could be overlooked.

I was too harsh. You both at least discussed the potential for this for to happen, so it's not as bad as what I envisioned. I owe you an apology.

It's okay, user.

Thank you.
I may just stick with her to the bloody end. We will both get old eventually, meaning 20+ years of not being really attracted to each other.
I'd rather grow to be an old fuck sitting in rocking chairs, looking at the sunset, next to her than any hot thot I've met in my life.
But I'm also afraid that the bond we build won't be strong enough to get to that point if we're never able to consummate our love or even feel comfortable cuddling, kissing and all the other stuff she deserves.

>>browsing Yas Forums for last 4 years
Election fag tourist. Get off my board.

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>meaning 20+ years of not being really attracted to each other.
regardless of what happens*, since we'd be saggy old fucks at that point lol

I visited on and off but Yas Forums was never my main board before 4 years ago.

I've been on Yas Forums for 12-13 years. I recall being on Yas Forums for the curtails of Japan time.

Was also here on Yas Forums for brother oats and peepeepoopoo, forget if that was 2014/15 or 16.

Lolol you gay retard. You know your a homo faggot right?

you got catfished dude

and now you pay the price

>because I said before I would date him if he were a woman
>agreed to be my girlfriend
>we do text ERP stuff and talk as a couple a bunch
>I fall in love with the idea of her (?) and vice versa
>she (?) helped me get through a lot of painful and tough stuff
>lots of cute romance shit
>eventually shows me her face

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Nah, I didn't get catfished. I knew what I was getting into and talked about it with her. It just didn't hit me as hard as it does now until some time after I saw their face.

You memed yourself into a tranny relationship because you wanted to prove a bunch of teenagers on r9k wrong AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

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>I feel horrible for your victim.
I feel horrible for the victims of your transprop.
>even though I'm not attracted to trans people.
No one is attracted to trans people lol.
>Yeah you basically led on a marginalized person
The irony of transprop projecting their own sins on others

>not being really attracted to each other.
You spent the whole post about how you don't feel like fucking her. This is the only line you ever said about how she feels about you and, frankly, I don't think you were actually talking about her either. You should make a sincere effort to find out how she actually feels about you (and other people in general) physically and what kind of future she wants with you or generally.

This issue has nothing to do with trans, btw, a man and woman can have a beautiful relationship destined for hell if one wants to settle down and the other doesn't. Are either of you polyamorous, btw. Ignore the victim-worshippers, it's just as unfair to be loved by someone you don't love as it is to love someone who doesn't love you (but, again, you've never actually clarified or asked what exactly she feels about you/the future I believe, so clarify that first).

Regarding being repulsed by their appearance, if you just admit that to yourself then you should be able to be affectionate and sexual to them as a person a bit by ignoring their appearance and focusing on them and what they are feeling. It's important to be able to do that to show care thru sexuality even if the sexuality is repulsive.

Don't do nothing or try to ignore the issue, it has to be resolved. Bumping:
>OP let me tell you something. One of the most precious things in life is Time.
> If your relationship has an expiration date, Don't waste yours or somebody's else time

Do find out more about what she really wants, it seems you are just guessing on many points.
>hyperprioritize people she's in a relationship with /doesn't value friendship much

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I say Yas Forums but the idea that you should be able to love anyone based on their personality and not just how they look has been with me since I was a teenager.
Also, doing this successfully would prove Yas Forums RIGHT, since the criticism against women is that they're looks based and not personality based. The implication being that people can and should love for more than just looks.