Girl I've been talking to for 3 months ask for dick pick

>girl I've been talking to for 3 months ask for dick pick
>dick is only 5 inches
>try to take a pic
>looks tiny as fuck
>try to abuse angles
>STILL looks small

Fucking hell bros, I'm never gonna have sex am I?

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RIP you and your micropeen

Well have you sent it to her yet? Do you want to send her a pic of mine? It's pretty big

Your small dick wouldn't be a problem if women were all slaves and had no human rights.
Men are slaves and have no right to intact genitals.

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If you don't own women, women own you.
Unless you're a NEET.
Sex isn't everything, especially if you don't have an intact penis.

Ure fucked, but u can still do some good deeds. How about telling her to send nudes and posting em here?

schnozzle dicks please leave. Nobody cares for your fearmongering

Lol just send someone else pic dick head

Who raised you

Is your dick brown?

Imagine being insecure about penis size

Noone gives a fuck, and only worthless whores care about it

So Are you saying all women are worthless whore? Hahaha sir the fuck down

It originally is not

Just because I point out that men are the slaves who maintain and create civilization while women mutilate baby dicks and that women should be slaves with no human rights because either women are slaves to men or men are slaves to women doesn't make anything fearmongering. Stop being a woman.

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Fuck man I know that feel as some who has only 8 inches (Bellow average) I cant tell you the amount of time Ive been fucking a girl and completely go soft because of the fear that shes not really into it and shes making fake moans and its just hell to live like this my fellow robots.

Apparently you've only talked to men posing as women. Both of the women I've actually been in relationships with didn't care. Aesthetically it was nice, but tongue and fingers were better most of the time anyway - the clit is the pleasure center for women.

This is why female circumcision needs to be recommended by all physicians. Women don't deserve pleasure if I don't have a foreskin.

Try to shave it it make it look bigger.

>a slave to X
>a slave to Y
You are posting free albeit dumb speech on the internet, no? Men aren't slaves to women or society men create society out of sheer will and intelligence and women are guests here.

Lol! Guests. Guests with more power, freedom, and privilege than 99.99% of their hosts. You are a fool.

guests with less money, less mobility (socially and economically as well as politically) and depending on which shitty state they live in they can't even abort something on their own.

yeah guests, who eat at the kiddies table more like it

Either do it anyway because most people don't think about this all the time or tell her you're insecure I guess

None of that is true, you stupid cunt. Circumcision is worse than rape. Women can marry up very easily if they aren't ugly or sluts,

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>women can marry up
women have to marry up, that is the difference you are overlooking. you wreak of sexlessness btw

Young women make more than young men, you mongoloid. They get more degrees. They get more welfare, they get to murder babies inside them and force men they lied to to be fathers.

You'd have to be a genuine retarded person to think women are worse off than men. Women own men. They benefit from unending affirmative action and free shit from all over the place. They don't have to work becaus elf cultural norms and still out earn young men. You screwed us. Anyone who doesn't hate women is a huge fucking faggot.

you can't kill a baby and force someone to be a father to it user... because it is deadsies. But really women aren't respected the way men are on a domestic and even international scale. The msm and whatever reddit you crawled out of might have you believing otherwise (see: echochamber) but the fact remains that everything you said is not only stupid, it is wrong. When was the last time you saw a woman president, user? I'll wait

you understand that AA is regarding race, right? it has nothing to do with women like at all

No, dumbass. women have benefitted from a coddling so ridiculous. The bend wage gap existed. It was reversed two whole fucking decades ago.

when was the last time you spoke to a woman?

The gender wage gap was reversed a long time ago. And it only existed because women were lazy. The only reason you don't know that is because you take old men into account when calculating the wage gap. Men are getting poorer, that's one reason why women aren't getting married. They don't want some poor guy.

I also have a 5 inch penis user.
why do they feel bigger than they are?

why does my penis look bigger when i'm looking at myself in the mirror?

I've looked this up and apparently the birds-eye view we have of our penises makes them look a little smaller
something about them being compared right next to our massive legs that makes them look that way

but yeah i've noticed when checking myself out erect in the mirror that my penis is pretty good size desu

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>6 inch length
>5 inch girth
>tfw almost had perfect penis but instead have pencil dick

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>10 in length
>7 in girth
Still below average, though.

it's not that men are getting poorer, it is that you are becoming less useful that a WOMAN can actually compete for your job.. imagine that. you know how embarrassing this is for you? meanwhile the system in place allowed the already rich to slice their overhead in half if they can pay two people (man and/or woman) to do the same job. the government also wins with more income to tax. but you wouldn't understand this on account of being a dumb baby with an IQ low enough that you are worried about a woman supplanting you in society. shiggy doo

A couple hours ago. And they were less retarded than you. Which is amazing because I'm sure you aren't even a woman,

and when was the last time you touched a woman?

>you have low IQ
Wrong again.

Why would I want to touch women?

Nice attempt at demoralization, tranny

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Take from top and push down on the surround skin, with your hand grabbing it. Push down for additional length-boosting. But, really, it doesn't matter. If the girl likes you she really won't care. All the size posting is memes, vaginas return to their original size after like a week or two of not having sex. The vagina itself is only like 3 inches deep max and it's size conforms to the penis. When they get aroused, it expands and 80% of their nerve endings are at the opening. Seriously, don't stress over the siZe. You're fine bro. If she likes then it really doesnt matter.

Realize that most of the posts on this board on done by virgins and the rest are mostly guys making jokes and roasting the virgins. Take everything on this board with a grain of salt.

that is all you come back with? because you realize everything else I said was one hundred fifty percent grounded in reality? you are useless, scared of being overtaken by women *rightfully so* and the jew wins again because he has you fighting your in group. congrats

I've been asked for two dick pics in my life and got complimented on both of them and I'm nothing special size wise. You're gonna make it user.

why would a woman ever want to touch you? not that you need be concerned

>Apparently you've only talked to men posing as women.

You mean like you right?

What? I'm not claiming to be a woman, but I'll take the bait user

I mean earlier when you were pretending to be a woman.