How do i cope with being genetically inferior?

How do i cope with being genetically inferior?

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>Be me
>Blond hair and 'haunting' gray eyes
>Ghost white skin
>Constantly asked by new people I meet if I am some sort of Norwegian/Swedish-Asian hybrid

It hurts to live.

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Why do you need to cope? Everyone is inferior to someone else in some respect. The likelihood of someone being born with every possible advantage is basically 0.

Yes but some people are born inferior to the average person

just bee urself haha

that's based, user. just LARP as a viking

do you have a disability or are you a retard?

post pic i am curious now

I'd rather have your features than mine...
>br*wn hair
>br*wn eyes
>ugly face
it's obvious god hates me
not funny
i cried

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We weren't Vikings. Vikings were afraid of us because they thought our tempers controlled the weather so we couldn't even sail on their boats.

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who cares, you will be on top unless you're a degenerate or a faggot, you will always be above someone else.

>be me
>be black (not mixed European, Mexican or Native either)
>be 6 feet 3
>shortsighted, almost blind without glasses
>Don't like other blacks, only get allong well with asians and mexicans
>Dick is barely 4 inches erect, barely 3 inches flaccid
your pain will never be as big as mine

hey at least you're not a shithuanian like me :(

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Yes I have aspergers syndrome

you have one chance at life, make the best of it or die trying.

>142.5 IQ
>Autistic man
>Know how to totally destroy myself and others, but don't because I'm an excellent IRL gamer
>Enjoy life without people
>Shoot animals, take photos, and cum to it later with tenga fliphole
>Sterling health, using all of my intelligence all day
>Creative genius

I just wish I had power to drive.
Then my games would really begin. I know someday I will.

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disgusting, you're literally the mutt meme.

Post your creative stuff

i'm a bloody manlet, mate...
same :(
>make the best of it
literally impossible in my case

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Wow you're racist.

definitely a larp
you sound like Dennis from IASIP

yeah and? so what faggot, cry me a river.

I draw some stuff, but my creativity mostly comes out when I play online video games, and in real life. I can triple my money without lifting a finger.

But I'm smarter than 98% of the white male populace.

If I could peel my skin and turn into a 225 IQ Hapa I would.

you have to go back you toddler. Cat posting is fucking cringe

Oh I get why now, you're an edgelord.

>But I'm smarter than 98% of the white male populace.

and? what does that have to do with anything? you're genetically disgusting, the thought of you makes repulsed.

rather rude of you

Just give up, it's easy and you don't gotta worry after that.

fuck off and drink your onions, i'd slit your parents throats and mutilate their bodies.

>you're genetically disgusting

I would be a bloat fly if it had double a human IQ and retained capability.

I genuinely do not care about anything other than power.

>0.3% jew
no shit you do, pal.

I've already given up, however the feeling of failure is still looming over me

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