what do gay people think of her
What do gay people think of her
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Straight guys like lesbian stuff too. It's kind of weird but it doesn't hurt anyone I guess.
You forgot their predilection for growing body/facial hair.
I knew someone like this when I was in middle school, luckily she grew out of it. Im pretty sure she's autistic
Fujoshi are like neckbeards but 50x worse.
They also smell about as worse. The eyewatering stench of a fujoshi makes a neckbeard's scent seem like roses by comparison.
I've only talked to one fujo and she was a total bro (in a good way). Would date her if it were possible.
A fujo gf sounds based as a bifag
Gay men love them, but only as a cover for them when they have to be straight for their unironic trad family
Who cares what gay people think?
Gay people are mentally ill.
Homosexuality is a coercive paraphilia.
They're harming themselves and others.
It should be illegal like how ingesting poison is illegal.
Gays can't consent, they're mentally incompetent rapists.
>yaoi hands
Ahhh that picture reminds me of someone I know, I'm at work so I can't talk to her and it's killing me!!!!
>Straight guys like lesbian stuff too.
Lies. Lesbian porn is the more boring shit on Earth. No guy over the age of 13 enjoys that shit.
low energy
I hate yaoi simply because it gave me an unrealistic expectation than gay men were cute, when in reality most are disgusting.
Yeah either that or you have a fetish for it because lesbian porn fucking sucks and not even actual lesbians will watch it
thats basically me tbhqhqhq
We dislike her fetishizim
Haven't seen a yaoi paddle in years.
What a weird thing to get nostalgic for, considering I thought they were gross even back then.
It fucking astonishes me that fujos even exist, and I say that as a hikkiNEET.
I may have fucked up life but at least I can practice basic hygiene. Somehow that's too much for them.
i dont mind it, i dont know why someone sexualizing me would be offensive?
>high rate of stds
>high rate of suicide
>hedonistic buttgasms that damn your soul to hell
It's a coercive paraphilia. Just like fetishized canibalism or suicide. You can't consent to it.
Gay sex is rape.
Gay men are female supremacist stooges.
there's a reason for that, and it has to do with the Yas Forums panel at otakon. there's also not a Yas Forums panel at otakon anymore.
Do they actually exist,or is that just something that anime and internet make fun of?
i had a friend like this in middle/high school but she grew out of it and became a lesbian like a good chunk of fujoshis tend to do
i want to cum inside fujoshi
Oh they're very real.
that's unfortunate
>tfw no fujo gf that likes to feminize and peg me
Nothing regular showers and deodorant can't fix, I'm down
Provides more of a marker for gay anime so yes
But they have the absolute worst taste so no
Meant to say market originally lmao