Favourite's thread, don't post unless you rate someone else's
User's Favourites
could you post blank user?
im gay
>Likes Tito
Incredibly based user
Plainfag with 0 personality reporting in
A fine choice of Soft drink, OP
colt 45 is cool
accordion is cool too
im sure you have lots of personality user
k98 used to be my favorite weapon
Damn, no hobbies? What do you do all day? Just watch anime and drink Dr. Pepper?
Based. We have a lot in common, user. Most of your favourites are things I really like as well.
>Damn, no hobbies? What do you do all day? Just watch anime and drink Dr. Pepper?
Lol. No, I just F5 this shithole. I know, sad.
Also based movie
Best mommy in porn, great drink
All around cool guy
Neat movie, great show, best Spiderman
>gordon ramsay
Most of the categories here are shit.
Also the roller blade is the specific one I use. Only rocker frame though
What are some better categories user
Nice, I barely started watching it, I'm in like season 3 or 4
>Dr. Pepper
Based. I could have gone with Barq's but Dr Pepper is a second favorite.
Such and underrated instrument
+Dr pepper
Based German user
That was my childhood, so that's a plus from me
Rap is degenerate of all degenerates.
I would have gone with a sawed off, but that's good, too.
Italian food is my favorite.
+Cactus cooler
I really want one, but they don't have any in my state, unless I order online.
I preferred the first one, desu.
>ghost in the shell
>david graeber
>deus ex
>metro train
>the office
>the hobbit
>irn bru
>fried chicken
it's me, some english nerd
This is the only guy who likes flamethrowers? That's all?
I don't wanna live like this anymore. I don't wanna live at all. I don't wanna make this face anymore. If I don't that's all
you seem very boring user
sorry for being so fucking lazy
as said originally
smokes, sam hyde, and cats. 10/10 from the most boring person in the thread.
that's pretty cute. me and daniel johnston share a birthday and sometimes i think i was him at some point it would explain the goo goo crazy
you should order some user, theyre really good and arent as overwhelming as regular soda
and for the shotgun, my main problem with sawed off is accuracy and ammo capacity. if i really need something for cqb id probs just use a full size with a folded down stock
forgot to rate
get a fucking hobby/10
>halo, bill burr, blade runner, guitar, mob psycho, kar98, Ron Paul
based as fuck
>TF2, shotguns
jesus christ, how many Bill Burr fans are there? I know he's somewhat mainstream but nobody I talk to with in my job has ever heard of him
nice music
pretty based
srry im fckn lazy
I like your grids.
Original post.
Keep in mind I choose what I liked best to replace "favorite"
because for most categories I don't have a real favorite but a couple I like best
so I put one of those there
No one has better taste than me, literally no one.
Everything from food to animal is based
pretty based user, we share almost the exact same favourites in most categories
I really love motorhead but I prefer Maiden though
Understandable, however Priest > maiden