i took much lsd.
im havin a bad trip
I took much lsd
get fucked normalfag bitch
nigger how am i normie
i got no friends bro
Hahahahahaha you think that makes you a robot? Show me your fucking pissjug or jog on, nigger.
Just stop being high user
omg nasty
i love lsd tho
No, you're an addict.
do u need help
someone to talk to?
how many times have you done this
are you alone or with people
if youre alone all you have to do is chill out and just go with it
Why are my testicles so cold?
dunno put on a blanket lol
no such thing as a bad trip user
safe travels bro
vasoconstriction from the drugs. i hope you tested that acid user
Dude do I have testicle torsion? It feels like they're in a vice. Someone is squeezing them like a lemon.
get fucked druggie scum
get fucked druggie scum
if this wasnt happening before you were high then you're probably just imagining it and can ignore it until tomorrow
>if you love LSD you're automatically addicted
no. LSD is my favourite drug but I haven't taken it in years, no current plans to do it either.
its cuz ur shitposting right now. listen to some music and stare out the window or something
Spread your legs and dont overheat them
lol nah bro its the acid
LSD is really hard on the body for me, hurts my dick my stomach and my neck
user my balls are in a vice. Imagine a boxer speedbagging with these nuts.
Get some phenibut. It works wonders for stopping bad trips and getting rid of anxiety.
Oh man same I hate that shit, it comes in waves. Ill feel intense pains on the comedown that would make me goto the doctor if I wasnt on acid.
NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE imagine if you or somebody you care for got into a car crash, imagine the world ending, imagine being stuck in this trip forever, imagine all the monsters from those horror film in your room!
Being on r9k alone is asking for a bad trip
nevermind the bugs crawling under your skin
You'll be alright. Eat something sweet.
Why the fuck are you on r9k then? Go turn on some Kingston Wall and dim the lights. Burn some incense and eat fruit.
why do you have this gif?
Not him but i piss in bottles and my family knows, so whats the next step for us?
took, or consumed?
Have you pissed the bed recently?
>the stuff that takes 4+ hours to kick in
dont think thats stopping much of anything, it is fun tho