I just lost my virginity to a girl in my apartment by trading her two rolls of toilet paper for sex...

I just lost my virginity to a girl in my apartment by trading her two rolls of toilet paper for sex. If you aren't using this pandemic to get laid then you are doing it wrong. I have over 600 rolls of toilet paper and I am going to see how many hotties I can trade sex for toilet paper.

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was she hot?

what are you going to do if you got her pregnant?

fake fake
fakeriono boys

This didn't happen but ok buddy boyo

No and she was black but I don't really care because I am not a virgin anymore. My apartment has a private FB page so I am trying to see who else is willing to do this. There is a qt Asian I am talking to now. She is worth at least 5 rolls of toilet paper.

OK now I believe you. Most wouldn't brag abiut fucking a black chick.

Green text the whole ordeal pls

How did that kind of thing even go down Lmao

>be me
>active on our apartment complexes private FB group
>people occasionally beg for things
>some neighbor in my building randomly messaged me and asked if I had TP to spare
>I do but I am a hoarder and didn't want anyone to know that so I tell her "not much"
>she asked if she can trade anything for it and I said now I have everything I need
>she said "you sure there isn't anything I can give you" and sent me a winky emoticon
>I ask "Are you asking to have sex with me"
>she says yes
>I think about it, knew she was not attractive and black but I am sick of being a 22 year old virgin
>go with it
>was actually not bad once I closed my eyes
>she said anytime I want to come by

Now I am trying to see who else in my building is willing to do this. I have a bunch of qts I am scouting and assigned TP values to them. There is one white hipster cunt who I know won't do it for less than 10 rolls. This is why I am scouting a petite Asian girl next. Going to message her tonight and see what happens.

HAHAHAH this is epic. Post the conversation bro. Please. Obviously blur out the names and pics. I need to see this.

how retared do you have to be to believe this. tp is not that scarce and if you were a 22yo virgin a few rolls wouldnt be enough for even the ugliest diarrea infested ho to sleep with you. post the back and froth between you two in your fb chat with names blacked out op

On the 1% chance that OP isn't making shit up, it's likely that the girl would have had sex with him TP or no TP. The TP was just a conversation starter, basically.

fair point i should have mentioned that as well. im actually hoping this happened so he tthink this is normal and starts messaging random girls in his apartment complex for sex and getting evicted

I'll try to get it on phone now so I will see what I can blur.

People are desperate. All over my apartment's FB group people are begging for TP, lysol spray and wipes and other things. I have an overabundance of all of that. You would be surprised how easily society degrades. Granting fucking a black woman is not something to be proud of but if I can get this qt Asian then I will be happy.

>I have a bunch of qts I am scouting and assigned TP values to them.

and then the toilet paper clapped

I can believe this, when I was at uni staying in halls a girl sucked me off for a bottle of grey goose. Women of that age, especially once they've just moved out after 18 years of daddy's nagging, are sluts. total sluts.

My boi where is it lol

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rip hoped you used a condom or you have herpes/hep now

This is actually illegal, if true. Be careful and try not to get v&d.

Holy dogshit, is it illegal too now to take women on expensive dates?

In no way is this illegal

If you form a specific contract of it being payment for sex, probably yes, in many places. Prostitution is prostitution.

It's not illegal you fucking autist. When I see a girl outside the club clearly cold and she says 'can you drive me home' and bites her lip, we both know the deal. It's not illegal. You're a virgin.

Trading material goods for sex is illegal in most jurisdictions. It's called... what was it? Oh yes, prostitution.
And what you're planning on doing with other girls is soliciting, which is illegal in even more jurisdictions. Or maybe sexual harassment? Or both? Who even knows what charge they'll van you for these days.

jesus christ you are one retarded paranoid bitch, let me guess if you smoke weed you will get vanned or arrested too because it's ILLEGAL. No one cares about this shit even the police

Are you retarded? Weed can't complain to the police when you smoke it. Girls can and will if you do stupid shit like this.

OP gets it.

This pandemic is going to reset the imbalanced sex market that has wreaked havoc onto men.

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What is a good free app for android to blot out pictures? I am downloading shit at random all of it sucks

Pixlr I think

Recently i've been fantasizing about this pandemic continuing most of this year.

And through sheer desperate, an app is created. An app where through legal loopholes allows for prostitution... but with a twist. For a hundred bucks they come over to fuck and they get to stay with you over night. Including shower, some food and Netflix.

Why do you think you see all the chads talking about how the country needs to get back to work? They'll be slaving away with skeleton crews as their stay at home wives trot about the neighborhood to the benefit of guys receiving boosted up unemployment pay. These are the type of motherfuckers that built their lives around the slim chance that nothing like this would happen and now they're desperate to hold on.

Autism dating

Specify exactly how you want to be treated exactly what you like and dont like exactly what you want and you browse others and if you agree to act the part of the requirements for eachother than you go out and sex eachother

I think prostitution will make a comeback soon here in the states.

In times of desperation, women will resort to whoring themselves out just to pay the bills.