Quarantine is over

>quarantine is over
>you wake up tomorrow as a 10/10 white girl

what is the first thing you do?

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Marry someone and have sex with someone who actually deserves it for once.

Dress up in my military uniforms to see how sexy I look in them as a girl since that is my fetish

befriend a bunch of roasties
cuck 20 chads at least
bomb all the roasties ive befriended

Thats not a 10/10

all my progress getting fit lost
and now im a dumb fucking roastie on top of it

Same as always.
Stay at home and spend all my time playing WoW.

Why does she have tranny tits lmaooo

I'm happy. I look at myself for a long time.

i really dont wanna be a girl

but i would probably try to be a cam whore for money

Camwhore for the money and go lesbian

Get blacked


Do i retain my male brain

Download tinder, go get some Chad dick.

This. I'd try on all my shirts and stuff to see how they look on my now smaller frame. Also pray that it doesn't last for the rest of my life.

>have a break down that I magically turned into a woman
>start questioning if this is definitive proof of a deities which makes me question my lifelong beliefs
>be afraid I'll be kicked out or imprisoned for kidnapping my real-self and that I'll have to finally face the real world
I'll have a panic attack

join a cheerleading squad

whats it like slamming a 10/10 white girl every day?

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check if the waistbelt and shoulder straps on my backpack fits, most of my clothing should theoretically still fit if i remain roughtly the same, but hip and chest measuremensts could trip me up

join the suicide squad

join the egirl squad

It depends on the rules I guess. Did I wake up in a world where everybody remembers me as a woman or do I have to somehow convince people that I changed into a woman?

>Go out and apply for scholarships and get as much free shit as I can.
>Be all over social media getting as much attention as I can, maybe even be an influencer and get more free shit.
>Make an only fans page and maybe do some high end escort work, easy money and graduate college debt free with a new BMW to boot.
>Have fun going on expensive dates and fucking chads on private yachts.
>Travel and 'find myself' and suck dicks all around the world.
>Do normiefag things while travelling such as the full moon party in Phuket, Thailand and party in Ibiza. Take selfies and tweet about what an authentic, unique and deeply spiritual experience I'm having while drinking cheap alcohol and listening to crappy electronic music on an overcrowded tourist beach with thousands of other basic bitches and dreadlocked dipshits.
>When I am 32 and have a career, PhD, have travelled the world, have saved some money and have rode my fill of chad cock then I'll find some beta simp who is a good man and would be a good dad and settle down and have kids before the eggs run dry.
>Occasionally I will go on girls nights out while my beta husband stays home with the kids and I can have some fun with Tyrone.
>When I'm 55 my kids have grown up, I'm married to a fat bald beta simp that I have avoided fucking for the last 20 years, we now barely tolerate each other. My looks have faded and Chad and Tyrone don't notice me, but I dye my hair and apply make-up and spend a fortune at the salon nonetheless.
>My kids have their own lives now and all I can do is work and spend money in an endless cycle of consumerism. Trying to maintain relevance with materialism, I am bored out of my brain and I don't see the point anymore.
>I hope for grandchildren to give some meaning to my life, but my son is transgender and my daughter is studying journalism and international studies with a major in human rights. She has green hair and a face full of piercings and says she never wants to have kids.
>Kill myself.

Am I still 30 years old? If then I am fucked.

Start a curvage account and turn that 10/10 into a 2/10

i would not go out because a. people would still be infected and b. everywhere would be rammed

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Start an Instagram, start an Onlyfans, start a Twitch, gather orbiters online.

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checked but I find her very cute

Assuming I retain my old brain, I would probs continue on trying to become a doctor. I would equally attempt to see if there is actual discrimination against women in the west.

I would also most likely be lesbian, because I am attracted to women.

Kill myself for turning into a roastie.

Marry me.

Source: 5'3, balding, hairy, indian

Get knotted

>freak out
>consider that I've gone crazy
>realize it's reality
>play with my tits
>rub one off
>then finally kill myself cause fuck being a woman

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play with my tits start up yume nikki and k word myself

Make an only fans and get rich

>the first answer isn't "masturbate until my fingers bleed"