Why is killing sub humans bad? They aren't even human so why can't we execute them?
Why is killing sub humans bad? They aren't even human so why can't we execute them?
Because life is a gift even to the most deprived and useless creatures. Why kill them when they can be your slaves. Its what the jews do with us
there is no such thing as sub human
you are black pilled and devaluing someone
That's not realistic. Someone can go outside and kill as many right now. How would one even go about making slaves? Jews only slave others psychologically, using pornography, consumerism, and maybe pennies over dollars for some.
No, not in the society we lived in before this, modernism needs to burn as so should the creatures that inhibit it.
You're not some god like entity to decide who's subhuman and who's not
maybe not, but i will the power of deciding, who's to stop me?
Slavery is retarded because it allows the possibility of an uprising, and if it end ups being destroyed by legal actions it may fuck your society up. Just look at what happened to America.
People say this, but the objective line between human and subhuman is often extremely clear. For example, I don't understand why confirmed murderers and thieves don't just bite the bullet and instead we have to pay tax money so they can keep on living for years, with the possibility of them repeating the same offense or worse when they are finally let out.
Because your definition of subhuman is based on on a fucking color.
There are no subhumans, no matter what skin you have, or what you've done in life. We're all as human as the next, just with different environmental stimuli that made us react and live they way we are.
Because it costs more to execute them, because we have to make absolutely sure that we're not killing an innocent person.
I don't know, like, cops; maybe an armed citizen who sees you murdering people. What kind of question is that? Lmao.
There are plenty of murderers and thieves caught on camera. Yet I don't see their heads rolling, nor any justice towards their victims.
this is that kid you knew from school who everyone said was autistic and who you tried to stay away from.
You just know the people who write this shit are scrawny faggots who have never been in a fight, never shot a gun and still let mommy cut their meat
Because capital punishment achieves nothing. What we should do is make them perform manual labor that no one wants to do in exchange for a tv, and better food. They'd do it happily, and it'd be a net profit, and as a bonus we're not a bunch of fucking savages.
>and thieves
You think that we should execute thieves? Go back to the middle east where you belong, retard.
You assume that humanity is bound to build societies, and that each human is based to contribute to such intricacies. No human asks to be born, nor is any obliged to contribute to the work of others. You oblige your will onto others, who is to say we were meant to get this big? Where will your white race take you? The end of technology is an end that seems more futile than never reaching it. So answer me this, what do your goals achieve?
i never said i'd do anything, why do you cia niggers always take out words out of others?
Don't you understand? Your intent causes ripples. Discourse is a much more powerful tool than you can imagine.
>manual labor
Terrible plan. Manual labor should be comprised of modest work force. Dispatching criminals is just and effective.
>You think that we should execute thieves?
Yes. Thievery is an affront to the basic human right of owning property. A hand or a limb should be cut at the very least.
You're brainwashed, how much longer do you want to brew within your own hate? How long will it take you to live in peace? Your white race doesn't matter because you're not contributing to it, you're not contributing to anything. How much longer will it take you to realise how much you are worth?
Why exactly is manual labor for life sentence criminals a bad idea? No one likes to do it. Thievery isn't that fucking serious. With those kinds of punishment thieves would be armed and ready to kill anyone who even caught a glimpse of them, because what do they have to lose? You're not fit to live in a civilized society. Your ideas are something that african villagers would agree with.
until i drop dead is what i plan, hate has gotten me a long way, and has given me a point to life. I will one day when time is righteous.
I would consider bloodthirsty mongrels like you as subhuman, actually. So I guess that gives me a right to execute your retarded useless ass?
Why the fuck do I have to pay tax dollars for dipshits like you to reap social benefits from?
What is Your definition of a subhuman? There such things as subhumans, but most of them are chimeric animals used for medical and pharmaceutical testing.
If you are saying criminals, muderers, thieves, and rapists are subhumans, then you are wrong. Morally reprehensible and "evil" people are just as human as any of us. They aren't monsters, they are human. Humans are very capable of great evil, to deny that is to be in denial of a very human part in all of us.
If you are saying other races of humans are subhuman, then you're just retarded. Your arbitrary parameters for what makes a human is too goddamn narrow.
I have hereby decided that you and your entire family are subhuman. Therefore, the death squad is on its way to kill you all. Don't like it? Too bad. You aren't human, you are scum, so your opinion is less than worthless.
What do you love?
You lot are a bunch of single mothers. I say we should boil subhumans in lava cauldrons.
>Jews only slave others psychologically, using pornography, consumerism, and maybe pennies over dollars for some.
So basically you have absolutely no willpower, have shitty parents, cucked ancestors, and because you would rather die than take any responsibility for your own behaviors and garbage ancestors, you choose to divert blame to jews?
Spineless cuck lmao
Fuck off cunt. You couldn't hurt a fly.
>I say we should boil subhumans in lava cauldrons.
It takes a true subhuman to actually feel pleasure at the thought of others being boiled alive, regardless of whether it's a human or a creature.
Are you the type of faggot that tortures and mutilates animals too? You should be first to jump into the pot, you dumb faggot.
>savage idiot caveman-like faggot is also a mass replyer
>t.One dumbass and four Vaush ass lickers
Nice response. So we've established by your own logic that you should be executed if others see you as subhuman, which they overwhelmingly do. Kys faggot
I have will power more than you do, i don't live my life in comforts to stay happy, at least i realized it early in life and accepted the reality. You either waste your life doing nothing or you take direct action. I'm nihilistic anyways so i have nothing going for me, i don't fear death, i have embraced it.
Unlike you I don't need to twist views and shove words in people's mouths. Liars like you are everywhere.
>No one likes to do it.
We can cut down taxation for prison maintenance and use the money to employ those desperate for work.
>With those kinds of punishment thieves would be armed and ready to kill anyone who even caught a glimpse of them, because what do they have to lose?
I would rather die than steal. Can you point me to a situation where someone would be forced to steal in a civilized society instead of seeking help from government funded agencies that aim to help the poor? I'm sure you will try to defend rats who spend all their money on dope and then act like their criminal actions are justified because of this. You might enjoy having your flesh gnawed by unprincipled vermin. I don't.
>low-IQ non-reply
>mass quoting
Seething subhuman
Based. We need to remove bloodthirsty subhumans like OP from the human genepool.
You have nobody to even appeal to. You couldn't kill me. I invite you to try.
>I have will power more than you do
Ok faggot
So you're not the one getting assblasted defending life at all costs? Pah!
Stop seething just for the sake of it.
You don't know who I am you dumb faggot but statistically speaking I know I am probably one of the oldest people on this board and therefore more likely to wring you by your faggot virgin neck.
What words were being twisted you dumb cunt? You literally said you wanted to boil people/animals alive. Holy shit you're retarded lmao
I can picture you looking like ReviewTechUsa.
How about you come up with a good retort as to why you're blaming jews for all your failures, faggot? Man the fuck up, take some responsibility for yourself, and get a fucking job you turbo virgin cunt.
That's exactly what, what are you going to do about it?
Says the one who's clearly shown that he can't read.
No one here would want to kill you, if anything, we pity you. Unfortunately you don't understand that establishing dominance doesn't give you any worth to anyone but yourself. You said ity yourself, You either take direct action or you do nothing, now who's stopping you? Do you need us to confirm your actions? If you hate humanity so much and do not fear death, what is stopping you to do it?
I don't know what the fuck that is, but you obviously do. So nice projection you dumb faggot
>Turbo Virgin Cunt
Are philosophical zombies/NPCs subhumans?
>You lot are a bunch of single mothers. I say we should boil subhumans in lava cauldrons.
>You lot are a bunch of single mothers. I say we should boil subhumans in lava cauldrons.
>You lot are a bunch of single mothers. I say we should boil subhumans in lava cauldrons.
These are your words you illiterate mouth breathing retard. Now kindly kys for the betterment of all humanity.