Non asian guy likes asian girls

>non asian guy likes asian girls
>non indian guy likes indian girls
>"cool, must just be what you're into"
>white girl likes black guys
>"you go girl"
>white guy likes latinas
>"cool, must be what you're into"
Why is yellow fever the most hated fetish? Other race fetishes aren't hated nearly as much. And it's not just white guys who are getting shit on for liking asian girls. It's black guys and latinos being called racist weebs for liking asians as well

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bro stop being a fucking pussy, just go for your gal. if anybody else says otherwise, fuck them. I understand this is chad advice, but damnit, they got some things right.

skewed desu. idk if its like the chicken or the egg but losers on the internet liking only asian girls has been a sterotype for a long time. as said though just like who you like. i think its a bit wierd to only go after girls of a specific ethnicity/race but thats up to you

He just find the extreme seething about it weird and wants to discuss it

I don't care that much and it hasn't stopped me from asking asian girls out but I find the hatred for it weird
I don't even watch anime and apparently liking asian girls makes me a weeb
Don't even get the connection, anime girls don't look asian at all, and Japanese girls don't look like anime characters

it isn't, you absolute dullard. get outside of Yas Forums and /r/aznidentity and see the real world. WMAF is the most common interracial pairing worldwide, second most common in america. yellow fever is widely accepted and encouraged by normies. even sjw asian women tend to have bwc bfs.

the only people that dislike it are a some salty reddit chink men and a small minority of Yas Forumstards. most people dgaf or even like it

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If this happens at all its bitter women of other races who feel, and likely are, inferior to asian women.

>that feel when you have to explain yourself if you like asian women but guys that want to fuck other men in the ass don't have to

No my family members are racist and make fun of me for liking asian women, and think I like them because I think they're submissive (I don't, I know they can be domineering)
And asian liberal girls I've met IRL say they hate it (but also only date white guys)

Asian women have no tiddies. Never trust a man who likes flat chested women. You are most likely looking at a pedo

alright, I'll buy it. I haven't seen or heard of this bias being picked out specially; as in a white guy with an Asian gf. Far as I can tell, its not held in worse regard as say the guy who gets a slav wife ("he must have bought her" etc.) The same person who has hate for "yellow fever" probably has hate for white+slav or white+latina or whatever

Because big girls have been demonizing petiteness for years because rich people in the 1600s were slightly overweight sometimes. On top of that all the other races you described age like milk, Indians and Hispanics in particular turn into stereotypical ethnic grandparent by the time they hit 40. Other women are jealous of Asian women because they are blessed with natural feminine beauty if they just try to maintain it

That is the hottest asian I have ever seen holy shit.

a lot of the bullshit on asian white couples on ther internet come from ugly asian dudes and girls who cant get laid by anyone and want to blame someone. same thing with white people complaining about how some girls are coalburners or black people complain about how black guys go for white girls.

so the people you would most like to take on in a fight? shit man, go for it.

oh sorry im not the user you were repling to lol. im asian myself but i think the only ones who complain really about amwf or any interracial shit are just incels lashing out

I'm a white woman and I think there is just something inherently creepy about it. It's hard to pinpoint why. Probably has something to do with the scores of older loser white men who have to buy impoverished brides from the Philippines and stuff. It's just... gross.

Most of my girlfriends have been Asian and I've never gotten shit for it. It could be that people just don't want to say it to my face, but in my opinion no real stigma exists for being a white guy with an Asian gf. Unless she's a literal mail-order wife.

your anectdotal experience doesn't represent the overall. also, your family making fun of you and cracking jokes =/= hating yellow fever

>And asian liberal girls I've met IRL say they hate it (but also only date white guys)
you even acknowledge that. they don't actually it

again, get outside more. yellow fever is a super common and accepted fetish by normies.

tbf, filipinos aren't really asians, but yeah, a lot of human trash goes to that country

Nah that's dumb. Asian women are grown-ups too they can make their own decisions. Nothing gross about two consenting adults deciding to be together.

>all WMAF relationships are gross old dudes with SEA mail order wives
but that's wrong

I only go for folk that aren't tied to this shitty ass society and the main respondents I get are from abroad. Not my fault if white women decide I'm quaint and dull.

Becuz its the creepy wierdos that do duh
That group of whites ruined it

how are your relationships with aisna women then? do they think you are interesting? and how long/intimate do they get?

Other w*men will say it because asian w*men are on average better in every possible way than them (cooks,submissive,beautiful,not fat,soft voice,soft and smooth skin,looks like 25 at 45,good mothers/wifes and so on).They are not hateful,they are scared that they will be replaced.The men who say that are just morons who think siding with w*men will get them laid.

the image is right there

OP here I admit I don't like big tits
I just don't like huge sacs of fat on women okay

what country? orereorererergino

The vast majority of those cases are old Chinese men. Old white men are less than 10 percent of the buyer's market.

Breasts aren't made up of fat tho user, they're breast tissue, very different thing.

I think they were more commenting about liking asian girls exclusively

I thought it was fat, tissue and ducts for milkies

not him but there is def a dif between a fat girls big tits and a normal girls big tits

China, living the degenerate 20something expat English teacher life

Maybe because I'm not American, but...
WHY DO PEOPLE CARE?! They're also people. I like who I like, thank you.

There are men who exclusively date white women, Latina women etc yet no one gives a shit enough to comment.

No wonder people don't care then
Caring seems to be an SJW american thing

Seems dangerous posting that on Yas Forums, someone could easily get your internet removed

I think its just cause all fetishes are creepy to some degree and yellow fever is the only fetish you can identify without entering the bedroom with another person.

Shame on you for agreeing to work for the Chinese.

They think I'm good looking because I have a solid jawline and strong nose, even though I'm king of manlets.

I guess I talk in a slightly dry manner about my hobbies which the hobbies themselves don't gel well with Western women who are more focused on the satisfaction rather than the self development.

I have many friends and interest but it never gets further because I have health issues and that's a big no no with Asians, but it's also a big nono with Western women as well. So I at least enjoy getting called handsome while talking to someone who actually gives a shit about what I do with my life.

>about my hobbies which the hobbies themselves don't gel well with Western women who are more focused on the satisfaction rather than the self development
What hobbies do u have

Indeed, I should have clarified, I was speaking of non-overweight people.

This. I truly don't understand why people care so much about which race is dating which race nowadays, even the left-leaning people who you would think love this. I thought one of the big societal innovations those people keep lauding is the fact that we don't care about such things anymore?

I dunno man, supposedly Chinese men hate seeing it but I've never gotten anything but acceptance and even wingmanship from my Chinese bros

at home in US now

I know, but I left for Taiwan when things started getting bad.