How can I get high if I have no drugs

How can I get high if I have no drugs

I'd rather not run to the store and get a few bottles of anti-diarrhea pills again

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i've heard loperamide (if that's what you're referring to) isn't that great of a high. mostly just taken to help with opiate wds. what's your experience with those?

>getting high on anti-diarrhea pills
you what

The obvious answer is to use the darkweb. Do you have money/a bank account?

Huff your own shit

If you are really desperate you can
>snort ground nutmeg
>abuse household solvents like Windex (pic related)
>Robotussin cough capsules
>Get drunk as a last resort

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too much nutmeg will kill you, my friend took 5 and ended up in the hospital for a while

>too much X will kill you
welcome to drug abuse

well yeah fair enough, just throwing out a warning about nutmeg

yeah tbf I didn't know that I just did a fair bit when I was young before karate class and felt bad-drunk. Apparently my eyes were fucked and I was sweating a lot, felt pretty sick after. Good job I didn't do any more I guess

>order from dnm
>*knock knock*

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Not him but I have half a bottle of DXM syrup. What does that shit actually do?

I wish I had fresh water

quite a complex drug I'd advise checking out erowid. It's unique in that depending on the dose you can reach several 'stages' or plateaus, each very different. Make sure you extract the actual DXM if it's mixed (in england where I live you have to do cold water extraction or you will just get sick). The capsules I had were from canada and I just swallowed 19.
First of all I felt intensely nauseous and light-headed, then I was sick. As soon as I was sick, I felt drunk, in a really good way. Then I started hallucinating and tripping out. my memory is very faded at this point (one effect of DXM is you forget 90% of what happened, kinda cool and weird) but I remember flapping around on the carpet and laughing because I thought it was seaweed and I was swimming under the ocean. It was one of the more crazy drugs I've taken, PCP tier.

Thanks user, will definitely not touch any of it then...

get some of grandmas cough medicine
also im lmaoing at that faggot ass dog

It's a dissosiative and acts on the same receptors as PCP and Ketamine.

>Anti-Diarrhea pills
I just researched this and apparently it's a weak opioid:
Is it worth doing though? I've been in quarantine and I'm bored as fuck.
How is the high like?

it's pretty mild but noticeable, 2mg pills are the only ones out there really and you need about 100 of them

wouldn't recommend doing them more than once a month or if you're undergoing opiate WDs - if you are doing opiate WDs then they will take the edge off

i know nothing about these but it seems like its gonna fuck you digestion over for a few days at least. please consider your health

how the fuck do you even buy that many without summoning the police?

Yeah, they do keep you from crapping for a couple days but in my experience it's really not that bad...with some opiates you get super hard anus bleeding spiky turds but even after taking over 200 loperamide pills when I did finally end up going to the bathroom days later, it wasn't a bad experience on the toilet

i'd only recommend loperamide if you're really desperate for a single day "high" or in the midst of opiate WDs

you can get 2 bottles of 100 pills for $15 on amazon if you wanted

hell my dollar store next to my house sells bottles of 48 pills for $4

Why not just do tramadol, nefopam, hydrocodone or something though, that'll make you sick after

those are all controlled substances in USA and you cant buy them without prescriptions from doctors or maybe dark net

you can get anti diarrhea pills at almost any store, walmart sells jumbo packs of like 600 pills for 30 dollars

Take like 25 pink Benadryl pills. You will hallucinate for real. You will have to piss a lot so drink lots of water. Not very fun, but definitely an escape from the normal world

Codeine would be much better than those loperamide pills. Just do a cold water extraction as you dont really want to injest more than 4g of apap in one sitting

Is there any euphoria?
I have some kratom, is comparable in strength to it?

Also, jack off if you do this. It's one of the most amazing orgasms ever, second only to the time I successfully climaxed while high on mdma

if you already have kratom then I wouldn't bother

loperamide is like, the most desperate of desperation highs

intense, but cant be used often as it loses its "magic". also requires fasting and no alcohol.
very rough around the edges high. ive heard that people start talking to inanimate objects while high on it, but i never got that. you really need to be alone when on this because sound is super intense.
careful with this because i got into them pretty bad and had slight tremors for a week after i quit

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kratom is just coffee for moon crickets

I have the dark soul trophy, feels good

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heres a fun activity, see how strong hallucinations you can get from sleep deprival alone. really fucks you over, but no addiction and cheap (free)

Also, there's Benzedrex, which is OTC and structurally similar to Meth.

meditate until you reach nirvana

What does that do to your digestive system?

there aint nothing quite like seeing the other side

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