I have Jewish blood

Blackbot here

I've always been black. I always identified as black. I have a *hint* of a MENA appearance (people have asked me if I was mixed with arab, I always told them no I'm black and proud of it). I knew I had admixture from other races in me, but I just rolled with black.

But I took a DNA test and... I'm fucking 20% Sephardic kike. I can cope with having some anglo-slave owner rape blood in me, but Jewish???

What do

Attached: 3629cdddf1d9c208a891f88c3da63093.jpg (862x1202, 96.58K)

Please never post this ugly bitch again.

Doess your name start with an I?

She's fucking unironically sexy. She has that old lady look thats honestly Hella hot as fuck.

She's sexy as fuck. You're gae.

What's the relevance of the OP pic, do you look like her? If so, you're really hot.

Welcome to the tribe bro

how much did the dna test cost? ive always wanted to do one but i hear theyre really expensive

Eric Andre is 50% jew

Are you from Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somali, Sudanese or some other Saharan nation?

Nope, from the Caribbean

Which island? Trinidad?

>20% Sephardic kike
Not Jewish.

t. 99.7% Ashkenazi Master Race.

Nope not a trini

Why are you so bothered by having Jewish ancestry?

Clearly Puerto Rico, the women here say the dumbest shit.

shes kinda hot idk why im attracted i usually dont like girls past 27

That lady is black and jewish

Cause I hate jews they're annoying as fuck and love trannies

Even if most Jews have those properties...
Are you annoying as fuck?
Do you love trannies?
If not then you're good, don't even trip, dawg.

Which island then?

But I thought Jews hated racemixing and only promoted it to take down the white race?

>Not wanting a Jew/Negress wife

Attached: (you).png (555x419, 262.32K)

>wanting a wife of any race

Attached: 1586067752227.jpg (560x400, 130.46K)

Not telling

Jews have the highest outbreeding rate of them all dude

Yeah, it's Israeli Jews who hate it. To the point where they label many American Jews as "traitors" for it. Interfaith marriage among US Jews is VERY high. Like 70% for non orthodox.

It makes sense, jews always owned the most slaves in that time.
Now you know who to blame, although I'd still keep an eye on anglos specifically. Just look what they did to the Irish.

>what do
cope harder

Attached: shaniqua.png (890x890, 77.06K)

I... I kinda wanna fuck Shaniqua.

she got those aged milkers mmmmm

>Being American and not knowing you're mixed

>6 kids from 8 different fathers

Black Jewish means you're the TRUE Jew and the actual lost tribe (Edomites who were banished by racist hooknose money lenders.) David was 100% african admixture and the walls of Jericho were stormed by Black Kings. It's your birthright to remove the racist, culturally appropriating "Jewish" state and support your Palestinian brothers in arms. Jesus was black.

t. Black King