Would the world be a better place if men randomly punched whores in the streets?

Would the world be a better place if men randomly punched whores in the streets?

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Send me your address and I'll beat you to death, that would do humanity a favor

Tbh yeah or if we could legally be able to kill simps that would make me happy

send me yours and i'll meet you there

"Corrective" rape on the other hand...

the world would be a better place if women randomly tongue punched my fartbox

calm down roasty, we know you are too weak to punch and hurt men.
Sit down and keep pleasuring men like normal.

They are so adorable aren't they?

I always like the idea of corrective rape, desu. But it's a had sell.

women dont find you attractive or youre too autistic to get a girl and this is how you vent fair enough

No, that would just make you a nigger.

Most definitely, men should at the very least be able to backhand thier wives a couple times if and when they get out of line.

Corrective rape would just make the victim hate men more, whether male or female.

No. Once you allow any form of physical violence to proliferate in a civilized society its a slippery slope to barbarianism and degeneracy.

Why are you being so nasty?
If you don't think it's a good idea, just say so. We can figure something else out.
Maybe corrective rape, like the other user suggested.

lots of loser-ass incels here projecting their self hatred onto women

I'll gladly beat any of you into the hospital if you're on the west coast

I don't think that's true.
I think slutiness is a much more certain gateway to that.

Are you this ?
We are still waiting for that address.

Before or after you injected your onions into your veins, simp?

come on, breadstick arms, tell me where to meet you

A harmless consensual pleasurable sex encounter is not on the same level as punching strangers in the face.

post biceps with timestamp.

But then if you are not careful you would go into kebab territory where any woman with so much as an ankle or a lock of hair not covered will earn her such treatment.

huntington beach california, home depot on magnolia. show up any time and I'll beat you unconscious, bring all your friends

We'll be careful then. Thanks for the tip.

Who should I look for?

It's more indirect but more certain.
Like, slutty hypergamous behavior on the part of women can trigger some deeply rooted psychopathy on the part of men.

It'd probably be mostly the same desu.

Mandatory slutshaming could be well enough.

Holy shit, you got butthurt so bad. Youre a simp

Serena Williams