How is your hairline holding up?
How is your hairline holding up?
>father still a 1 too
>grandfather was a 3 when he died
my hair is actually too thick if anything
and now all barber shops are closed
Norwood 2 at 27.
Norwood 3 at 30.
Norwood 4 at 32.
Norwood 5 at 35.
Norwood 6 at 39.
I'm now a Norwood 7 at 42.
Got a 2 with a 3 vertex bald spot when i was 21. Shaved it off but my hairline hasn't receded much.
rip in pepperoni my dude
Who gives a shit? Just shave it off if you start balding. It's such a stupid fucking thing to be insecure about, at least pick something that actually matters like height or dick size
Actually nevermind it has receded to a full 3 vertex
23 and at stage 3.
There was never any hope
Hair matters for your attractiveness. Being tall has never helped me and no girls know if my dong is big or small.
hair matters a lot user
at one right now seeing myself move to two right now and im 19
>How is your hairline holding up?
Not bad all things considered, went back from 4 to 3 with full vertex and confident it'll improve further
About a 2, most of the thinning is at the temples. I have long hair so it's getting pretty wispy and hard to control. From certain angles I've noticed a tiny bald patch more towards the front than the back, too
I give myself one to two more years until I have to go from long hair + beard to bald + beard. My dad is bald, my mom's dad is bald, my older brother is bald at 29. Got all bases covered pretty much, it's an inevitability
When my brother first went for the cueball he straight up looked intimidating as fuck all of a sudden. Wonder if that'll be me too
Sounds like you are at 3 with vertex balding already
I don't know. The hairline hasn't pushed that far back, but simply having long hair is probably covering up the severity for now. I just gotta make sure I'm aware enough to know when to chop it off before it looks ridiculous
im a 3 but ive been buzzing my head for almost a year now, i look much better than i did before, im lucky i dont have a weird shaped head
I'm a 1 at 30 years old. It looks like I got my grandpa's hair genes from my mom's side. His hair started thinning at 60, and was still just thinning evenly when he died at 82. My dad was noticeably balding at 30. Dodged a bullet there.
You could try minoxidil, it works pretty well for me and is best used at early stages
eh, I'd rather just accept it than go down the rabbit hole of trying to fight it off
I'm maybe 3 at 32 years.
If/when I get to 4 I'll just keep it short and keep my beard all the time.
Its getting fucked
Have a great beard and have been lifting for years, shaving it during the may holidays next month
Still going strong but I'm starting to turn gray.
That's a non-issue. Lots of chicks dig the salt and pepper look and even if you can't pull it off there's easy ways to dye your hair so it looks perfectly natural in almost any color you want.
Minoxidil is just stupid. It's an itchy cream that you have to apply twice per day and even then it only gives you baby hairs. The day you stop using monixidil your lose whatever hair you gained from it in a matter of weeks. These are facts.
If you genuinely believe it doesn't matter I've got some news for you, user.
>The test results came back. This is you.
>Lots of chicks dig the salt and pepper look
Maybe, but I'm not looking for anything foid related.
Then what's stopping you from dying it? It's literally one small trip to the barbershop and you're set for a good 2-3 months.
I'm in my 30s and still a 1. I've never been able to grow any kind of proper facial hair though, so there is a trade off there.
>5 or 6
I've completely quit the dating game a year ago. At this point you gotta be fucking retarded to keep trying
>Then what's stopping you from dying it?
lol no, I just don't really care about it. I mentioned it so anons don't call me Mr.perfect or something like that.
Ah I see you're just an asshole looking for attention. I regret replying to any of your posts. This is your last (You). Hopefully forever. KYS.
My bad for not telling you I don't give a shit and kys from the beginning.
mine's been a 2 since i was 15, 26 now so i guess that's where it's hanging.
As an impartial observer of your little back and forth; Let me give you an actual piece of advice.
Don't reply to a thread unless you have something to actively contribute with. It will save you and everyone else time. Or you could just go to /soc/ and stay there.