How many of you are attracted to asian women but don't want hapa kids?

how many of you are attracted to asian women but don't want hapa kids?

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send it back to the rice fields

I'd be fine with a hapa kid if he or she inherited my green eyes

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Im attracted to any woman I like, and I couldnt care less what mix of white my children will be.


i'm already a hapa

have kids with another hapa so your children can wildly vary

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why are you stupid aspie retards so obsessed with having kids? its creepy

Its kinda important once you stop being a manchild/womanchild

its not the least bit important it's fucking unecessary

>i destroyed your wife's body

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once I turned 30 the existential dread of dying alone began hitting me hard

Wow this girl is absolutely beautiful, I would mind having hapa daughter, if anything it works in your favore, but a son, absolutely not, possibility of small dick, degenerate masculine look, its just a big gamble

I want kids with the woman I love idc about skintone

>why do you want to create something beautiful and infinitely bigger than yourself that will give you the greatest pride and joy imaginable and true life fulfillment so much, it s creepy

Begone plant

>create something beautiful and infinitely bigger than yourself
dude this is not what your disgusting fat sloppy stupid useless piece of shit kids are. they're garbage just like you. get over yourself

You don t know anything about me or my children or even if I have children. Sounds like someone is projecting to guard their weak and flawed world view

you can't see through your biological urges

Whatever you have to tell yourself. What makes me happy is a loving family, driving purpose in life, and the freedom to do what I want but if you would rather consoooom than have a family I am not telling you not to.

hapa guys tend to only do well in asia

i mean, sure they can be attractive but i think i'd rather have a relationship with a european

you're disgusting. your bowling ball kids head rips through your wifes vagina and fills her with 100lb of fat and you're jerking off the rest of your life

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you prefer white women over women of colour?

>your bowling ball kids head rips through your wifes vagina
sounds pretty hot to be honest

Most japanese woman are whiter than most white people. Just saying.

i mean race not skin colour

Only in the sense that they more often have my preferred body type. A white girl with said body type is still leagues ahead.

that's the problem with you sick fuckers its not okay

>Most japanese woman are whiter than most white people. Just saying.
ive spent time in japan and this is not true and you're probably fat and like to spout complete nonsense in your every day life

i knew a really attractive hapa guy before. as long as youre tall, he should be fine

Great have your white genetics go to waste into Asian gene pool... no thanks

Wrong reply
Meant for you big boy

I've had two japanese gf and I was always surprise that I look like darker than them.
I've also lived in Japan a year.

its not that im not attracted to women of colour, its that i don't want to have a family with them

then you're a blind and possibly retarded faggot too these girls are fuckin yellow as balls