Why are sluts bad? Wouldn't sluts be better for most guys because they're easier to sleep with than other women?

Why are sluts bad? Wouldn't sluts be better for most guys because they're easier to sleep with than other women?

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They don't have lower standards, they just sleep with any Chad instead of trying to get a relationship. If anything, they're more difficult for non-Chads.

calling someone a "slut" is just another way to lower others to appear better (when you're not)

I don't want to engage in promiscuity, I want to marry a nice girl and have a family.

Because apparently they want a clean pristine gf or something. Way I see it literally nothing matters, so I don't care, hire sex workers if want to fuck.

because sluts only fuck Chad

>Why are sluts bad?
because they fuck everyone else except for me
unironically my only issue with them

fuck off bigoted incel. go back to with that shit.

>the whores that sleep with anyone won't sleep with me
Yiiiikes imagine not bring able to get poon from sluts

lmao is this real? Fucking go to reddit.

I can only attract naive women with low self-esteems that have a crush on me

You god damn faggot simping waste of human dna

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The only women I've ever had sex with are sluts. I don't like people enough to want one to fall in love with me.

They're doing God's work, desu.

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this is some high lvl of honesty

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone

Unironically this.

Slutts should have the civil duty to give everyone a chance.

user I'm going to blow your mind,
You are naive, those women are not, they know they can play dumb to manipulate you.

This is the age of the vagina, the vaginacrocy. The vagina holds the monopoly of pleasure and the pervasiveness of the vagina means that the male is kept in a continual state of arousal whether he knows it or not and this plays into the hands, or vaginas, of women who in turn decide which male gets access to their vagina and who doesn't. Now this has severe consequences, the first being the destruction and corruption of beauty as the vagina replaces all traditional concepts of beauty. One only has to look at how art has become degraded by women who paint with their vaginas and assert that a sculpture of discarded tampons is legitimate art in the name of popular struggle. The second, and the most destructive, is the corruption of human purpose. Now this means that the vagina is weaponised and it's goal is to be placed at the top of the social pyramid so that everything a man does is no longer aimed at improving his own life or that of society or even at a greater extent, western civilisation, but simply anything that gets his penis inside a vagina. Women are subverting the west with their vaginas that as access to a vagina becomes a priority, the nature of social interaction changes especially by means of social media which has come to drive the feminist agenda. Any kind of misery, unhappiness, or grief experienced by men (e.g. political, social, cultural, etc) is then understood by the mass public as the failure of certain men to obtain sexual gratification by the vagina and who then become targets of public redicule e.g. "incel", "have sex", etc.

The feminist movement in its struggle against the "patriarchy" has had the result of disenfranchising women from society which is, ironically, a huge step backwards from the women's suffrage movement. Consequently, when feminists reject society, they in turn reject responsibility and the rejection of responsibility is the main cause of friction between men and women because as women dump their responsibility, men carry the slack which is why men are also disposable. Thus women get put into positions of authority that require no intellectual capacity nor understanding but to appease feminists while the west continues slide further into decline. Reason and logic are becoming unimportant and irrelevent. In fact, to appeal to reason or logic is sexist as well as racist. Access to the vagina is now the mark of success for men: the vaginocracy. Not virtue. Not glory. Not valour. Not honour. Not respect. Not work. Not artistic merit, scientific breakthrough, or intellectual brilliance. Vagina. Stay the fuck away from women.

They're not easier to get than non-sluts. They're more difficult.

>Why are sluts bad?
it's not about being a slut, it's about being a dishonest manipulative cunt.
Some men happen to have some self respect, despite what they want to believe.

Sluts are bad because incels are incredibly insecure.

Only thing i can think of is the spreading of stds at a faster rate.

>to appeal to reason or logic is sexist as well as racist.
it is truly sad that this is actually the state in which we find ourselves in.

>Now this means that the vagina is weaponised and it's goal is to be placed at the top of the social pyramid so that everything a man does is no longer aimed at improving his own life or that of society or even at a greater extent, western civilisation, but simply anything that gets his penis inside a vagina
that is not true. People like Elon Musk clearly is trying to improve society and clearly pussy isn't his main motivation. you think he built all those rockets for some poon? ffs with all that time, money, and effort wasted on building rockets why not just buy a hooker?

you have 1 or 2 good points but other than that, have sex you incel

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Sluts are only 'bad' in respect of what they devalue. And value is all perspective.

For some they are ruining traditional relationships. But that doesn't mean relationships can't still be formed.

For some they are devaluing the experience of sex by making it a commodity, so those going without it are upset by it, etc.

Because if she has broken up with lots of men quickly in the past then I'll probably just be another number to her. I want her to actually like me because I have a fragile ego.

They sabotage their own sexual market value and make women, who are dumb herd animals, feel like they need to be sluts, too, in order to compete. That's not how the game works, though. Men don't want to marry someone just because they fucked them; men would fuck a pile of manure.

The general trend is women want a guy with equal or more sexual experience, while men especially want a woman with equal or less. No man wants his daughter to be a slut, because then there's the fear of having to help her raise some bastard. So men will stick their dick in anything, but they want to marry something better than a slut.

Unfortunately, fucking sluts is like pissing in the pool for everyone else. Chads can fuck all the hot girls then marry some unattractive chick he connects with on a deeper level, while guys like me get nothing.

They aren't,
They just need to be used correctly . Don't date them

They aren't, they're just more "well worn" than less promiscuous women.

Sluts are the worst of all because they're excessively mean to robots and view them as lowly, because in order to cope with being a slut they have to pretend that high sexual activity is a virtue, therefore virgins are of low worth. Because they know this is a lie they feel the need to put others down all the more in order to raise their self-esteem, so they like to mock and laugh at robots.
Girls who are not sluts are able to sympathise more with robots because they they don't measure people's worth based off of their sexual success, and they often don't feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better, because they aren't plagued with the same insecurities that sluts develop.

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They don't form long-term connections which is what most men who use sluts in the first place don't know they really need