Saying this as a straight guy, some boys are just made to be fucked and there's nothing homosexual about it...

saying this as a straight guy, some boys are just made to be fucked and there's nothing homosexual about it. change my mind.

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i can't you're obviously mentally challenged or some gay faggot in denial

saw him posting on /hm/, would fuck even tho i'm straight.

>goes on /hm/
>wants to fuck a guy

For me it's weird. I definitely wanna fuck a feminie guy, in a very gay way, so I won't deny it.
But I'm completely uninterested in regular dudes. It's hard to explain to people.
I'd love to start something with a twink/feminine guy, but I could never get into regular guys. Not a chance. That said, I'd never deny it's gay.

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i'm the same way, it would be nice if fucking a feminine guy like this one wasn't considered gay. being gay is liking regular guys who look like actual guys, i'll bet no real homo likes this feminine little twink.

what's gay about wanting to dominate other feminine boys who wanna be your sissy?

It's fucking a guy, it's gay. I've come to terms with that.
It's a very specific kind of gay. Some men like really grotesquely fat women, I happen to like submissive femboys.

Its kinda homosexual but I absolutely agree, some guys are natural born cocksleeves

I wouldn't say he's "made to be fucked", but some guys do look like the cards are stacked against them being heterosexual.

When I was in middle school, I started developing thick thighs, a fat ass, and even grew small tits. For no fucking reason. Up until that point I was skinny. Girls (and even some guys) started harassing/groping me, people assumed I was gay, and I really thought about killing myself. Went to do it one night, but discovered that mom kept the bullets locked up separate from the gun, so that attempt didn't pan out.

Instead, I got built and fit as fuck. Now the tits, ass, and thighs just blend in. If I had any inkling of being a gay, I probably would've just given up and started fucking dudes.

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You're bisexual and that's okay.

if dua lipa had a cock, i wouldnt mind banging him all the same. I'm not insecure about my sexuality. I'm attracted to feminine attributes. Not just a sexual organ.

>Tfw no femboi to bring into bed so my gf and I can bully them, and then play vidya and watch bad horror movies after

I can't change your mind, you're right.

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how is he not made to be fucked? looks prettier than most women.

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That's a good way to put it. Dunno if anyone else will get it but the anal part of sex really appeals to me too. Dunno why but I really like the thought of cuddling and stroking while I thrust into his booty.
That's just me though. I'd straight up get into a serious relationship if we got along really well.
I got no interest in multiple lovers. I like pouring all my energy into one.

People get too hung up on labels. They want there to be a strict definition of what makes you gay or straight. If there weren't words for sexual orientation or stigmas against it I guarantee many more self identified straight guys would be open to experimenting with other guys.

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for the record im not attracted to the boy in this thread. If this boy tried to seduce me i wouldn't be for that shit. But i do have a tranny gf and he's super feminine.

>a strict definition of what makes you gay or straight
male attracted to male = gay
male attracted to female = straight
female attracted to female = gay
female attracted to male = straight

You don't have to love her, at least not as much as I do. You just have to love me and tend to my needs in the way that my lady friend cannot, and I will love you for it.

>Tfw no femboi bf to spend all day playing side-scroll beat-em-ups all day with
>Tfw can't bully them when they screw up and don't revive me before I have to use an extra life

Plenty of girls are attracted to feminine guys. They might think he's "made to fuck" them.

>Side scroll beat-em-ups

Shit now I want to play pic related

>Tfw no cuteboi to go to Minecraft Anamanagchi concerts with

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i'm talking about guys that want to get dicked. there are also huge body builder guys that want it up the ass but those aren't made to be fucked.

not having a femboy like this is such a tragedy. why do i never see boys like this irl?

They exist, it's just very difficult to find them by the usual methods (online, dating apps) because men can be disgusting creeps. Have you checked out Grindr- ever? It's a complete cesspool.

>t. Manly man. Always gives cuties space when they need it, and makes sure to make them feel like they aren't being fetishized

i've seen a couple, one was def gay and the other ones looked straight.

I disagree, in fact, I think that men being fucked at all is an abomination, men aren't supposed to be on the receiving end in sex, that's just not how it works.

take a look at this and tell me how it's not made to be pounded day and night

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who the fuck cares what you think, there has to be a reason why 2% of population (or more, or watever) is gay for a reason. So mother nature somehow thought there's a reason for this trait to continue.

also prostate glands.

also u r gay

disgusting sodomite rapists

i just want to pound a pink bussy and fuck the cum out of some cutie's prostate bros, is that too much to ask?

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Is 7.5x5 enough for most cuties like this, or are they all tricked by porn too?