This thread is a cute thread!

this thread is a cute thread!
cuties welcome

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is there nobody cute on Yas Forums today?

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go on s4s
i'm not cute


I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm TURBIE!!! \(^o^)/
And I'm really kyoot! ^_^'

You can be! I believe in you~! ^w^

cuteness coming through

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Can anybody be cute?
Even me...?

I like seeing your threads and posts.

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hello i recognize your posting
hi cutie!

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Holy mackeral, turbie, I remember you, I like youuuuuu!!! *snuggles*

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hello cuties how is your day?
im having some green tea: it is very nice

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Day is good. Green tea is really nice~ I alternate between tea and coffee so are with the latter right now!

Rebecca is adorable, need to watch more PPD. Lemme hug you.

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I just woke up and am currently in one of my zoom classes my college is doing.

I dont really like tea I find it gross. I'm currently drinking dr pepper which I know is unhealthy but just cant help it.

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So cute!!! Can anybody be cute?
>Even me...?
Of course! Anybody can be cute! ~Anybody~! ^o^

>I like seeing your threads and posts.
> :)
Awwwww, thank you~! ^_^

Hello~! \(^_^ )

It's been a long time! OwO
But I remember you too, and I like you toooooo~! UwU *snuggles you back*

Green tea is so yummy~! I should drink it more! ^_^;

Zoom classes? :Oc


i love becky! she is one of my favourites
paniponi dash is a super fun show!
i keep trying to get into touhou but the games are hard; i cant beat imperishable night
i really like the fumos though - theyre so cute. I dont know who i'd want to get though
im not usually much of a tea drinker: normally i drink coffee. Ive just had a strange desire to drink tea since easter
soda is bad! I only drink it when im sick and the sugar energizes me
whats a zoom class?
i dont understand but dont hate!
i dont know if its that good for you but green tea is just very comfy to drink i think
and yes, anybody can be cute which includes you!

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Zoom classes are how some of my professor's are teaching class now that all the classes moved online. It's kind of like a group video call where we just listen to them talk.
I'm pretty sure highschool kids are using zoom too to go their classes since school is online for them now too.

You made my smiley face look evil by quoting it. :) >:)

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I love acting cute online I don't know why.

it's probably because you're a flaming lala homo faggot

that sounds kinda sucky i hope they are ok. We had some classes move online when i was at university and i really hated them - i couldnt pay attention
although if you dont want to pay attention i guess its good
cuteness is a wonderful virtue!
you are mean and rude!

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Yay, glad you remember. Thank-you for the snuggles! Gonna suprise you with another quick hug *squeeze*.

It looks super fun, I think I got to episode 4 but I overwhelmed myself with shows at the time. They are tough, do you play many shmups. Fumos are very costly, would probably get... hmm.. maybe Patchu, or Yuyuko.

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Yeah I dont know how I feel about the online classes. On one hand it's a lot easier to cheat and such, but on the other hand I'm not actually learning anything really.

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nice dubs
paniponi is an easy show to drop and pick up i think since it doesnt have an ongoing plot really its just a fun show
i dont really play many shmups but thats mostly because im not that good although that sorta feeds the problem haha
fumos are expensive but i dont really spend money. I just really like the design. I sitll dont recognize all of them even but i do know patchi and yuyuko
yeah i just couldnt learn anything honestly it was kinda pointless watching them but that was just because if im at home i cant really focus
i had to go study in the library or something to actually learn
its all fine except when you come to your final exam

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Slightly relevant question. Are there femanons that like posting cute anime girls like this? It seems like most of them don't appreciate cute things. Why must these threads be filled with men.

I cant really answer any of that but the last question.

I guess I just like to be in threads like this because I like cute things, it makes my heart feel nice when I see all this cute stuff.
I also see cute as a synonym for nice as well and I really like it when people are nice and I dont really do well when people are mean, it makes me sad, even when it's not me who's getting bullied.

I also post on these because i like to feel wanted and cute

Back to the first question I guess though
There could be females posting here, I dont really care one way or the other even if there was what difference does that make? It's better to remain anonymous and not give out contact info imo.

All of what I said is only how I feel st least idk about anyone else.

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yes i agree i dont think its important whether or not there are girls here
even if anybody says they are a girl i am still going to think of them as a man really
what is important is to be cute and nice

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>It's better to remain anonymous and not give out contact info imo
You're right. It was a silly question.

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I dont think its possible to be cute and mean.

Who am i supposed to be nice to when the thread goes the way of the dinosaur?

do you have any pets?
I'm not the best at conversation sorry

There are no silly questions.
It would be silly not to ask questions.

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of course being mean is not cute!
i have pet dogs and they are cute i think. Most animals are cute but cats make me a little nervous - when they knead on your lap i know it isnt a bad thing but sometimes it hurts
you can talk about anything. I just finished rewatching yuyushiki which isnt a very interesting show but it is cute. I cant decide what to watch now though. Im sure i had something in mind yesterday but ive forgotten

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worst thread on Yas Forums rn

worst post itt rn

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I have a cat but she doesnt like to be on my lap at all so theres no problem there. I like cats though because they are typically solitary and stick to themselves.

Hmm that's not really my fsvorite genre of anime but I will occasionally watch it I suppose. I like more fantasy and action in all honesty though.
My favorite anime is probably overlord.
I have seen a few slice of life though new game was pretty good. And I am about to start the second season of hi score girl.

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I know what you mean. Fumos are cute as well, though there are a lot of fakes. Here's a cute pic of sleepy rebecca, I don't really have any of her.

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