Black robot here

Should I just kill myself to save the white race? I know about our disproportional crime rates and low IQs. I mean, I have never been committed of a felony and don't really know my exact IQ but I feel like I should off myself for the good of the Aryan race.
What do, guys?

Attached: Blackjak.jpg (596x739, 23.28K)

I love how Yas Forums is not even trying any more.

I have had similar thoughts as an Algerian. The answer is no.

I mean, have they ever tried?

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nice repost, faggot blocx

No, I'm serious. It's been proven by science and the bible that we are an inferior race. Blacks are genetically dumb, loud, fat, fatherless, and inconsiderate. We ruin great nations and shit on everything. We deserve everything coming to us.

Attached: blackmanexprisoner.jpg (640x428, 92.77K)

>Should I just kill myself to save the white race?
Yeah, sure. Why not?

Even if that's true it just means you should kill other blacks not yourself. Your logic makes no sense.

>Blacks are genetically dumb, loud, fat, fatherless, and inconsiderate.
>Genetically fat and fatherless
What the fuck?

Attached: fucking hell.jpg (900x900, 54.16K)

By killing other blacks I will be furthering the stereotype. I'm not even gonna kill myself with a gun. Just put a few M80s in my mouth and rectum to go out in a blaze of glory.

I hate niggers, but blacks are okay. And there's plenty of good and smart blacks around who aren't niggers.

before you kys take some niggers with you

Just move to Africa or Jamaica or wherever. African women will assume you're rich and try to marry you.

Imagine actually believing this is not a larp lmao
If this guy aint black hes the biggest coon ever
Also fuck off cumskin crackers

Holy shit. I think I might actually do this. Not op but a different blackbot. As an American negro, there must be some sort of JBAB rule (Just be an American black) that goes on in all black nations. And I love dark skin and shit. Bruh

Do yo like really wanna get with a bitch just because she wants to get a green card?
Thats simping

>do you want free sex?
is this real question?

Its not free it she a gold digger tho

Exactly this. I'm not looking to get married. I'm looking to have a Chad experience as an American black. Will it actually happen though? Will I experience what white guys experience when going to Thailand? (Or at least used to experience)

Break those stipulated limitations.

This is the right mindset to have about this type of thing. I m bi and I hate faggots, but that doesn t mean there aren t some good ones out there. Just try to be the best person you can blanon I m sure you will become a person both you and society can be proud of. Idk why I typed that since this is an obvious troll, but I like giving my two cents on shit

Wait, what happened in Thailand? What did t h e y do this time

>Noooooo he's not black!!

Low tier White guys go to Thailand to have a Chad experience since brown Asians obsess over whiteness, even more so than lighter Asians

Lmao how do u not know this bro

Nazi here. What you should do is improve yourself to the point of being physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually ideal, a strong and free man, and then marry a woman of your race with the hopes of producing strong children.
The best thing you can do for Aryans is be the best you can be, so that the degenerates of the nordic and anglo-teutonic races have a reason to get their act together, and the condition of the world is improved by your own work to live the best life that you can.

shut up wh*toid. Go back to jacking off to asian girls and playing vanilla wow.

You can kill yourself now

If you really are a black "robot" then you're not the kind of hood nigger we hate

No I know that, but he implied that isn t happening anymore. What happened that made this stop being a thing?

Just marry a black girl, bring her back to africa and stay there. That's the easiest and most helpful thing you could do barring mass murder.

What great nations have we ruined?

You seem to be self aware. You are not the enemy.