Little chigger won't let me sleep, she keeps crying for attention. What should I do?
Little chigger won't let me sleep, she keeps crying for attention. What should I do?
Is there a reason why shes crying for attention?
She thinks she's people
Pet that cat.
Give her attention
She's on my belly happily singing but most nights she wakes up and starts screaming at around 3am. I just wanted to supply my own eggs
She's more like a dog, the cats like her tho
she cute post more senpai
She's starting to fall asleep so I turned the light down, but she cheeps whenever I move. Shhhhh
Is it always at 3 am? Is there something about that time that causes her to wake to wake up?
It's typically around 4-5 hours after bed time, maybe that's all the sleep she needs cause most days she snuggles in my hair and sleeps for a few hours in the middle of the day. She'll scream if she's in her house and unable to see me, but will start chirping really happily once I come back so it's like she's got attachment issues
What an adorable babby. I hope you gave her a good name.
Holy fuck. Please treat the chigger well.
i love this thread pls keep up user
i might send my doggy later
does it shit in annoying places or outside
Give her lots of kisses on her beautiful little head
Smash it. You already eat meat out of convenience this would be no different Op.
Give her the attention she wants and treat her well
YOUR BIRD IS SO CUTE PLEASE GIVE HER ATTENTION AND LOVE. give her a little kiss on her birb head
She's crying because she needs friends. Birds, especially chickens, aren't mean to live alone. You can't provide the amount or the type of attention she needs to be content and everywhere I have bought birds from would not sell you a single one. It's cruel
Why do you have only one? The feed stores don't let you buy less than 4 to prevent them from dying of loneliness/cold. You go get her a friend her size this instant.
Furthermore keeping livestock in the house is kinda ill-advised.
It's not 2008 anymore. None of the zoomer faggots on here know how to fun.
Sorry for the absence, we went back to sleep once she finally quieted down
On my shoulder, she's still being trained
She has 3 sisters as well as 4 Rhode Island Red friends, but she was being mean to them, picking their feet apart and causing trouble. We separated them for a few days to let one of them heal after she caused an injury, and now she cries whenever she's away from me. She behaves around the others now, thankfully, but it's hard to integrate her.
She screams because she thinks you are her mom, and you are.
She is very nice op, you are lucky, I would like to own chickens.
Treat her well and you'll be blessed with love and eggs
Chickens do seem to be rather nice birds.
i wonder what chicken pussy feels like
Fuck no chickens are dicks
Some can be very mean to other chickens. If you have a rooster it seems that the flock gets more harmonious, we had a top hen before and she'd bully the others. Traded her for a rooster and now they get along much better with occasional small disputes.
Put it in a warm dark place. Blankets are good, but also something that gives off heat(radiator on low, bag with warm water, etc.) Also, put some weight on it. Not much, but enough to be felt through the blankets. Something like a surgical glove filled with water. You need to simulate momma chicken for it to shut up. Also, don't feed it whole seeds as might choke. Use flour and soft foods till it grows up, and expect a lot of runny shit all over the place.
Dubs and you punt it on video, faggot