Capitalism is the problem and you are a cuck if you think otherwise

capitalism is the problem and you are a cuck if you think otherwise

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That which is stated without evidence can be refuted without evidence.

Give the capitalist a red star and a Party Card and you will have communism

>establish communism
>workers take profits for themselves
>millions of people dead and nobody has any food

Funny how only westeners, who did not have to live with the consequences of communism say that

pic related kills the commie

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>That which is stated without evidence can be refuted without evidence.
There's plenty of evidence all around you for capitalism being awful for everyone except the rich.

But let's be realistic: You are a pathetic simp, cuck, beta idiot.
Any evidence I give you will be discarded because you are too stupid to comprehend empirical truth.

Pic related.

>he's never heard of free communism
You are another weak idiot.

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>moves industry abroad to maximise personal profit

>Funny how only westeners, who did not have to live with the consequences of communism say that
You're right. We've just had to suffer the consequences of capitalism, which is headng towards the extinction of all living beings on Earth.

Communists have a lot to learn from capitalists when it comes to killing people!

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If communism is so perfect, why did it
A) never work
Or (if it never happened)
B) was never done before

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>which is headng towards the extinction of all living beings on Earth.
Any minute now.

who gives a shit really
>blah blah this sistem this that sistem that
stfu nobody cares its a sterile discussion and different sistems of social organization only change lives in a superficial manner.

They wouldn't need to do that if the government didn't keep intervening in the economy, the business taxes only end up hurting locally owned business who can't just move their production somewhere else. Also you're free to not buy chinese made products, nobody is forcing you to buy from global corporations but you hypocritical commie retards do it anyways.

>okay, THIS time it will happen in the next 10 years
Says the increasingly nervous man for the 5th time in the last 50 years.

Yes but marxism isn't the answer

Free communism "works" (depends on what metric you use to define it, same with capitalism)
It's all about how you measure it.

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Your money goes to the state in a communist society.

Also very few company managers are fat aristocrats born into the job.

>The infinite flaws of communist Russia
>Orwell's 1984 and the animal farm
>Never possible because of humanity's greedy nature,same for any extremism unless you want to set up infinite gulags or however you want to call them

>teehee i'm so confident when I rush out to buy toilet paper

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>when I rush out to buy toilet paper

You need to be hard working and smart to be able to play the system and to make brainlets who dont know any better to generate wealth for you. Honestly if someone is stupid enough to be a slave for someone, theyvdeserve it. Inheriting wealth and luck is the same.

How do you get neetbux in the US?

i agree, it is time for a revolution. but we also desperately need direct democracy, or at least a representative democracy elected via sortition, because capitalism is not the only problem. a truly democratic political system is needed to free the people from enslavement.

>capitalism is a problem
>so lets switch to an equally faulty system that suffer from similar and even more extreme problems
No thanks. Im all up for learning from the mistakes of failed systems and creating something custom for each country based on the specific needs of the region. But people who just bark for capitalism or communism as if theyre the only fit all options are niggers at best and failed social or art students at worst.

Oh look, a tall poppy. WHERE'S MY FUCKING SCISSORS?

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>truly democratic system
Doeant exist and cant exist. You will always end up nack to where things are now. Democracy is a compete scam. The only way democracy can be forced to work is if you remove all the human elements from it, thats how fucking absurd it is.

People enslave themselves by using computers more than they make love. Capitalism is a meme. Its been a mix of different systems for over 100 years now.

What happens whn the workers refuse to work? Who gets to be the bossman whos job is to supervise others instead of creating material value?

They get shot or sent to the gulags
t. From a country that had communism forced on it for decades

>They wouldn't need to do that if the government didn't keep intervening in the economy
Our government intervening in the economy is necessary to keep our global economic hegemonic influence afloat. Google how much Trump has spent and pumped via the Fed in less than a single term.

>the business taxes only end up hurting locally owned business who can't just move their production somewhere else
Sure, but to do that we will have to raise the tax burden on the rich substantially. You can have all the mom n pop widget stores out there with the lowest tax burdens imaginable. But the trillion dollar industries and individuals will have to pay. If we cannot extract treasure from overseas, we must do it at home to pay for the enormous burdens of ensuring a stable retirement for all Americans as well as continuing our leadership role in world politics.

The reason the companies are moving overseas is because Western workers and people banded together and refused to sell their labor to capitalists unless granted special privileges. Because at the time western workers and people were the most technologically-exposed and because the value of their labor was so high, because the VALUE of their LABOR was so high, they accepted. Now due to globohomo they can move overseas, to avoid paying these costs. By what right can an American company be said to be doing good for Americans if it actively de-industrializes and un-employs Americans? The coming answer, I predict, will be red nationalism.

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You already get freeshit expecially if outside of burgerland.
Still there are problems

Why are Americans only capable to think in black and white terms?
Either you're a Capitalist or you're a Commie.
Either you're piss poor or belong to the top 1 percent
Either you're a virgin loser or a Chad

First of all you should completely re-arrange your shitty two-party-rule and change it for a much more diverse and felxible political system. Take Switzerland for example. The Swiss are not just capitalists. Many US conservatives could call them unrepenting socialists. $1000 for tuition. Health insurance companies forbidden from making profits. All wages are livable. Health insurance costs a few hundred rather than a few thousand per month. Very little military spending. Better infrastructure. We are much closer to a democratic socialism than America. You know, that thing that Bernie talks about. Many policies taken for granted here have a leftist quality, yet are also supported by the moderate right. We don't have a president and instead all parties are working along at the same time, creating and debating solutions. Among the many political parties, the balance between left+center and right always hovers around 50-50, even though the rightist party, our mini-Republicans, have had a good 20 years run until last year.
The US once had the "perfect blend" of capitalism and social conscience - before Reaganomics, aka "trickle down". From FDR up until Reagan the US experienced the greatest growth in the middle class in history. Then Reagan declared war on unions and began a series of changes to the economic system that promoted funneling wealth upwards. It's a parasitic system, where a very small minority feast on the "host" of the majority.

Let's stop with this meme that Sanders and Warren want to replace capitalism with socialism. Just because they want to increase spending on social programs doesn't mean they want make America socialist.

communism is theft

this literal npc retard lives in his npc retard bubble so tight, he doesn't notice anythng around him
yet he thinks he's qualified to talk with the big boys about world events and economy

point and laugh at the NPC retard

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Its a lost battle. People would rather live as slaves thinking they one day will be a master, than fight to destroy the system that fucks them and most of the others.

Greed and selfishness won.

Dont ignore population sizes, overall region size, racial and cultural differences within the population. Certain policies that work for specific variables of all of the above wouldnt work if the numbers were different in other countries.

But I completely agree that the "two party" system has to go. Thats the one thing that can be changed, regardless of size, culture and so on.

But who bought the machine?


npc retards

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>But I completely agree that the "two party" system has to go

There are other parties in the US that just don't get noticed at all, why is this? Is there such a high 'buy in'?

>But who bought the machine?
the people
capitalists are parasites

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Post the study
>inb4 "g-google it!"

Yes. The two parties suffocate everything thats not part of them. If anything, the whole meme of left foot, right foot is perfect. The parties might be different, but theyre part of the same fucked up singular hivemind that works to make everything else irrelevant. I dont think that exists in Europe. In the US, most people, regardless of affiliation, probably couldnt even name the other parties, except democrat and republican. So they might as well not exist. People still tend to think, again regardless of affiliation, that Bernie was a democrat. Its demoralizing.