The reaction people have towards child sexual abuse causes more damage than the actual abuse itself

The reaction people have towards child sexual abuse causes more damage than the actual abuse itself.

When a child is sexually abused, the typical reaction from their parents upon discovering it is either hysteria or wild anger. Children look to their parents for guidance and context. A horrifying scene can make little impression on a child if the guardian they rely on stays calm and clear headed, while a relatively minor event can become traumatic if the parent treats it as such. After this shock and before the police are involved there is usually questioning done by the parents, and the child distressed and wanting to appease their parents tell them any version of events they wish to hear. This, likely, but understandably so, faulty information is then given to the police who start an investigation based on it. At some point the child will be questioned by the police or a professional working through them and while the police might say they do this as unobtrusively as possible at the end of the day they are still primarily concerned with collecting testimony the prosecution could use to convict the accused in a trial. So now the child is expected to remember the actual events that happened and the version they swore to their parents was true, while trying to figure out what the police want them to say, whom they are likely to be intimidated by on some level by their understanding that if the police are involved in something it must be quite serious. It isn't hard to see why many children in this situation shut down around this part of the process or start saying things that couldn't possibly be true just to get it over with faster. At this point there is also a good chance the suspect has been arrested, and this should be common knowledge, but the vast majority of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone close to the family. A friendly neighbor, a kind teacher, a funny uncle, these are the people most likely to be culprits in these situations.

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The child is often let known when they are locked up. Even if the child has already been convinced that this person they were close to is an evil and depraved monster, they will still likely feel anything but positive emotions knowing that "their" actions cause them to lose their freedom. In most cases a trial is avoided by the suspect taking a plea deal but even then the child would be expected to write some sort of victim impact statement, coached by the police or their parents each word of the letter. Next is the "therapy" which in what I can only see as the interest of self-sustainability tells the child over and over, sometimes for years at a time, that they will "recover" and "that they are a survivor." This implies to them that the incident caused deep psychic wounds to the child, taking away their ability to interpret the events only they experienced yet again, stealing their agency and freewill more so than the person who abused them in most cases. If they have the will to stand up against the tide of common sentiment and say something contrary, they will simply be told they were groomed to feel or think that way. That any nice things the culprit might have done for them were all lies and they never cared about them regardless of the facts, it doesn't take much of an imagination to see how this idea could warp someone's worldview. The child is treated like a helpless and fragile victim so thoroughly by everyone around them and society at large that it is no wonder if they adopt that mindset full time and start living as victims long afterwards. Those unfortunate souls who fall into this state of mind will always reference things that happen to them back to the past and live a half life with one foot stuck there and one in the present. Being a victim can become their entire identity really with their recollection of what actually happened becoming more and more corrupted.

This hasn't even touched on the other side of things where the child truly is traumatized by the event itself, which is in most cases caused by the culprit using excessive force or threats. Even among child abusers there aren't many sadists who would do such a thing just for the sake of it. It is mostly done as a way to keep the child silent out of fear of discovery and reprisal since our legal system routinely treats sex crimes as worse than murder because of media sensationalism and something even more sinister. If the people who committed these crimes were treated like human beings who made a mistake and sent to places where they could be rehabilitated instead of prisons where they have to spend everyday in fear for their life the world would overall be a better place, but society is far too short sighted to see things that way. They only want blood. Similarly, the overwhelming stigma against people who find children attractive (which again this should be common knowledge, but most convicted child sexual abusers aren't actually pedophiles but opportunists with access to children.) has also caused more harm than good for the world by discouraging and disenfranchising people with the condition which can cause them to act out in ways they wouldn't normally. Again, society only puts up a pretense of caring about children, while the people who genuinely do are considered strange. Humans always want a scapegoat, a group of people that they can take out their frustrations and hatred out on publicly as a type of game or sport. Many groups have occupied that space over the course of human history, but globalism and the surge of liberal ideas in the last few decades has reduced the number of "acceptable" targets. Human nature hasn't changed though, hatred still flows within them, and as their outlets for that hatred diminish they will pour it all the more strongly on certain groups of people.

unironically incredibly fucking based

I say this because in the end this will only cause the suffering of more children around the world which I can not abide.

Why thank you, I'm glad my message has reached at least one person.

Very well said. It's a shame that most anyone who actually needs to hear this message would simply dismiss you as a pedophile.

Unfortunately. I doubt this would reach any of them here to begin with though so I suppose it's fine. This was basically just me trying to articulate my thoughts on the subject in a place where I thought there might be some people who understood it.

Pedophiles should still get the rope lmao, if anything you've just reinforced the idea in my mind that the state/government should never be trusted in solving personal matters and affairs and that these things should be taken into your own hands.

I'm not a tough guy by any means but if someone were to sexually abuse my child I would take their life.

Well thank you for reading my thoughts and giving me your opinion.

Not to sound pedantic, but I assume when you say pedophile you mean child molester right? Or would you really condemn a person to death simply for thoughts and preferences they didn't chose to have?

I don't like pedophiles but I don't have any right to kill them unless they do something to my family. I'd certainly choose not to associate with someone who was a self proclaimed pedophile. I'd like to minimize the risk of any trauma or violence done to me or those I care about, which is more than fair.

More than fair indeed, I do understand where you're coming from.

Just remember that it isn't really the odd guy in the park or shady homeless man outside the library or the quiet young man down the street who happens to own a windowless van that you need to watch out for. If anyone causes your family harm there's a much higher chance it will be someone you personally know and trust. I hope such a thing never happens though.

regardless of all of your posts user, you have a theory, and some justifications for it, but to test it youll have to test it to tell whether or not its true. and allowing a pedophilic relationship to happen is clearly going to be seen as child abuse it todays society. there are obvious problems with taking any steps to prove your theory.
further, while your entire theory centers around the victim, the fact remains that a fully grown adult who wants to have sex with a real, extant child (or young teenager) and does so should be punished. thats a relationship between 2 people that shouldnt exist, at least partially because 1 of the 2 peopld cant meaningfully consent. children cant consent to complex relationships like that. an adult who takes advantage of a child in that way ought to be punished, no matter how gentle or caring they were.

i suppose im supposed to believe that youre not a pedophile huh? that youve never opened up a loli thread on Yas Forums, or clicked on the cp that somehow got through the filter? youre just a random user who's super concerned for children, and for the poor punished people who really "care about" children, youre not covering yourself, or trying to justify something you MIGHT, POSSIBLY do in the future, no way.

Are you trying to tell us you want to fuck kids, nonceanon?

The fear of repercussion is a reason, probably the biggest reason, why those people don't act on their urges. Your proposing to lessen that fear by encouraging more understanding and less anger is putting children at risk.

Exactly this. People that make these arguments, that put this much thought in to it, are scared pedos that want to create an environment in which itd be easier to act out some of their sexually deviant desires.

I think that someone who lacks the willpower to restrain themselves from breaking the law should be held accountable if only because that is evidence they could act further outside of the bounds of society and potentially be a danger to themselves or others. So I agree that those who break the laws of their lands should be punished. My main point is that the ones who are called victims of those crimes are in many cases victimized worse by the people who claim to be their advocates but because this is done in a legal and roundabout fashion it isn't talked about while the person, also in the wrong, who started the event is treated much more harshly than what an unbiased person would say is reasonable most of the time.

I won't touch on the age of consent today sense I've been up almost 24 hours and don't have much energy left, but I think there are flaws in that system that pretty obviously expose the hypocrisy of the system that I mentioned in my third post.

>The reaction people have towards child sexual abuse causes more damage than the actual abuse itself.
No, the reaction to child sexual abuse is exactly what it needs to be.

The reaction to _enjoyable, happy and good_ child sexytimes is way out of proportion.
Abuse is horrible. But sex doesn't magically become abusive below a certain age.
>muh informed consent
Implying adult foids, dickbrains, karens and coomers can think about their actions enough to provide informed consent
Implying informed consent is even relevant when 99.9999% of the species on this planet do not require it
Implying consenting to something has any relevance to whether it was a good thing or not

That's the problem people have. They can't tell good sex apart from bad sex when it comes to children.

I can tell you from... well let's call it second hand experience that fear only makes people take more extreme measures to hide what they've done. It's the same as prohibition and the war on drugs really. When something comes up and a person thinks they can't turn to friends or family, or even a professional for help, that if they get caught their life is over, they're more likely to go all out if anything.

If the law is unjust then it is a good man's duty to disrespect it.

That's bollocks. It applies to the extreme end. Fear absolute prevents people from acting on desires and impulses on a daily fucking basis. Everyone experiences it.

The war and drugs and prohibition example is far more complex than you're making it out to be to suit your agenda. Again, prohibition can work to an extent. There are plenty of people out there now that would probably be taking illicit substances if they could be bought at the local shop rather than having to go through the seedy friend of a friend at the risk of being caught.

Utter bullshit to suggest fear deters no one.

>They can't tell good sex apart from bad sex when it comes to children.
Do you know how dumb this sounds? Lunatic tier

I missed that somehow... proves my fucking point. These people are all wannabe kiddy diddlers scared in to inaction looking to lessen their fear.

>Utter bullshit to suggest fear deters no one.
I didn't mean to go quite that far. However I will stand by the idea that the excess demonization, ostracization, and draconian legal punishments that combine to create this fear in the first place do more harm than good and that they aren't as effective as many people assume.

Kids safety is more important than pedos feelings. Human rights only apply to humans and pedophiles arent human. Simple as.

Think what you want. I wouldn't let my kids near you though and I'd be advising everyone else of the same.

Murder is worse than molestation or rape, yet society treats killers as if their crimes are less heinous

Ironically I'm fairly certain this stems from the ancient tradition in many cultures to view women as the property of their fathers and then husbands. A person other than her husband having sex with her, regardless of if it was rape or not devalued that property and even potentially put into question the lineage of any children she might have had 8-9 months from then. Most people back then (like today) who were murdered were men, who were largely seen as replaceable (like today), but if a woman was raped that was more of a concern since she was still around afterwards.

And yet that being said, the modern idea of rape and sex crimes being worse than murder is pushed and reinforced by feminists and their simp thralls who feel that any crime committed against a woman or child is automatically worse than a more serious crime committed against a man.

What if your child wanted it though? I was horny when I was 10

I was the victim of something like this and it caused a pretty big rift in my family.
But what can you do? You either have to trust the kid who maybe had something traumatic happen to them, or somebody who may have sought to harm your child.
I wouldn't fault any parent for siding with the former, even though it was to my own detriment.
Having things be this way just ensures that when things do happen, the real child predators get what they deserve.
It's just an unfortunate side effect of how the justice system works that innocents can be taken down in the proceedings.