what would you be thinking if you were them?
>what would you be thinking if you were them?
I think I would just try hard to think of an edgy joke but wouldn't be able to do it.
Would then go and completely empty the stock of alcohol in our rocket, try to write something about earth on a rock as a memento for humanity before dancing and removing my helmet.
"How'd the earth get so fucking close"
/k/ What caliber was that?
I guess I'm the last human alive... Time to masturbate on the moon.
I don't think you can masturbate on the moon without dying, user
My dick doesnmt breathe tho
yeah dude just pull your arms in inside the suit
based doomstronaut
>why skybox with lofi photoshop is here
Der Ewige Koomer
fuck off doom eternal is a shit game you stupid retard
Unless my math is incorrect, that should be 65671515 Cal
>I'm getting rekt by marauders on lowest difficulty help
All according to plan, I have finally brought an end to all of mans suffering.
>what would you be thinking if you were them?
I would shrug and continue living a happy life with my waifu Kagari, who lives on the Moon
My death is going to be much worse than everyone on Earth.
>i hope it didn't destroy me cheese pizza collection
there's a will, there's a way
everyone who plays baseball looks like someone's dad out of wedlock who operates a lawn care company from pickup truck
ur mum, chucklefuck.
>mfw I witness human extinction event and go insane
>the last human in existence dies in a suit filled with his own cum
>today in: zooms project their anger at games they can't beat
that's not why he said it's shit retard
Probably worry that the moon will either collapse onto the Earth or be slingshotted into space due to gravity shenanigans.
The true Test Pilot astronauts would just mentally log the Time. Angle of impact. Place of Impact and a brief description of the fire exit damage before getting back to work.
I know what /lit/ would be thinking.
>My dick doesnmt breathe tho
Thanks for the belly laugh