Do robots shave their pubes? originally?

do robots shave their pubes? originally?

Attached: man dick.jpg (678x381, 28.61K)

Of course. Are you trying to call me a fucking idiot you simp monkey?

no it feels sweaty then very itchy when stubble starts

I plucked all the hair off my sack out of boredom.

I don't shave because dealing with the stubble is hell, but I trim my pubes fairly short because free-growing pubes look fucking awful and they also feel uncomfortable.

i did once never again never again the stubble felt awful

I'm glad we have a consensus here

Ive done it since the beginning, even shave the taint and asshole (queue the fucking copypasta). ill tell you what when the head of your penis touches the stubble its some of the most uncomfortable pain.

I shave my balls, trim the area on top to 6mm and trim the area to the sides on my inner thighs to 4mm.

I cut them short every now and then just in case I have a penis related medical emergency