Is a 28 inch bust too small

is a 28 inch bust too small

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No, there's a guy out there for you.

Depends how many inches your waist and hips are

waist is 26
hips 31

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You're a female, you could have literally any bust size and still have guys begging for your attention. Get the fuck off this board you dumb whore.

>waist is 26
>hips 31
>bust 28
yikes, you got a fridge body. That's not appealing at all

ur good for a quick fuck, dont worry fembot

>waist is 26
Pretty funny, your waist has the same circumference than my head.
Just dropping that fact out.
You must be a womanlet.

its over isnt it. what the fuck do i do now

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>Body visualizer predicts a weight of 88 pounds

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My discord is most depressed person#8843

Please date me

five feet tall
not anorexic just /skelly/

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i would simp 4 u

88 pounds is not "skelly". I'm 6'0 and 130, that's "skelly". 5'0 and 88 is "just walked out of the concentration camp".

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Just stay skinny, it's the only redeeming physical quality you have (not counting your face that may or may not be attractive). If you gain weight with a body type like yours, it'll make you look even worse. There are guys who like short and very skinny girls

>bust 34
>waist 26
>hips 33
it's not over op. i like small bodies like that.

>its over isnt it.
I never said that (I'm the big head).
So what if you're small and not really curvy?
It isn't the end of the world.
Besides, if you would lower your standards, there's a lot of thirsty scums here that wouldn't even mind a non Euclidean eldritch horror so you're fine.

it doesnt look that bad, you can barely see my ribs and it's faintly the lower ones
what the fuck happens when i gain weight? will any of it at least go to my chest?
why. that is really sad.

>5'0 88lbs
>meanwhile I'm 5'2 and 120lbs
Making me feel fat

>why. that is really sad.
Most of the time they're closet pedos

>will any of it at least go to my chest?
assuming your body measurements would make you a rectangle body type, probably not. I mean it will a little but it'll also go straight to your stomach and thighs, still making your tits look small.

I think you are perfectly fine user, dont worry too much about it

why's it sad? i think its cute and fragile. im 5'3 and 100 pounds so we're a bit different but i think it's nice.

dont feel fat im just chronically underweight and was severely anemic as a teenager. my hair also used to be super brittle. i'm healthier now by far but its not a place you want to be regardless. i'm sure you're just fine
cringe yikes
womanlet forever i guess.
thanks continued. but 5'3 100lbs is also pretty small.

>its over isnt it.

No, far from that, you're a femoid. If you have a at least not disgusting face to go with your pussy you're still living life on tutorial mode, if your face is attractive it's full glitches and cheats tutorial mode. Now shut up and gtfo of my board, foids can't be here, this is the last place for us losers so leave us alone

Post pics
Would be based but I can't imagine anything cringier than unironically saying "foids"

You saying that won't stop me from pushing the extra half mile when I wake up tomorrow though. It's been rough being stuck at home. I can't even go to a crappy gym. I have to run and do body weight.

bust of 28? damn, my thighs are 25 each and I've been slacking off on my squats. and if I put my hand on your chest it would almost cover your whole chest. that's fuckin wild

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You and op have the same bmi. you're both very tiny and probably cute

yikes. guess i'm a pedo 4 my own body then uh oh

You'll be fine, what exactly does 'over' mean in your head?

not posting pics this isnt /soc/
good luck with your exercise, i hope you get to your goal
i want a bf who loves me and doesnt care that im not a true woman. its over for me im an a cup.

There isn't really a goal I'm just an addict. Growing up playing sports and actually caring sets you up with an obsession if you do it right.

I really don't think it is, breasts aren't that important and being attractive and of the girls I've found attractive most seem to be on the smaller side.

you're in big trouble now

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i guess. i dont really control what i eat or really try at all but my body dysmorphia used 2 be really bad which tells me otherwise. a lot better now im very happy with my fat distribution and proportions for now.
>its over for me im an a cup.
same, but with ur proportions i think being anything over an a cup would just be weird. tit size doesnt matter but how it looks in comparison to the rest

You'll be fine user, it's all about personality.

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chest size?

forget that im a retard

thanks i really hope it is. im in my 20s now and i still havent had a bf but im holding out hope.
it said in the op

>it's all about personality
She didn't give me a (You) to my last reply so she's probably a cunt.
And she's obviously fishing for compliments here so also histrionic.
Shitty personality, sad!
As one user said above, maybe a fucked up lolicon would be interested.

last peice of information, what is your height?

I'll be your bf if you can cook
Every woman fishes for compliments, it's in their nature.

I'm 5'0 and 120 lbs..
Maybe I should start paying attention to my diet

anything over 12 is disgusting.

Fuck, typhoid really fucks you up. Good thing they were quarantined until the Allies showed up.