White teens are addicted to eating black ass now

>white teens are addicted to eating black ass now
What happened?

Attached: rimjob.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

Reminder that porn is not reflective of reality.

Porn no.
But amateur vids etc. Sure are.
And there are tons of onlyfans etc. content makes with girls eating black ass.

>And there are tons of onlyfans etc. content makes with girls eating black ass.
Not amateur.

Why are his balls so small? Lil bitch

asking for a friend who's not american

Some nigger posting his stuff on ManyVids/Twitter.
As far as i know he simply picks up some white girls and makes them do shit like that.

Attached: Rimming.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

This is the degeneracy of capitalism.

t. seething polcel

More like degeneracy of white women.

i wish i had a girlfriend addicted to eating my ass
what do i need to do guys?

Pray to the virus to wipe humanity out.

Attached: 8u-q0aui0-fisa0ds9fh89wj09ejoa.jpg (249x202, 8.84K)

My old room mate did one of these porn videos and I forced her to use all the money to pay off my car payments and some other bills. Good times

How did u force

I don't know where you get this idea. fuck you for talking nonsense

>What happened?
You lied on the internet.

But real life is going to start reflecting this new(?) porn phenomenon, because people strive to make sex as exciting as porn with all the fake moaning, impractical sex positions, etc. etc.

Dude current generation is basically raised on porn.
Girls as young as 13-16 are talking about fucked up BDSM sex, choking etc.
I am not much older and it honestly scares me. I do think shit like PornHub etc. should be banned and porn should be regulated at this point.

This. I've heard little-ass kids making 69 jokes with full confidence in their squeaky-ass voices and shit. They already know what's up at age six.

People underestimate how much porn influences people. Facials and sloppy blowjobs are popular as fuck because of porn, most people would not of have thought of this shit, but porn makes you want to try it.

The real question is: why are niggers so obsesed with rimjobs?

It is, if it works on you, than it sure would do the job on others minds, we live in the modern world, don't forget that, but this could also be some kike.

It feels good but also is hilarious to be some thug nigga and have a rich middle class educated white girl licking your shithole knowing that she probably has a racist/trad father or white guys friends that crush on her.

Honestly you just need to be a handsome black guy in a mostly-white European country and you will get young student girls eating your ass like groceries in club's toilet.

Attached: Rimg.webm (1920x1080, 1.54M)

>make vanilla vid
>get barely anything because non-degenerates are too busy fucking their wives to pay for porn
>cater to degenerates
>their pathetic distorted views allow them to only get satisfaction from stuff nobody would do with them irl
>only release they can get is by paying $$$ for shitty "amateur" porn
you commies really don't understand the fundamentals of economy
porn was the worst trick kikes pulled on you

creasing at the fat sperg who made this thread

Porn will never be banned. Its a placation method, just like video games and junk food. Without it incels would be shooting up malls everyday. Sex bots are going to be distributed eventually by the government to placate single men.

You can say the same for handsome guys of any race in any country brainlet, stop pushing this weird and gross quote it movement unquote it is racist against all parties involved and it makes you look like a cuck

You don't actually need to be handsome.
If you go to country like Poland, Czech Republic or Russia you can be a 5/10 ugly nig and a 10/10 slav waifu will rim your ass just after you took a shit if you order her to.

Why are racist so obsessed with getting cucked by minorities?

Literally disgusting

Can you pornsick retards post your cuck threads on another board, this place is garbage enough.