
Why do girls do this? I am dating...well mostly banging...a girl that does this. I feel like I should GTFO out of the relationship....

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She will cheat. Mentally ill girls just can't help it, one day she'll act impulsively (like she does with cutting) and hop on someone else's dick. Act accordingly.

>I feel like I should GTFO out of the relationship....
Yeah, you definitely should.
t. guy that does this

i was just cutting my legs
i get overwhelmed with emotions and it seems to make me feel better. not a girl though.

Yeah but *I* told her it is an open relationship from the start. Still mostly a sex thing and she pushed for more of a commitment.

Have you tried it? If you havn't you shouldnt judge

It's just an outlet. It's what people do when they run out of options but don't want to kill themselves. It's the last option. Try to imagine a state where every second you live in is torment because your brain is just scrambled. All you can do is distract yourself and the only thing that distracts you is pain. Plus there's a little bit of self punishment in it too.

I had a friend who used to cut. Its all about attention according to him.

>Why do girls do this?
next question

FUUCK that looks sexy

You can try getting the fuck out of my board you fucking normalnigger kys

Kek, this nigga thinks permanently mutilating your body is hot

You should GTFO out this board

Have you tried killing yourself? Do not knock it until you try it, my dude.

HAHA if you knew why I was fucking her you would not call me normal

Nah. I shit on the floor. This is my spot now.

Before you dump her, make sure to give her one last wound for all the virgins on this board, thanks!

Offer her help. Ask her why she cuts talk to her kindly. Cutting can be a way to look for control, attention , impulses or a breakdown. I got raped while walking through central park (which is the rape capitol of America) and I had a breakdown and started cutting my thighs, chest , arms and crotch. She probably went through a similar situation , the casual and reckless sex could also be a symptom. Don't ask or force her to stop cutting or to tell you what happened just be casual but firm and polite if she gets uncomfortable back away. Cutting is the closest thing to planning death. Remeber: She doesn't want to kill herself , she wants to kill the part of herself that wants to kill her

yo thata me I that nigga bruhh

Why do girls not do anything logical like a robot?

I will do something. This is her BTW

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Be nice with her, user. If you really like her try to push for a longterm relationship and help her to stop cutting. If not just gtfo but dont ghost her or be rude, do it the proper way, its not ok to hurt someone elses feelings :(

It's a compulsion, like biting your nails or pulling your hair

low chance of her getting better, too much work to help, leave now while the winds are favorable

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then tell us why instead of being a retard fishing for yous

Nope dont mind me () shes a whore looking for attention. I thought it was for real

You're still having sex, that makes you a normalfag. Fuck off.
This is retarded advice, never be someone's therapist for free.

She's either mental ( in which case you need to gtfo) or she just dose it for attention because its the only way she can get some dopamine
either way dont stick around that bitch for more then quick sex trust me i had a girlfriend who did the same thing in high school and i wish someone had warned me

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I am not going to be an asshole to her. I dated 7 girls since this time last year. Some just didnt work out....but on the whole the girls were usually the assholes.

I find it hard to catch feels now and have learned to drop the relationship and never talk again if I get any sense the girl is playing games.

She IS a ho. I know perfectly well what I have gotten into

>I dated 7 girls since this time last year.
What the fuck about "get off this board normalfag" are you incapable of understanding?

1. I am a dude. I like sex. Of course I am gonna fuck. And.....

She calls me daddy, wants me to tie her up and fuck her, spank her ass, give her hickies EVERYWHERE, and fuck her when she is wearing a catgirl outfit.

2. I agree with your opinion on that advice

She smokes weed hard every day

>This is retarded advice, never be someone's therapist for free.
What, like the fucking NHS?

You keep saying the same autistic thing like a broken record......

Cut your balls off and become a trap if you want someone to give a shit about you

>2. I agree with your opinion on that advice
I'm slightly offended about my advice but she's obviously mentally ill and cutting for attention is a sign of Hysteria which is a mental illness either way if you know she's a crazy thot atleast try and help her otherwise It's fucked that you let her die