If god is real, why do niggers exist?

If god is real, why do niggers exist?

How could an intelligent and benevolent creator design a nigger and think: "Yes this creature is marvelous I want it to exist."

Christians literally can't refute this point.

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We are all g-d's children goyim.
Some of his creations are... more special than others.

Tell me the atheist's answer to that question first

It's the white man's burden. Teaches us to be better in comparison and lift up those who are lower. Light cannot exist without dark after all...

evolution, some races are more evolved and advanced than other races

Not sure if this means niggers can technically be counted as eldritch horrors

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"More evolved" doesn't make any sense.
As for advancements sure, but according to the atheist natural selection should have wiped them all out by now

> natural selection
not gonna happen with the billions of dollars in aid sent to them annually. welfare and modern egalitarian society inhibits natural selection. as edgy as it sounds

Your average atheist would deny biology, evolution and common sense in order to defend niggerinos online. They would embrace creationism if it enables the ridiculous notion that all races are equal.

They're wiping themselves out but the 1st world is shipping food to keep their families alive.

This is not sustainable but the west doesn't understand because they want to feel good by donating money and ignoring the problems it causes.

>more "evolved"
>less "evolved"
That implies scala naturae, not biological evolution

So how were they surviving all those years before other races interacted with them?

in a natural setting, the other races would've wiped them out. we see that happening to certain degree in slavery. they were enslaved by everyone around them from middle easterns to europeans. it's thanks to human rights and international laws that didn't happen

Hunting and farming?

What is your point?

The original user is retarded for thinking evolution is linear and some races are "more evolved" but Africans are definitely less advanced in many aspects but physically. Their cultures rarely steered towards advancement and civilization so they fell behind the rest of the world. That doesn't mean they don't have the potential to become part of the 1st world but it would definitely take a few generations to do so.

As well many countries, mainly China at the moment, are pretty much raping and pillaging the resources of the continent, as many have done so before. They are incompatible with the rest of the world for many reasons and I don't think that's wrong to say.

Discord code: XzqY4N


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>thread deralied
answer the question christcuck, how does God explain niggers?

Discord code: XumwVb


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Niggers are hyper-individualistic. Impossible to build anything with niggers. If you tell them a simple command, they get pissed at you because you act bossy. They have the biggest fucking egos of any race. Also shaming tactics which function on most high IQ people don't work on niggers. You can't shame something which is too dumb to visualize simple things and consequences. Whites are the middle ground between hyper-individualistic niggers and hyper-collectivist Asians.

There's some shit I've read explaining how they generally struggle to think in advance. They are literally incapable of thinking about consequences of their action. So they'll fuck up shit just for immediate gain.

Lol, those aren't atheists. They don't even believe in it, they just say atheistic talking points to spite christians. You're talking about social justice warriors.

It's simple. God was a nigger. Jesus too.

>If you tell them a simple command, they get pissed at you because you act bossy. They have the biggest fucking egos of any race. Also shaming tactics which function on most high IQ people don't work on niggers
I'm like this but I'm white and, apparently, have an IQ of 141. I always thought "tough love" and "bullying for social conformity" were gay faggot shit. I don't want you rulecucks to lump me in with fucking niggers just because I'm anti-social.

>in a natural setting, the other races would've wiped them out. we see that happening to certain degree in slavery. they were enslaved by everyone around them from middle easterns to europeans
So how do they still exist? Slavery is still around by the way.
>it's thanks to human rights and international laws that didn't happen
Recent developments.
>What is your point?
The 1st world shipping food argument falls flat

It was prolly Satan f@m

No planning is required in Africa. They're adapted to an environment where you climb a fucking tree and you have a weeks worth of food.

Whites are the result of the ice age and only the smartest survived it. We are literally the descendants of autists who got laughed at for hoarding more pelts and food than normal cavemen.

Discord code: Bjvz3b


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Gorillas weren't wiped out by natural election either.

Christians are literally wasting their time on this Earth. Why would a God need to "test" his children and make them suffer? Why would he shame all of humanity for the sins of two people? Why would he even let Satan have power if he is God afterall? There are so many logical holes in their arguments it's actually hilarious.

Yeah they were filthy fucking monarchists.

>The 1st world shipping food argument falls flat
No, retard. The point is that the population is inflated beyond their means and the aid of the 1st world is only sustaining the suffering.

How can you not understand this concept? They breed as much as they can afford to, and if you keep giving them food without teaching them how to sustain themselves the population will just keep expanding and become more dependant.

Do some research about how this is intentionally so as well, how charities are almost a complete scam and very few actually improve the villages with wells and equipment because the whole show is a farce and scam to give as little as possible and take the most.

Discord code: 8BhUsA


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How are they wasting their time? Do you assume they are miserable or something?

Imagine you saw a kid who asked you for money. You don't know if he was a good kid or a fucking tyrant. Why give him money before you know he is a good kid?

>No, retard. The point is that the population is inflated beyond their means and the aid of the 1st world is only sustaining the suffering.
The argument is they still exist because of the aid, I'm well aware their numbers would decrease without it, extinction is another story

At least they're very passionate about safe sex. Good for them.

I never claimed extinction. Learn to follow who's arguing with you and what points they are responding to.

Discord code: By4ZsC


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Why do you think wasting their time implies they are miserable? I don't think they are, but what a sad life to live worshiping a fraud. Imagine dedicating your life, only to find out in your dying moments that your life was a lie.

"Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?" (James 4:11-12)

According to your religion, you cannot even assume that child is a tyrant. Therefore you must assume he is a good kid automatically. How about you ask me a question that doesn't directly contradict your religion? Are you a hypocrite?

Discord code: aZjAzA


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God automatically assumes you are good dumbass. Notice how all you have to do to go to heaven is not be evil? You don't have to do any of the saintly stuff. You don't have to cure cancer or even save 1 single life. All you have to do is literally not be evil, that's fucking it. Evil is nothing but weakness.

If you were god, would you be chilling with weak people?