I fucking hate normies who have the audacity to claim they're depressed...

I fucking hate normies who have the audacity to claim they're depressed, right after they go out partying with friends and other normie shit. And I'm just supposed to accept it because "oh boo hoo you don't know what's going on inside their head, they might have problems or something" mother fucker what problems, they have friends that care about them, they have a job and money and a bright future, what do they fucking have to be depressed about? Have they ever gone months without talking to anyone outside their family? Of course they haven't. I don't give a shit if they say they're depressed, they have NOTHING to be depressed about besides daddy not buying them the newest iPhone or some inane bullshit. And the fact that they pretend to be depressed and have people shower them with affection, while there are actual depressed people who just sit in their room all day talking to no one, is infuriating.

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You dont know how depression works do you? How embarrassing.

I don't know or give a shit. I'm venting. And by the way, I have actual depression.

It's a waste of energy to hate on the posers, user.

>I'm mad because people aren't as miserable as me oh boo hoo hoo

How about you just worry about yourself?

I'm not mad that they're not as miserable as me. I envy them. I'm mad that they have the gall to act like they're clinically depressed while their lives are fucking great.

You ever been homeless? Have you ever had your children taken from you while you couldn't do shit about it? Have you ever watched your government systematically starve your entire village? Have you ever had cancer? I don't think you know what real depression is, as you sit around all day, in your room, in mommy and daddy's house, being mad at the world because a girl won't touch your dick.

>2020 posting like it's 2015
Nobody cares snowflake

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You didn't address my argument, you just changed the topic, cunt.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

I am a failed normie. I have a girlfriend, I have sex, I am not depressed but I only have a few friends and I am weird

depressed people don't claim anything
theyre depressed

This is literally what you sound like.
Depressed people need support. Just because they are stronger than you and actually able to keep a job doesn't mean you somehow """deserve""" support more than them.

Oh yeah, i'm sure this person with tons of friends, an active social life, lots of money needs soo much support because they're soo sad, boo hoo. Fucking see if I care. Get the fuck out, you normalnigger piece of shit.

Well normies are in quarantine and they are "suffering from loneliness"

Yes this exactly. It's honestly hilarious that they're so upset from having to live a few weeks like we do all the time.

Fucking boohoo, everyone has problems, retard, the fact you're a social retard is your own fault thus you deserve to feel miserable.

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You're literally keeping yourself down because you believe you won't deserve empathy if you do anything about your life. It's literally your fault. Kill yourself, dysfunctional sack of shit.

>the fact you're a social retard is your own fault
I have numerous mental conditions including autism. Go kill yourself in minecraft, you normalscum.

>I don't give a shit if they say they're depressed, they have NOTHING to be depressed about besides daddy not buying them the newest iPhone or some inane bullshit. And the fact that they pretend to be depressed and have people shower them with affection, while there are actual depressed people who just sit in their room all day talking to no one, is infuriating.
Wow... Sweety... Who hurt you?

Okay so you're an actual retard, what I said applies double now.

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You think I don't want to do anything about my life? Are you fucking implying I want to be a depressed loser with no friends? And you claim you know jack shit about depression.

depressed people are biologically weak and have lesser genes. the only way we can stop people from saying they have depression -despite not having - is by recoiling in disgust at such repulsive genetics.

all the depressed people should just kill themselves already. they contribute nothing to society and force the happy chads among us to give them empathy and attention.

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>I don't give a shit if they say they're depressed, they have NOTHING to be depressed about
Well I don't give a shit if you say you're depressed, you have NOTHING to be depressed about. If you can afford to not go out of yor room for months, you obviously have a stable family that supports you, normalfag. Imagine having to rent fucking apartments and working for the luxury of not sleeping on the street. Imagine having to beg sheckelberg for a "chance" to make a shitload of money for him, just to survive, and the forcing yourself every morning to go to a job you hate, se people you despise, just so you won't become homeless.

Stupid American standard of "teehee I haven't left my house in 7 days poor me pls pity my mommy and daddy".

>haha funny autistic people are retarded
Why the fuck are you here, to make people miserable? Do you know what board you're on? You're literally the standard normie bully who causes school shootings to happen.

>be some normie
>you have friends
>you have a functional family life
>you still don't feel happy
>"It's okay, you could be a literal spaz with no social skills on Yas Forums"
You sure act like you want to be a depressed loser.

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>You think I don't want to do anything about my life? Are you fucking implying I want to be a depressed loser with no friends?
Yes, I am "fucking implying". You have turned it into a clan war, "us" vs "them" and you obviously hate "them".
Are you saying you want to be like "them"?

Autisits are retards tho...

Also wow your feefees are hurt? Wlecome to Yas Forums, Kyle.

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huh, this is the first time I've browsed r9k in 5 years I think, how did this place change so much lmao.

this is a paradox. with this being the argument, only one person in the world should be depressed at a time and that is the person with the utter least of anything (objects, social standing, friends, money, etc.)

This whole thread is OP spazzing out because he thinks he's special for feeling depressed and being an autist. That's 80% of r9k you fucking moron lmao you aint special

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I never said I hate "them." I don't care what normals do as long as they leave me alone. I just want a single real friend, for fucks sake.
Retards are people with below 70 IQ by definition. Autism has nothing to do with it.
Never said I was "special" or anything like that. My original point was that people who claim they're depressed while going to parties with their friends are annoying as shit.

Lurk more retard. Don't even speak if you can't handle basic lingo and culture.

Discord code: zEvygv


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I'm a robot myself, but chemical imbalance can happen with anyone, its just a physical process. We are not special snowflakes.

And you're annoying as shit too, deal with it, loser.

Because people use it as an exaggeration for feeling lesser emotions such as melancholy. Same reasoning behind calling others retards despite it being an error of questionable importance.

You're doing exactly what he is. Play a new game.

Spergs on suicide watch

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>I don't care what normals do as long as they leave me alone. I just want a single real friend, for fucks sake.
The original post says otherwise.

This tbqh sempai anorafo

Are you talking to me or the normalfag
Ok normal
Yes exactly. These bastards feel sad once in a while, and then act like it's clinical depression.
Yes, well, when they have everything that they could want and then pretend like they're miserable, it pisses me off.

>I fucking hate normies who have the audacity to claim they're depressed, right after they go out partying with friends and other normie shit
>I'm just supposed to accept it because "oh boo hoo you don't know what's going on inside their head, they might have problems or something"
>I'm just supposed to accept it
>Oh but also i don't care

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Discord code: bQWrzh


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>Because people use it as an exaggeration for feeling lesser emotions such as melancholy. Same reasoning behind calling others retards despite it being an error of questionable importance.
American media are to blame. They push the jew pills to any gullible retard that wants to feel broken.
Also, the diagnosis of depression isn't well defined and neither is depression itself. It's literally a doctor's word against yours.

I do care you idiot. Have you been reading anything. I wouldn't care if they wouldn't be so insufferable.

>Yes, well, when they have everything that they could want and then pretend like they're miserable, it pisses me off.
Normies gonna norm. Depression is just another cool thing to fill the time, who the hell cares.
When retards like you whine about it on my board, it pisses me off. I don't wanna think about it. Shut the fuck up.

>your board
Stop whining whore

Whining about normies is literally the main thing that happens on this board, dude.