Se: chad function
Si: granny function
Ne: dreamy kid function
Ni: 2deep4u function
Te: dumb middle manager function
Ti: autism function
Fe: social sheep function
Fi: tranny function
How is it autism to reflect on what is before you then figure out the solution with zero wasted effort? Why do people waste their time trying things that obviously won't work?
Ti and Te are probably swapped in the pic, or they are just plain wrong.
Ti try to understand things at a deep level of how it works with minimal ambiguity, very similar to how programming code works. Te seems to be more like "ok what is the quickest way to get it done? I don't care how it works".
i want an INFJ e-gf
discord: Eternal#7186
i cant live in a world filled with heartless humans without love
Ti is the function that makes it so cooming and fantasizing about women consooms your life.
Ni is the function that lets you fucking ruin your life just by staring at a wall and thinking
Gotta fucking love my Ni
Yeah, Te and Ti should really be swapped.
I don't think you are gonna find one here bud.
Why are these threads ending and happening so fucking fast? Is the last thread even archived?
Nevermind, my dumbass forgot about the quarantine.
Last thread isn't just archived, it has 512 replies, damn.
Seems like Yas Forums is accepting the mbtipill
No, I think the visual representations are right. Ti's solve problems through insight, while Te's solve problems with applied knowledge.
Autistic chad, 2deep4u sheep poster here
I can crack my knuckles with ease, just by bending my finger.
Oh yeah, just a reminder, just in case one of you retards ever think it was a good idea...
4 C H A N
Yeah but it oversimplifies Ti, makes it look like its how most people solve problems, when its actually really autistic and convoluted like
>ok how this works?
>I don't care what anyone think of it just tell me how it works exactly
>ok theres this wall thing here what properties does it have? Can I go through it? no? why not?
>god why do I even need to reach that thing in the first place, why is no one asking about this? you damn sheep
>fuck it I need a way to find an optimal path to reach the thing instead of being stupid and smashing against the wall like everyone else
>overanalyzes the problem furiously
>oh I get it, theres this concept of "going around" that makes sense given A, B and C that i came up with myself
>implements A* pathfinding algorithm in their heads
>execute it
The only thing I like about being INFJ are my imaginations with Ni.
Having Fe as my auxillary is like a curse though. Sure I can use it to form good connections with people. But it's just stressful to deal with most of the time. Mainly because of the empathy factor. But to the point where it gets unhealthy. Most people think we're just cyborgs or normies that have it easy. But a lot of us in reality are avoidant or have avoidant-like symptoms. At least from all the INFJs I've met it seems that way. And having avoidant PD is hell. I'd rather just be a hyper autist and just have schizoid PD instead.
I feel like being stuck in an Ni-Ti loop is sort of like having avoidant personality disorder a lot of the time. Maybe I'm wrong though.
I don't like this drawing. It doesn't even explain how the Ni got through. They just walked through it. He's a ghost with cheat codes or something.
i wasted $1000 on Arknights becuz Ni told me $ is nothing
got this weird cognitive dissonance where i hate rules and being told what to do but i also like fascism
Yeah, the two interpretations that I got was "they just know it" or "they imagine they doing it in the future".
Maybe I'm wrong and some Ni dom can explain it better though
You just understood that most people aren't like you, they can't think for themselves and need to be commanded.
Nah, you are just stupid for playing gacha shit.
Are you sure it was because of your Ni?
I bet it was the Se.
Ni told me $1000 is only .1% of 1 million
maybe it was Se
>Ni told me $1000 is only .1% of 1 million
That's the stupidest shit I ever read unless you actually have the one million. I wouldn't give a penny to chink gacha shit ever.
I don't think Ni was the deciding factor of that though, user. It's just a perceiving function. But I get what you mean anyways
>>god why do I even need to reach that thing in the first place, why is no one asking about this? you damn sheep
This, Ti don't fuck with that herd shit, it would go and do its own thing, fuck the wall
i made it off stocks anyways so it was basically free money
This quarantine is driving me crazy. My mind is getting mushier every day. Not having anything to do or feeling unproductive is getting me really, really stressed out. And now that I've spent days lazing out in bed, is harder to get on things when I finally find something to do. I feel drained and restless.
I'm stuck in awkward place where I'm too drained to do shit, but because I'm not doing shit I feel drained. Dammit, I want to break this loop before it finishes ruining my daily life.
I admire all the INTP, INTJ and INFP that are getting through this lockdown like a breeze. And good luck to the other types that are struggling through this. Hope we get back to normal soon.
hope we stay like this forever
Give coroNacHan ur EnergYyy!!!!
Why do normies break down when they aren't slaving away to jews?
I'm quite okay with the lockdown. It's funny how normies are dying off. Why don't you just take a walk outside or something? I do my daily runs just fine with the lockdown being in effect.
Unless you're in new zealand or something then my condolences.
Yeah but from an outside perspective it doesn't look like the Ti is doing anything. I never act until I'm sure of my solution, so from an outside perspective I don't appear to be working even though I'm very busy thinking about the problem, often to an unnecessarily complicated degree.
infj anons, if you were holding a seemingly eternal grudge against me that cannot be lifted through reason alone, how would i convince you to let me back into your life
Yeah but the diagrams are about the inside perspective, or else most would be like how the Ti is represented there