33 36'33.3"N

33 36'33.3"N

86 52'55.4"W

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 9.04.13 PM.png (723x637, 779.85K)

Oh no, is it happening again?

What have you fucking done, OP?

Is this some cicada 5501 shit? You know no one has the free time for your shitty scavenger hunt. Some of us have fucking jobs, and playing Goonies isn't a good enough excuse to get out of work.

Attached: images (15).jpg (205x246, 7.18K)

Fake and gay
Go away
You've had your stay
Now you must pay

Attached: IMG_1143.jpg (750x727, 58.75K)

what did you do op? someone go there and find out

in Alabama? nah man im good im not going down to Alabama

I bet it's a box with a cut out of pic related inside.

Attached: Screen shot 2010-06-27 at 10.08.28 PM.png (320x269, 110.98K)

try larping AFTER the pandemic stupid nigger

Attached: 1583821878539.jpg (1200x1200, 1012.17K)

Bump for intrest, its no where near me and Its dark outside rn, I may look into it in the morning.

Attached: russian-girls.jpg (640x960, 71.74K)

pic is off a bit from the coordinates but close

still too far for me to go there though.

can't wait for some nigger to die from opening a shoebox with a pipe bomb in it.

why can't these ever be anywhere near me? i'd go check it out if i could actually access the location, not like i have anything better to do. i'm not about to go to fucking alabama though

Note that the trees are in neat rows. This is somewhere that was logged and then replanted. That clearing is probably just the area where the base camp for that operation was, where heavy equipment was stored and trees were loaded onto trucks and so on. I doubt it's anything all that interesting otherwise.

she's wearing a chicago bulls jersey. cultural victory based

looks well organized, good on them

what the fuck is up with you guys and alabama?
i remember the last thread where they posted coordinates to mobile county

Nice minecraft dungeon

That's where l live

>mfw this is less than an hour away from me
Do other robots actually live here? I thought I was the only one.

That's a whole 4 hours for me user
I met a couple of people from here on tagmaps
Check it out for us

Is that a stork bird?

nigga I wouldn't go to coordinates anyone posted here if I had a full on fuckin SEAL team backing me

I would just go by myself and maybe a knife but I don't have a car

Is this where they keep chungus

Most robots are retarded trailer trash, figures

Those words don't even go into the same sentence together, keep seething

Attached: PPSp4Th_d.jpg (500x322, 12.38K)

sorry user, robot here and can confirm am retarded trailer trash

also robot, currently sitting in trailer in Iowa. Fucking nuke me please

The closest place to pic op posted, maybe if we can somehow get the resident's number and call to see what's up?

Attached: afaskhgdai uysgdiyuasg diuaghiydhyaisd e.png (723x565, 795.33K)

Is something interesting finally happening?

Attached: wtf25.png (434x444, 354.23K)

If I was an American I would pick my AR
And drive down to Alabama
Dawn you burgers have no idea how luck you are