The whole 'anonymous is legion' thing from early Yas Forums was just kids, right?

The whole 'anonymous is legion' thing from early Yas Forums was just kids, right?

I've been reading up on early Yas Forums, and all the 'epic raids lololololo' seem to be in the same vein as pranks that young teenagers partake in, basically just prank phone calling for the modern age.

Did this website literally start off as a kids website?

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>Do you think it's something else now?

this but since zoom zooms only care about women it gets boring

Ironically I came here after project chanology, so I can only speak to the culture from 2009 onward

The whole "anonymous is legion" thing was high school newfag bullshit that didn't start until several years after Yas Forums started, and most of the older users hated it. The "anonymous movement" was largely divorced from Yas Forums anyway, it initially started here but most of the raids and stuff were organized offsite, I wasn't part of it so I don't know where though.

I get the impression that most posters on Yas Forums, at least the hobby/niche interest boards, are approaching their 30s desu.

The ones that use /soc/ and the foidchanners might be younger though.

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moot was 15 when he started the site. A lot of people have admitted to being secretly underageb& when they started lurking and/or posting. I participated in some raids when I was in high school, and it would have been after I turned 18. I was still immature in terms of humor, so that theory isn't entirely wrong. However the same people that did that shit back then are older now and still doing it, just less cringey. I considered it but stopped since I'm paranoid that I'd get caught and don't want to have to flee the country like some people have.

But I'm speaking mostly of more serious raids, I do think the battletoads prank call shit was kid stuff that everyone grew out of. Of course people are still doing that too with trying to get news reporters to banepost on air.

It was mainly teenagers and college kids looking for a "cause" to get into. They had a lot of fun and caused a bit of chaos on the internet. These days raids are not allowed so with the exception of the shia flag stuff nothing fun happens on Yas Forums anymore.

You've been lurking around encyclopedia dramatics, haven't you? You do realize they're still recovering from the site owner going to prison and losing their server. Everything there has not been updated since 2017 because the place is run by idiots who do not know how to backup shit. Also, fuck Oddguy, that jew-nosed fuck from New Jersey. He isn't responsible for any of this; I just wanted to heckle him.

I was in college, I think it was mainly high school and college people at the time. I don't know what it is now.

Yes it was stupid teenage pranks, but on le epic scale. The sheer force of numbers is not to be dismissed here. Voting m00t Man of the Year, closing down the Habbo Hotel pool due to AIDS, you can't do that with a few kids. The time the whole Balloon Boy thing was going on, and we all called in pizza orders to their house, so you could see this army of pizza delivery trucks show up at the dude's house in the background of the CNN reporter, it was fucking hilarious.

It was stupid stuff on an impossibly large scale. It was for the lulz.

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Hitler Did Nothing Wrong still makes me chuckle

In a way. The lulz actually were pretty epic in the scope of the internet at the time, it's just that nobody took the internet seriously. When this news report came out, it was widely regarded as the most hysterical fucking thing that had happened until that point.

Wait, can you please elaborate on this. I thought ED was run by some retarded hamplanet and then a bunch of guys stepped in to save it. How did the site owner get sent to prison?
Those were the days when naive corporations had frail voting systems.

I wouldn't really say that Project Chanology era was oldschool. That was way after the 7chan split.
Yes of course it was teenagers lad. You could see that from the protests it was all teenagers. That attention caused a massive influx of normies to chan sites.
Back then there were way more active sites too.
7chan, 711chan, 420chan, I think there was a 777 chan? Can't remember. Long time ago.
You know real deals aren't prank calling people.

Was quite an interesting time. I was 17ish when it was happening. Like somebody else mentioned it was something to sort of feel connected with, although not taken too seriously. It is a shame that memes are way to diversified now and there's no movements. It was sort of fun, but also like I said caused more normies to come to chan sites.

>be 10 years old
>heard about Chanology and le epic Habbo raids and le legion and exploding vans and Boxxy and Jessy Slaughter after watching too many YouTube Poops and YTMND videos
>start orbiting Yas Forums and very slowly being sucked in

>11 years later and I'm still here

Attached: mini.png (880x919, 451.14K)

Kill yourself roastie normalfag


things seem like they have gone down hill, but, maybe I'm just old now...

Zaiger commits fraud by asking for site donations and using the funds for drug money.

SeeBeen took over for a couple years then left.

Conrad (who I know very little of) committed fraud or missed payments in the past, I think, and the feds found him and took him to prison.

So, Sherrod is back as the owner or something. They're still in the process of getting everything back together, especially the image files; once the wiki is back in order, they will work on getting the forums back online.

>habbo raids
>jessie slaughter

Don't mix your eras, my friend.

>modern users are literally too stupid and up their own assholes to even understand basic irony
Truly only those of us who lived through it will be able to comprehend the written record.

>But I'm speaking mostly of more serious raids
???? Raids were never serious. They were usually spur of the moment things. Somebody found a way to exploit some online thing for cheap laughs and shared it with Yas Forums and people dogpiled on it because it was easy. Anything that requires serious effort died quickly, and if the effort put in, even if it was minimal, didn't yield amusing results, people also lost interest.

What you're probably referring to aren't "raids", but the "hacktivist" campaigns, e.g. Chanology. These were organized, where raids typically weren't. They were done for an express agenda rather than the simple amusement of everybody involved.

The kind of people who did these weren't the same users who did Habbo raids and shit. They were newfags drawn to the site over the last couple years by stories about Yas Forums's raids. They came from places like Digg, and Something Awful. Drawn by a desire to be a part of something eye-catching. They wanted to be a part of the next Yas Forums story, no matter what it was.

These types started coming to the site as early as 2006 I'd say, and they started forcing more and more raids, to the extent that they would badly try to turn everything into a "raid". They were ripe for exploitation by somebody with a political agenda, and thus Chanology was born.

Contrary to what the media reports, Chanology was extremely divisive. A lot of people on Yas Forums and elsewhere rightfully scorned it and mocked anybody who participated, but the newfags were too numerous and were allowed to stage their campaign on Yas Forums for some time before they were driven off by a combination of moderator crackdown and Yas Forumstard gore / scat spam.

The most telling sign that these were newfags is how they took seriously all that "Anonymous is legion" BS, and quoted the rules of the internet with absolute seriousness. These were jokes Yas Forumstards created to mock people who took the internet seriously, and it flew over their heads.

I'm aware, user. But those events just all meshed up in my young mind to cultivate the image of Yas Forums as some sort of uber-l337 place for hax0rs. Even then, I wouldn't say I became fully committed to this site until around 2012 (or whenever Occupy Wall Street and the SOPA/PIPA shit was going on and Yas Forums had the candyass/roodypoo/newt gingrich filters).

Here's one thing that gets lost in these discussions about "Project Chanology:"
Do you guys see Scientologists marketing on the internet anymore? Do many of you even know what I mean by "anymore?"

Rules 1 & 2 faget

I miss those filters. I want them back. Trying to decipher those terms was so much fun for me. I'm just very easily amused.

No, I was referring to attacks, which were a bit more serious than most other raids, but not generally for activism and not as organized either. They were done by real anons, even if newfags, unlike the rampant normalfaggotry of any activist bullshit. I'm sure you remember some of the feuds that led to DDoSing, and it wasn't uncommon that things went beyond that.


Once people's blood got up they could take things pretty far, but I wouldn't call that "serious" more "getting out of control".

Because it was just pranks. Only retards believed it was something more. We (not as in Anonymous, but just as an user around back then) didn't usually care about poltics or causes, just bored assholes wanting to fuck with people for shits and giggles. Banding together to do shit was normally brought on my boredom, then others seeing it and joining because they're bored or because it was funny. Granted Scientology deserves everything bad that happens to it, but that nonsense made everything out to be some crusade when really was just bored teens on the internet having some fun at the expense of others.

I can agree with that. Anyway, that sort of thing along with le ebin raids still happens, just not here since it's not allowed. (And I'll admit that some are still funny, like HWNDU capture-the-flag and the Libre Office mascot contest.)