You wouldn't use a second hand condom...

You wouldn't use a second hand condom, so why would anyone want a second hand gf that multiple different men have came inside? You would have to be a desperate beta to even consider dating a roastie.

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Based. The only thing worse than a guy who marries a whore is a single male older than 16. Anyone who has trouble finding a girlfriend is an absolute seething cuck.

What's the alternative? Besides being alone forever?

Cope moar incel

Girls are not condoms

If second hand condoms were just as strong as first hand condoms I would. Assuming it was completely clean.

If the male has been with multiple partners as well, it's only fair. If the male is a virgin, I do wish for him to have a virgin.

Society should go back to how it was regarding sex and marriage. This will require both genders to see virginity as sacred.

It used to be that men would fuck around in their 20s while women would get married as soon as their fathers could arrange it

Stonetoss is really shitty at comics, most people would happily take a mattress in good condition even if someone skeeted on it or whatever.

For what purpose? Virginity was sacred mostly because it allowed the rich to control population size when food was scarce. Sex in general was shilled as a fundamentally evil thing if you were not royalty or the heads of the church.

Assuming youre a virgin, sex wont change you much so dont stress. If you did have sex and felt like it changed everything and the girl stuck to your forever, thats pretty lucky I guess but unusual, imagine if you were never allowed to change careers or where you live

>people are like single use objects
>why am I alone?
Gee I wonder why? Why are incels so obsessed with cum as well?

Sure dude just let me jizz all over your bed every day for a year I'm sure you won't mind. No way it should bother you, just needs a quick shower and good as new. Right?

Sex should be as it is: intimate and purposeful. Between two partners who are bound by marriage and intend to have children.

Why am I getting heat in a thread that wants virginal women? How do you expect virgins to be available to you when you're all (trying to) run around sleeping with girls and leaving them?

Females have periods as well, so even if you fuck a virgin it's the same as if someone smeared menstrual blood all over your bed by your retarded incel logic.

Really proving my point about you people being obsessed with cum. Is the prison gayness setting in or what?

Somehow I can't help but feel you don't have a problem with that cuckold cereal analogy.

Lol youre obliterating this dude

>bound by marriage
So you agree that a woman should not be touched by your hands until you offer half of your money for the rest of your life?

>Virginity was sacred mostly because it allowed the rich to control population size when food was scarce.
That's not even remotely true.

It is though. Every cycle of lust as sin followed a famine or spread of disease. And it didnt last long, every piece of classical literature and theater and most of history chronicles how loose men and women were between those cycles. You can convince some people that sex is bad but you cant control other peoples hormones.

Look, its probably a good thing that you arent having sex or any kids. But treat your life as sacred, not something you dont do.

Do you feel good sleeping in a filthy motel room? It's got bed bugs and mold and at least a few dozen strangers fluids scattered around. Does that feel good? Wouldn't you feel better in YOUR nice clean bed at home?

The way you're coping is pathetic. All you can hope for is a slut so you're desperately trying to justify it. Nasty.

>Virginity was sacred mostly because it allowed the rich to control population size when food was scarce
Nop, sexual liberation was made by the rich, so women can get a job fuck around, spend more money and after they realized how fucked they are buy more things to fill the void. Besides women tend to waste more money in frivolous things than men.

It's also affecting men by telling women that men have to be in a specific way, they spend money trying to fit the requirements, so women can date them.

Joke's on stonetoss. I have some new washed furniture, a sanitized new computer, and my first girlfriend that auto-cleans anyway. I'm happy with this deal

>Do you feel good sleeping in a filthy motel room? It's got bed bugs and mold and at least a few dozen strangers fluids scattered around. Does that feel good? Wouldn't you feel better in YOUR nice clean bed at home?
Your analogies are all desperately cobbled together or lifted from another shitty meme to support your position. They're shit. But atleast you prayed the gay away for now

What would you rather have robots?
>a girl that had one partner and has sex with him 100 times
>a girl that had ten partners but had sex with each of them only once

Attached: Roastie.jpg (344x443, 138.45K)

Everything was made by rich people. Golf and recreational fishing are frivolous, not sure what your poorfag ass is whining about there.

Women are far more constrained in what they have to do to get a decent partner. And none of that gender comparison shit matters unless you are trans, kiddo. The point was that in the modern world sex does not have to be strictly for procreation when the church allows it, and theres no reason to get into that cycle again. Its like saying that coffee should only be for soldiers going into war, which literally was a thing at one point.

Its like that dog chases mailman meme.

Once a cuck received a virgin girlfriend and has sex with her, she immediately becomes used goods. At that point there is no difference between her and all the women that the cuck avoided.

Cue the mental gymnastics about how personal property is somehow less used for literally everyone on earth, implying that everyone has perfectly clean property.

I don't know what world you're living in, user, but where I come from women are earning livings.

And yeah, if there was a virgin woman who was going to be dedicated to a man and raise his children, then he just might be okay with sharing his money with his FAMILY. Like, tf? This is how dead the nuclear family is. Get off this board. Idea of working for a family should be purposeful.

Shit analogy user. Motel rooms can be cleaned and women can shower.

One partner, 100 times.

Now would you guys rather have sex with 1 girl 100 times or 10 girls once each?

Sexual liberation was made by technology. Birth control eliminated the major hurdle and the rest just naturally fell into place. Back in the day so many marriages resulted from pregnancy.

10 girls easily
fucking same girl gets boring after a dozen of times

If oneitis, one girl.
Otherwise I wouldn't mind sampling 10 hotties once each.

>and theres no reason to get into that cycle again
Why not?, sex should be for only procreation. Marriage was made with that purpose. Stable relationships are the base of all civilizations.

>Golf and recreational fishing are frivolous,
>not sure what your poorfag ass is whining about there
Women tend to waste money on useless things.

>Women are far more constrained in what they have to do to get a decent partner
Not true, tell me how.

>abortion didn't exist in the past
Technology is not a person, you know it has to be someone who pulls the strings.