Quiet associate at work that hardly shows any initiative

>quiet associate at work that hardly shows any initiative
>he's kind of slow and doesn't seem too bright
>he does whatever people ask and has near perfect attendance so even though a lot of other coworkers look down on him and dislike working with him, they don't hate him
>he seems super stressed because he's making errors and isn't making quota
>compliment on him for not giving up and try to convince him he's doing fine and he's not in trouble
>he gets teary eyed and says people hardly say anything nice about him

I don't mean this in a mean way, but I can really tell when I spot one of you at work.

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he sounds like a good person trying their best

He's in love with you now. Way to go, dumbass.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised. He talks to no one.

this used to be me at work because of a slow decline into major depression. i'm not dumb though, although the depression massively impacted my cognitive abilities at the time.

ya that sounds about right

I would rather be hated than pitied like that, its sad, you probably look down on him too. Thats why my goal in life is to make everyone seethe and im becoming quite good at it

That happens to me as well. I'm rather slow, and can't really do much without my hand being held. I understand everyone's doing it out of pity. I noticed people tend to treat me different to the other employees. I'm not sure if I like that more than the alternative. I feel like a burden to the team with what ever job I get; even if people arn't directly saying so.

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i can be either this type of guy who just bumbles around being a useless fuck up and feeling sorry for myself, or a fucking all american hard working son of a gun who shows up punches his card and does his job. its all about serotonin

Yeah. People say mean stuff about him, but never directly to him. They talk to him like he's a kid with mental disabilities. He can't be trusted to handed bigger responsibilities on his own and everyone at work pretty much has to carry him.

Fuck off and die normie. Yas Forums is for social outcasts only. True robots have exceptionally high IQ's.

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I am either the most useful guy in the room or the most useless guy in the room, there is no inbetween for me. I usually don't care about anything so i just zone out while looking like a retard so no one expects anything from me. When something grabs my attention, the look of utter disbelief others have as they watch the daydreaming retard carry the whole team to the where everyone else is useless is pure bliss.

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this is false. being borderline retarded is way more robotic than being super smart.

>gets teary eyed
shit user this almost made me cry, thank you for being a good person and not just looking down on him too
now THAT'S fucking based

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holy shit user I'm the same. you feel completely clueless as well until somehow/someway you figure enough out to be useful

What do they usually say about him? What kind of work does he do anyways? Sorry if I'm prying a little much; feel free not to answer.

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It could be worse.

>lived next to this autistic kid in the dorms
>he NEVER took a shower, always smelled really bad and his hair was lathered in grease
>always at from the worst pizza place on campus, every meal, just greasy, disgusting, poorly cooked food
>had this really nasally, weak, effeminate voice
>whenever he got stressed he would start screaming "HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP" for HOURS

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This sounds like me, except my attendance is shit and everyone thinks I have autism because I'm so neat and orderly.

They talk about how slow he is and how it's unbelievable how he's been here for almost 2 years and still can't do much of the basic tasks here. He can't multitask and doesn't always do what he's supposed to do in a timely matter. He's very timid and gets nervous easy so when he struggles he never reaches out to anyone and just wanders around being useless. When he tries being his own shotcaller he ends making a bunch bad mistakes. He's barely any help even though he works during his breaks. We work in a warehouse. We deal with loading up trucks.

Oh, funny; I worked at a warehouse too.
>He's very timid and gets nervous easy so when he struggles he never reaches out to anyone and just wanders around being useless.
It happens to me often. Makes me feel like I'll have a mini heart-attack in those situation, but feel like I've bothered people enough, so I don't ask. Even with working through breaks to try and make up for it. Just sort of uncanny is all. You seem like a nice guy though, and thanks for answering/listening.

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Poor guy is stressed and alone, you should talk to him more

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Now he will always be attracted toward you and always try to spend time with you.

If he is unbearable then you relly did fuck up user

That's a real nice thing to do for someone. You're a good person my man.

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Im very much like this. I definitely have anxiety of some sort but I also wonder if I have autism too.

>that quiet guy at work that tries to draw attention to himself by wearing anime/videogame/comic shirts and reading books during break

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>I don't mean this in a mean way
>one of you

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wait OP, are you a GIRL?

Yes. Not a manager, but I'm an position where I audit associates.

Almost every story I've ever heard related to terrible dorm mates it's almost always autists.

Why the fuck do parents who are aware their kid is a low functioning autist live in a school dorm with some random? Do they think their roommate is going to operate as the new tard wrangler and convince him to perform basic hygiene or something?

Oh. I didn't actually expect you to reply so I have no further questions.

or do you think he faps to the thought of fucking you?

can you please not bully me if we ever interact

Books or manga? Because if it's just books, what is your problem?

He won't, he will just keep not speaking to anyone and keeping to himself
t. this type of faggot

Apparently everything you do is a bid for attention, no matter how solitary the activity. Solitaire? Fucking fag attention whore

this is why I try not to let anyoe know about my hobbies or interests, and I don't partake in them around other people

Discord code: mXkPEY


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fuck off adsf

Discord code: jFsGj3


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