Foid adds you on tinder

>foid adds you on tinder
>doesn't ever respond
>then unadds when you ask her why add if you are not gonna respond

fuck women.

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Happens to women too. I got 200 matches on tinder, only 13 of them talked to me.

>feeling entitled to responses

>feeling entitled to responses
>feeling entitled to sex
>feeling entitled to basic human interaction
>feeling entitled to love
>feeling entitled to being happy


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these are the type of niggas who would go and pay for onlyfans.

Fuck off roast, you only respond to chad. Orignali.

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>ask her why add if you are not gonna respond
Yikes. Don't be a pussy and just remove her if you don't get a response for more than a day. Why do you have to try to start shit with someone who is obviously not interested by saying something like that?

Because why match in the first place, also who cares its not like it was gonna lead anywhere anyway.

why would they
they can fuck real woman

>get a match
>browses the 4chans
>funny and responsive
Bros how do I take it from text to VC or meeting her? This covid thing doesn't help.

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you don't really choose, either she is down to meet up or she isn't take it from me as someone who has tried everything in his power to have something happen.

why do you type like this
you retarded nigger
kill yourself

>35 year old single mother
>desperately looking for a man
>message her a hello
>no response
I seriously thought they were desperate at this age and situation wtf?

Is Jason Segel Chad?

jack ily


that's it, prepare to be my paizuri slave

Why must I have such a common name?

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jb...... ily???

I really hope she see's this bro.

How the fuck do I get started on dating apps when I barely have any pictures of myself? I can take some shitty selfies on a good day, I guess... is that enough?

Who dis?
Pls respond

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it's me... could it possibly be you?

1) be attractive
2) don't be unattaractive

or when their entire bio is some dumb shit and in the end it says "if we match you start the conversation" like whore you are also interested in me right, so you can also start it biiitch

I recently matched with another girl she asked about super powers and it was interesting convo but now she won't respond. Fuck this gay earth.

Tinder is not a pen pal app, you have to ask her to meet after a few message exchanges. You send too many messages and she gets bored or already got asked out by another user.

I'm apparently somewhat attractive because I've had girls approach me in the last couple years and strong arm me in to asking them out.

Just not the selfie type and no one I'm friends with is the type to capture everything on camera either. I'm really not built right for the internet generation. I'm bored though. Want to flirt a bit.

Sorry user, it's just me.
How do you know you are you?

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okay but are jack b or are you not??????????????????????????????? i have been searching for you

Who are you user?
Likely not original

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If this does not speak to you, I have the wrong J ;_;

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OP here, this is not true at all, I added some whore off tinder we barely talked and she eventually wanted to meet up and fuck after like 2 weeks of not talking to me.

Only like 2 people know me as jack b.

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>match with cute chubby 20yo on okc
>exchange messages over the span of a week or so, seems promising
>she asks ME for my snapchat
>sends me a snap straight away, I respond
>doesn't open it, removes me on snapchat, deletes her okc account


no... you're not him. he would not post this.


she's chubby at 20... dude you dodged a bullet

Okay, I was worried you were C for a minute there.

nu : (