Be me

>be me
>lose 160lbs
>look like this

Weight loss is a fucking normalfag meme
Just started eating 3 doublewhoppers with chicken nuggets and coke (BK is garbage btw)

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Okay, go back to being fat, being unhealthy, and feeling like garbage

Time to fill that skin with pure muscle

Start working on building muscle
You're already half way there, work on gains until you look like an absolute chad

I know that feel bro.
I feel like it's more widely known about now, but when I lost weight about 12 years ago nobody ever really mentioned the skin that's left over, it was always these stories about people looking great and feeling confident after losing weight.
It was so demoralising.

Building muscle helps, but you would have to have Mr Olympia tier gains to even get close to filling out the excess skin properly.
And most of it is around the midsection, and you can never build that up enough to fill out the same skin an obese gut stretched out.

Yeah, same thing happened to me, didn't have the money for surgery, and of course I was miserable 24/7 because I couldn't eat anything above 800kcal because my metabolism got fucked. Didn't have the money or connections for steroids to fix it either.

Weight loss is a meme if you've ever been actually fat and aren't rich as fuck, it won't do anything to improve your life. And if you are already rich as fuck, might as well stay fat, who's going to complain.

Doesn't work, especially in the stomach area.

However it will make your loose skin look smaller therefore less disgusting which is a big plus and you will look better in clothes. Less pear shaped and more square shaped, but V shape is unobtainable now :/

No stay at a reasonable weight if you're a NEET. You're already the scum of society. No need to make people on the street actively spit on you.

When you lose weight with acupuncture

ur probably 6 2 130 lbs with a shoehorn for a nose

Better to look like a huge mountain man than a flabby neckbeard.

I can see your point of reasoning. I was always uncomfortable being my thin self. I was fat, then thin, now muscular. Out of all I disliked being thin the most but I felt the most secure being a fat fuck. There is something liberating in stopping competition. Nobody feels threatened by you. Everyone loves a fat, funny guy.

I'm working hard as fuck to be as huge as I was before only instead of fat=muscle.

Same exact story, I disliked being fit the most because it required the most effort, and it's pointless to lift without roids. Having to have a macronutrient counting diet with proteins that make you fart and have shitty breath was worse than anything, and not being able to be spontaneous because gym day oh wait another gym day now i feel like shit after the gym day etc.

If I didn't have very noticeable gyno which I also have no money to excise, I'd find being a fat fuck the best too.

I'm currently doing weight loss. I need to lose 80 lbs to reach my goal weight. I'm scared of looking like this.

Gain the weight muscle.

Shouldn't have gotten that fat in the first place subhuman.

Get skin lifting surgery

I lost 120lbs 3 years ago and have little to no loose skin. Must have been lucky with genetics or lost it slow enough or something.

Just weighed myself today, 361 pounds. Am I going to die robot?

>Weight loss is a meme if you've ever been actually fat and aren't rich as fuck, it won't do anything to improve your life
I lost 120lbs and it massively improved my life in just about every conceivable area. I've got the loose skin on my abdomen too, but even that doesn't matter once a woman's in the bedroom with me. Not like before where even a romantically-tinged hug is unthinkable.

Post skin. You can remove face if you like.

You're providing life fuel which I desperately need.

There was a point in between the last 2 pics where I got down to 192, and that loose skin actually looked quite a bit better (I don't have a pic). The skin was all still there, but I'd started hitting the point where I was losing abdominal fat which made the skin taut to my stomach instead of hanging down looking all crappy.

And if you don't want loose skin at all, there's always surgery. The situation in OP's pic is harder to correct, but I've seen very good before/afters for just loose abdominal skin. It'll mean dropping $7k+ though.

Right now I'm back down to 205 and seeing what my skin looks like what I actually get lean enough to have abs for once in my life. If it's still bad, I'll go ahead with the surgery.

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browse /fast/ on Yas Forums good threads talk about your loose skin user

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Save money and get that loose skin removed, it's not that hard if you are REALLY willing to do so.

Good luck user, i wish you the best, you already made it so don't be hard on yourself.

I guess I'm somewhere between you and OP. I'm afraid of losing more weight because I don't want it to be hanging this way. Now it's filled out by fat.

Nice gains btw assuming you're natty which I do. I miss the gym. I miss it so fucking much. Fuck this fucking virus.
I'm different. I actually like the feeling of fucking myself up. That's why binge eating/drinking was always so appealing to me. Sometimes I smoke 2 packs of cigs in 1 evening in a park with a lot of alcohol, and then I smoke 2 weeks nothing.

Nothing is better than gyming so hard that you feel it in every muscle the next day.

When I'm too healthy I get nervous. I simply like the feeling of destroying yourselves/being destroyed. I NEVER cut tough. That shit is gay.

pretty sure that can be fixed with some surgery in worst case scenario.

still, having fit(-er) body shouldnt be about aesthetics but function. do you really wanna be that tired boulder who is vomiting his lungs after walking 50 steps up the stairs? being strong and powerful feels much better than being a weak fatball

>now i feel like shit after the gym day
How can you feel like shit after gym? It feels amazing (and it should, physical activity releases pleassure chemicals in brain).

Dyel detected. If you don't lift so hard that you can't raise a glass of water the next day you're doing it wrong.

Not who you were replying too, but depressive thoughts always comes in like a fucking tornado after exercise.

With regards to the thread though, I didn't know skin just hung like that after major weight loss. Do you have to have surgergy to get rid of it? I'd honestly rather keep the belly than have flesh dangling off me like that


Oh that meme again.

I'm the laziest guy on the planet but even I fucking enjoy the gym. Your genes must be fucking garbage lol.

I've always despised exercise, people saying it releases dopamine or whatever are deluded

It's like flossing your teeth for 45 minutes