Why I am leaving r9k

I found r9k in Oct 2015 after the Oregon shooting. The shit you guys were saying, posting. I thought it was the weirdest shit. At the time I didnt have anything in common with you guys. I was a sophomore in college, making good grades, fucking a pretty girl and having the time of my life. Sometimes I would check it for shits and gigs but that was it.

Around 2016 my life started getting progressively worse. I developed intense anxiety from the amount of weed I was smoking. I got depressed, my grades slipped. I stopped going out, talking to girls. Still I had my roommates to keep me from going crazy.

By the time I graduated in 2018 my social life was non existent. I hadnt touched a girl in nearly two years. I gained 30lbs. The only silver lining was I cleaned up my act academically enough to get into a good grad school.

When I moved for grad school, I planned on making a change. I was going to lift, dress well, study, make new friends. But it didnt pan out. I skipped orientation, never worked out, skipped social events/class and withdrew into my apartment. Without roommates my only social interaction was here.

In the two years that I have frequented this board, my life has only gotten worse. I have become more jaded, racist, hateful, and vitriolic. I am so sexually frustrated I fap to rape porn because to me thats more realistic than a girl actually liking me. I spend my days arguing and tearing others down for moments of superiority.

>ha I had sex before and you didnt
>ha I have a career and you dont

And for what? I am just as miserable as you. Sure I am not a NEET, I am not a virgin, and I am not ugly, but I am still here. Still getting my only social interaction from this place. I am no better than the biggest incel NEET on the board.

I need to check out for my mental health. Maybe get some therapy or something. I wasnt always like this. I know I can be happy and I know the first step is leaving this board.

So goodbye.

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wow cry me a river normalfaggot, get cancer and die
I hope your life will get progressively worse from now
die cunt


asdfa kslajdfkwfiohfdsa; dsakfjl;

See this is what im talking about. So angry and for what? You dont know me and I dont know you. Does it make you feel better calling me a normalfag? Telling me you hope my life gets worse?

You'll be back. They all come back
Anyways at least you still have a shot at a normal life
try being a low IQ mentally ill khhv

because I hate humblebragging normalcunts on my board
kill yourself cancer

Nah fuck that. Once this thread dies Im out

Humble bragging? I am a fat loser with no friends. I spend hours a day on this board.

You really shouldn't let shitty places like this influence you so much, OP; especially negatively.

If you can't help but be negatively impacted by coming here, it's probably better for you to leave.

Good luck, OP.

Also, what's your area of study?

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>You dont know me and I dont know you

Your whiny post is enough, you deserve it. Also if you're leaving, why are you replying to posts in this thread? See you in a day lmao.

> I hadnt touched a girl in nearly two years.

kill yourself you fat slob normaltrash

lmao see you tomorrow

W-What?! NO user you can't leave us! You specifically are a person people give a shit about for no reason who totally belonged here too!

Yea don't let the door hit you on the way out faggot

>I was a sophomore in college, making good grades, fucking a pretty girl and having the time of my life.

this is exactly what humblebragging is you fucking pile of human trash, get cancer and die painfully

How could anyone not be negatively impacted by this board its nothing but porn, hate and bait threads? When is there ever stimulating discussion on here? I study law. Thanks for wishing me luck.
Im done arguing with you people. You get off on it. I literally dont care what you think

goodbye fatty, I hope you'll die from a hearthattack soon you fucking piece of shit

>And for what? I am just as miserable as you. Sure I am not a NEET, I am not a virgin, and I am not ugly, but I am still here. Still getting my only social interaction from this place. I am no better than the biggest incel NEET on the board.
You were never one of use
I'm glad your life was ruined normie

>I'm glad your life was ruined normie
so much this, this makes me happy more than anything
ruined normalnigger lives, so satisfying desu

>How could anyone not be negatively impacted by this board

I view it--along with boards like Yas Forums--as just entertainment. I think taking it seriously is what leads to being negatively impacted.

Since I refuse to accept things at face value, the hate and bait here don't affect my worldview.

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I think even subconsciously this place wears on people.

OP. My life was shit but through this board I have met women and became a little more confident in myself.
Maybe I'm better than I was because I started off worse in general but the thing is you only take from this board what you let it.

R9k didn't destroy you because it is, you just let it.

Imagine caring about anything on this site.
Maybe you should kys

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Doesnt seem like a typical experience. Even so, im glad it worked out for you,

This boards changed so much for the worse. Imagine what Chris woulda thought :`( RIP

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He's basically complaining because his life has basically become ours
Except he's still better off and he's still bitching about it
Fuck him

That guy was a coward. Took out his frustrations on innocent people. Him and all school shooter sympathizers should be purged

Take at least a year off from this place, and avoid the internet in general.

I did that and my life improved immensely. Now I only come back for nostalgia and it actually motivates me not to return to the hellish life I escaped from.

Yeah maybe I will come back. I dont know though

>Maybe get some therapy or something

How will that change the fundamentals of reality. Why did you post this zoomer bitch too. It says a lot about you.

i hope you die before you could come back here fatso

I wasnt always this miserable. Maybe therapy can help with that

see you in a week dumb bitch

this is classic normalnigger behaviour
they just humblebrag to complete loser to feel better about their life
they are genuinely human garbage

I sometimes forget the majority of people here aren't 2009 newfags anymore. Strange feelings

why do you have to make a thread, just fucking leave you attention faggot
but no, you'll be back, of course, because if you truly didn't care about this place, you'd just fucking leave without giving a shit

Holy shit a lot of people are being toxic here. I thought all the "we hate everyone" bullshit was gonna stay on shitty boards like pol and Yas Forums but here we are.

Honestly I'm kind of with you that this community has just become a toxic fuckfest of incels and 12 year olds who get off to being able to say "haha fuck niggers" and "lul kill yourself op".

I'm making the transition to and if you like Yas Forums that might be a good step for you to take aswell.

Good luck OP

>>I'm glad your life was ruined normie
And you wonder why you're fucking alone and hopeless in the world

Thanks for Gl.
I think Im just going to check out from the internet for awhile. Maybe if I get it together go back to blue boards

karma is a bitch right faggot?
you came here to humblebrag and then your life went to shit
i'm so glad you fucking piece of shit

Yeah now everyone is just on here like "oh hurr durr my life is shit".

jesus she's cute want to suck her tits off.

OP, fuck off fag

Life has beaten me into this cynical view in life
Get used to it

good for you! this place is a black hole. i hope things start looking bright again, user.

good riddance you normie nigger

Thank u. I hope so too

I'm not OP you dumb cunt I'm just tired of you pathetic pieces of shit ruining what this board used to be

wow cry me a river normalfaggot, get cancer and die