Why won't Erica accept my request to follow her on Instagram?

I just want to orbit and worship her like the queen she is.

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because she knows that she doesn't deserve orbiters, she knows that "auddy the aubby (whalebreaker)" deserves egyptian-style slaves to kiss the very ground this god given nationalist goddess who is quite plump requires. god bless aubby the auddy. I love her. i cum to her. i service my dick to her. 11 times a day. i cum blanks to her by the end of the day. holy shit. i love her. ayran goddess.

>auddy the aubby
Who the fuck is that?

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auds the autist
auddy the odd
tubby aubby

>he doesn't know BAA

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>not orbiting katie

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A literal who
Also, I bet she has shit brown eyes

>he doesnt know about katie

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>ayran goddess.
going to piss you off that her bf isn't white...

Also from what I have heard on discord her life is really shitty. Her bf treats her like shit and his family is rude to her. Rumor was they kicked her out once for a few days. She doesn't have any real privacy and can't hold down a job.
Also he apparently watches a bunch of porn which she thinks is cheating, that or he is actually cheating on her.

>no proof

>that shirt

I'd laugh if she was on fire

theres nothing wrong with that shirt bro

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>why wont Marky message me back on Facebook
these are lifes biggest unanswered questions.

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my message wasnt talking about this used up whore. i clearly stated i was talking about aubby the auddy.

Is this about aubby or Erica?

he was talking about erica. not auddy. dw

>Why won't Erica accept my request to follow her on Instagram?

Yeah she wont accept mine either.
But I don't have any pictures other than some shit memes on my account.
Maybe if we put actual pictures it would look better.

So how much is she charging for nudes?
Ciara was doing videos before she died.

>Yeah she wont accept mine either.
I was going to offer her some money for nudes, perhaps a video.

anyone else just love cranking out fat ones to aubby?

Whats her ig? Orhgggggggnly


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LOL im glad bianca is dead, stupid whore.

Anyone who is on her instagram, how is she doing lately? What is she up to?

Any real information out there and not just rumors.

I want to taste Erica's saliva
I want her to spit in my mouth
Is that too much to ask?

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Why won't Erica leave her bf. Plenty of good guys that don't live with their parents she could be with.

>Why won't Erica leave her b
Because he is the best she will ever get. She is a crazy stupid bitch who is getting uglier and fatter by the day.

>Plenty of good guys that don't live with their parents she could be with
Well, that would not be me. I'm kissless virgin and I live with my mother.

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>I live with my mother.
wtf, no woman wants to go to a guys place and fuck him with his mother in the next room.

Who would Erica rather go home with and have sex with?
A guy with his own apartment? Or a guy that still lives with his mother?

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The truth is it doesn't really matter. Plenty of Chads banging Stacies in mommy's house out there.

>Plenty of Chads banging Stacies in mommy's house out there.
But you are not Chad, you need all the help you can get.

who the hell is this? looks a lot like a girl i knew except this one has brown hair. still cute tho