Why do 35+ year old guys refuse do date 27+ year old girls? They bring up how this girls are already wasted etc...

Why do 35+ year old guys refuse do date 27+ year old girls? They bring up how this girls are already wasted etc. But like why are you out there in the marketplace if you aren't wasted yourself? I don't think a 5-8 year difference is all too bad, because a man needs to get rich enough to support a family, but like at 35 there is no excuse to not have a family, at that point I feel like the men should settle for what they can get. Do you agree or disagree and why?

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Nice try roastie

Agree, it's bullshit. Anything over 25 is too old.

You don't seem to understand why girls that age are wasted and why it doesn't apply to men.
Typical Yas Forums autism.


Men in their 30s are in their peak. Women in that same age group are way past that.

yes. I'm 30 and dating a 21 year old.
I think it's better to date someone as young as possible (legal) if your goal is marriage and children.

27+ are used up frequently have kids and and past the peak
Men 35+ can still pull young women. Why should we settle for less?

How does it not apply to men? Most of them wasted their time fapping to JAV, watching anime and playing vidya and donating to e girls. If they had actually done anything useless the chances of them ending up that way are slim. There are also the (((PUA))) crew, it's not like they aren't wasted or would you argue otherwise?
A men should marry until 25 if at all possible and a women until 21.

Men are in their peak in their 20s, women between 16-19. Everything else is cope.

I'm no blackpill incel but women who are still single in their late 20s mean that they got issues.

They should settle for what they can get as opposed to what? What if what they can get is younger girls? Should they "settle" for that?

I agree fully, never said that I didn't. But how is the same not true for men in their 30s?

so do you if you are 35+ and male

I am 29 at the end of this month, and refuse to date above 24. I am not give a woman my best years, when she didn't give me hers. For me, life is infinitely better than even 5 years ago. If you put in your time professionally and physically, and you can keep your hair, life is good heading into 30. Most women I went to high school with are fat or with children, and other heavy baggage. Relationships are not the Disney fantasy that they are trying to sell you, it is a glorified business transaction and women are a long term investment. I'm not going to get with you at the tail-end of your shelf life. To make things better, I look like I'm 23, so nobody suspects a thing.
>Why the double standard?
Because, looks aside (which are critical), women and men are attracted to a different set of things. One is mostly derived from youth, the other from being established.

ngl based.

Look at this nerd

As if lifting will change your nerd-face

Women vary a bit but generally they peak around 16-18, the absolute latest in their early 20s
Men vary a lot, some peak at 18 but a lot peak in their late 20s or even early 30s. There is not a woman on this entire planet who fits that mold, in part it's because people become more masculine looking with age, it can be a pro for men but is a huge con for women.

>age perception
Moderately older men are perceived as more put together, stable, and accomplished, especially true if they succeed in some aspect of life of made any kind of progress. As a man I can't express how little I care about a women's achievements or goals, I want you to be cute and fun to be around.
Older women are rightly perceived as bitter less feminine. Basically age makes men more masculine and women more masculine(which is bad) we like women innocent

Obviously it's a con if you're a deadbeat guy but women like if you've learned to be comfortable in your own skin, are more self assured, and learned things in life. Guys don't care, in fact it's usually a huge negative because we don't value absolutely any of your experience and don't want you to have been fucking other men in that time, each new existence is undesirable from a guys perspective.

Basically older women are ugly and undesirable in every aspect, older like 30s men are a mixed bag. Some are pretty bad, not as much as women but basically worse than their 20s, but others are way better and more desirable.

I don't think much needs to be said, men finish developing mentally in their late 20s, women in their teens and never as far as men

I'm 23 and only date 18 maybe 19 year olds. If shes older shes got less attractive years and probably taken dick.

>best years
Your best years are past you lol

You are hard coping. You're financially stable but your best years are in fact behind you. You're bones are old, boners less frequent, hair is either starting to bald or grey. If women chose men solely based off looks, youd be past the wall without a doubt.

Yet you're basing your attractiveness to women off her looks, she's giving you the benefit of the doubt and looking at your stability.

If women were as jaded as you guys are. Youd never find a girlfriend.

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Thanks for the answer, you have changed my perspective somewhat.
P.S. I'm a guy and 22 tho.

why do I know you're a 5'4 genetic failure virgin

>im 23, let me tell you about what men are like in their mid to late 30s
please kill yourself.

Seething Roastie or Blackpilled Hairlet

SMV PUA shit changed your perspective?

Re-read my post, nigger. I look young for my age.I feel great, I wake up with an erection everyday which I didn't think was normal until recently, I still have my hair. I also don't base my attraction for woman solely based on looks, it is more the baggage that bothers me, and this is something they accumulate with every failed relationship or every man ghosts them after fucking. I am not jaded either, I am optimistic of both the short-term and long-term future. Older men who tell you to build while young are right on the money.

OP, here's how it works on Yas Forums. Guys here are usually unmarried into their 30s, usually due to being autistic and socially retarded so they constantly have unsuccessful relationships, but they say it's just because they are kings who don't want to be tied down. They are very insecure about that so they want to try to trick as young of women as possible into getting with them with the hope that the women are less experienced in relationships and sexually so they don't have as many guys to compare to the Yas Forums poster and see what a loser he is.

Are you projecting? Because it feels like youre projecting

You're retarded, I'm 23 and the older guys in the gym are in clearly better shape overall with no real facial aging. You have to keep in mind that women age far worse. They're skin literally ages faster, their changes on hormones give them more masculine features with age, and men are absurdly more attuned biologically to a womans youth. Most of the universally attractive female traits like waist-hip ratio are actually attractive because it indicates youth.

I know people in their 30s from work and the gym. I don't need to be 30 myself to make basic observations.

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>guys on Yas Forums complain about how women have no hobbies besides social media and netlfix and have no emotional maturity
>woman has some hobbies and has a job she cares about or something
>guys on Yas Forums rage about how women's achievements are meaningless, i hate women who have hobbies because it means they can meet men to cuck me with, i hate women who have careers i want them to stay at home all day and do nothing

How did you stalk a 21 year old girl when you're 30? Where did you find her?

>women who have "hobbies" that are entirely based on whoring
Unattractive, unladylike.

>women who concentrate on their careers
Unattractive, unladylike.

>women who stay at home to take care of the babies and have normal feminine hobbies like knitting, reading and playing piano
Attractive, ladylike.

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my part time job lol

Would you sit around knitting and reading all day? Why would you expect that of someone else?

>incels wishing that although they missed out on dating in their 20s that they will somehow become prime choices in their 30s. With girls lining to date them, and the ability to pick or deny any one of them



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>I really enjoy when a woman is passionate about her career and goes out of her way to be a high achiever

Said no man ever
Seriously, I don't expect women to do shit besides keep me company, have sex with me, and eventually have kids. Hobbies can be a nice bonus or a cool way to meet but a girl who maybe likes to play an instrument is a completely different case from some overworked P.A who goes out clubbing on the weekends to get over it.

Quit being such a cynical faggot, besides I'm in my early 20s and readily admit lots of guys peak at this age. I'm not pretending that you go from nerd to chad by waiting a few years. I'm saying that as a man you build yourself and your life. Women are just along for the ride.

For women aging is a one way street, there's practically nothing on earth a woman can do to improve herself in the eyes of a man aside from maybe losing weight. If I'm wrong then go enjoy all the 30s women user, I'm sure they'd love to have a self hating cuck like you.

except that we look like the chads on the left
don't settle for post wall roasties

>dude im 23 i know so much more about women than you, you self hating cuck, i cant wait to be still single when im 38 and marry a 19 year old

>lmao dude we look like chads

Related to this thread I feel kinda bad for my boss at work. She's 34 years old and pretty qt... she's thin, has pale skin and looks like she's in her early-mid 20s. Her personality is pretty good. She's actually funny, she's very nice and caring, she's cool, she's hardworking, everyone at work likes her a lot. She has a few "bad" things like some tattoos and loves the office and video games, but In general she's really great and I have a huge crush on her. She has a boyfriend she's had for probably 2-3 years now, maybe they'll get married since I think they recently moved in together

But really what I feel bad about is that before this guy apparently she had some long term boyfriend for some insane amount of time, like 6-8 years or something, and they ended up breaking up. Basically spent half or more of her 20s and first few years of her 30s with some guy she ended up breaking up with. Never asked her why she was with a guy for so long without marrying, it's probably better than what happens so much now with people having gotten married young and then divorcing possibly after a kid was around. But I feel like she would be a pretty good catch even for the completely jaded studs on here who only fuck teenagers, but women unmarried at 34 have this cancerous stigma around them that there's something wrong with them for them to be single at that age even in situations like hers

>at that point I feel like the men should settle for what they can get


The reason people say men age better better than women is true in many ways, but is also skin deep too. literally.
Men and have very different skin.
>''a man’s skin is about 25 percent thicker than that of a woman’s''
>'w'hen considering intrinsic (genetically-programmed) aging of the skin, it has been said that women are about 15 years older than men of the same age.''
>''However, male skin appears to be better hydrated than women’s, which is fortunate, as men are less likely to apply a hydrating moisturizer to their body or face.''
- dermalinstitute.com/article/17/

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If I meet a girl I like enough I'll settle down now, if it's when I'm 28 or 34 that's fine too. I'm saying I'm not going to be afraid of getting older because I'm always getting better at something and adding to my life. I had a 17yo gf when I was 18, it didn't work out. I was sad for a while but I realized most people's limits are self imposed. I've gone out with lots of 18 years olds in the meantime, most of them from Bumble and even if they weren't a match it's a learning experience, same with all my pathetic interviews, now I have a job I really enjoy with good pay and can work from anywhere.

People like you are sick, because you have this deep seeded defeatist mentality. NEVER tell yourself you can't do something. Let your repeated failures teach you that, don't give up before you even try because you think something like looks or age is a problem, basically stop being a pathetic blackpill faggot.

Lol jealous incel. Take what you still can and enjoy not what people expect of you.

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I dont understand. You consider the attractiveness of a woman solely by her age? Or are you just assuming that older=more sex, and you're afriad of having a woman with lots of sexual experience.

There are women with established careers in their 30s that never had time for dating. Are they useless now that they are "past their prime" aka above 24. What were you doing at 24. Or you're not even 24 yet. You talk and think like an incel. It's no wonder you're banking on your 30s to be some golden age.

But what makes you think you deserve a 24yo. At 30 you're just as "past your prime" as any other 30yo woman. You're just jaded as women in their 30s likely had a normal sex life in their 20s meanwhile you spent your 20s being an incel on an anime review forum

>>''However, male skin appears to be better hydrated than women’s, which is fortunate, as men are less likely to apply a hydrating moisturizer to their body or face.''

I've been applying moisturiser for years now. I'm 32. Am I doing my future self a bigger favour than I thought?

No. Start using sunscreen every day

if you were a 35 year old khv NEET that lived with his parents, and had no friends

how would you get friends and a gf?

>tfw planning on going back to school for a second degree this year

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>i've gone out with lots of 18 years old, most from bumble
>haha yeah dude i'm 23 exclusively going out with girls barely out of high school who are using hookup sex apps to find swaths of random men to fuck, they are the cream of the crop, so much better than these used up 24 year old whores

Yeah, definitely be the pale guy slathering on sunscreen even on cloudy days leaving the scent of sunscreen behind everywhere you go. That's what true cool alpha males do

>There are women with established careers in their 30s that never had time for dating
it doesn't work like that, they simply found every make aroudn them disgusting, but they dug that hole so much they are now stuck int

at the end of the day a woman's carrier is absolutely worthless, her only role is to raise kids and receive your cum

yeah. You can buy moisturisers that have anti ageing ingredients that can help you age a bit more gracefully.
Broad spectrum sunscreen is good to block UVA and UVB. you can even find moisturisers with it in them. just keep in shape and eat well, don't sunbathe and you will probably age better than your peers. look up red light therapy too.

Holy shit, females btfo

Ya more sexual history is obviously bad, don't even start this argument everyone knows it's true.

I'm not even saying you shouldn't date an older woman, I briefly dated a 29yo girl two years ago and honestly I'm not into it, she was apparently a virgin though and I believe it considering her circumstances.

Personally I'm looking for younger girls primarily but if there's an older girl you like go for it, they're just basically worse in every way as a whole but exceptions exist.

I didn't fuck or settle down with them, I just went out. It's nice to just meet and talk to people even if they aren't someone you'd seriously date. Again why are you looking for things to be cynical about, where does that get you?

They dont even realize their own hypocrisy.
>they obsess over fucking young women 18+
>yet want to marry a young woman that has had no sex at 24
So it's ok for them to spend their 18 to 33(when they say men hit their prime), having sex with young women. But a woman cannot spend her prime 16 to 24(as they say) having sex.

So the modesty that they want young women to have means absolutely nothing to them.
>lock and key
That's their usual cope. But guess what. Women dont want men that have slept around, but they are willing to look past it if they have really good qualities.

Yet a man wont look past a womans body count to see her qualities. It's pure hypocrisy

>getting scammed twice
For what purpose? Cause you want to get laid?

>There are women with established careers in their 30s that never had time for dating. Are they useless now that they are "past their prime" aka above 24.

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yeah it is brutal. if you have women in your life you care about get them to wear sunscreen.

i can't find a pic of a graph i remember, but it is brutal and shows how much quicker women loose collagen.

>But a woman cannot spend her prime 16 to 24(as they say) having sex
a woman can do that, she is still trash that no one will ever pick no matter how many angry posts you make online

most women don't want to settle down in their 20's, it's woman that chooses the partner at the end of the day

I’m 31 and with a 25 year old. We’re both dudes though.

>women in your life you care about
no such thing on Yas Forums

A woman’s chastity and fidelity are her two most important qualities, you fucking whore.

I'll tell you another aspect why women around the age of 27 to around 35 should be avoided, other than decreased looks and dick mileage. Women around that age become extremely desperate on securing a man who has his shit together. There is no longer the facade of bullshit, they realize that this is a business transaction and she has to lock someone down soon before she hits bankruptcy. There is no longer time to be sweet, naive, feminine, etc. they are militant and aggressive with what they want. Everything they have is lower than their younger counterparts, yet they act a 100x more entitled. When I see such women they reek of desperation, really go on a few dates with a 22 y/o and a 28 y/o and you'll see a massive difference.

>Women dont want men that have slept around, but they are willing to look past it if they have really good qualities.

reality does not support this. Men who get a lot of women are desired by other women because of social proof, genetic fitness and a whole host of evolutionary and social reasons.

Like I said, I don't actually think men should be having casual sex. We should just be building our lives. Personally I'm saving up for early retirement, trying to get in shape, and get better at art. None of those involve sex, and I'll settle down as soon as I meet a girl I like. The difference is that girls actually care about my money, knowledge, and skills, while not being as picky about youth. As a girl none of that interests me at all. A girl with a six figure job at 30 isn't any more desirable to me than a 30yo cashier, I'd probably just pick whoever is hotter or less of a slut.

That's basically what it comes down to, nature is brutal to women with age and less so with men.

>Men who get a lot of women are desired by other women because of social proof, genetic fitness and a whole host of evolutionary and social reasons.
This is exactly why guys on Yas Forums are so heavily desired by most women.

I'm 24. Right now, no girl will date me. In another month if I'm lucky, I'll be accepted into an excellent internship program that pays big bank. I'll be able to afford a home and a bed. Women don't want to admit it but at least for the young girls, having your own place is essential if you want to have sex. They don't want to fuck at their parents and they don't want to fuck at your parents. I think older men refuse to date older women because those same women tend to pass us up for men who are older at the time because they can provide. Money is all it comes down to. Sorry if this upsets anyone.

because i want a career that i would enjoy and make more money with

>had a CPA degree and a low paying job i hated

>A girl with a six figure job at 30 isn't any more desirable to me than a 30yo cashier, I'd probably just pick whoever is hotter or less of a slut.
> I'd probably just pick whoever is hotter or less of a slut.

>he thinks that hotter women are less of a slut

>35 year old friendless khv NEET
i doubt youre gonna find anything you enjoy

My sex drive dropped off quite a bit in my mid 20s
At this point I'd rather be alone than put up with a post wall cunt who provides mediocre sex
I only occasionally bang hot tinder sluts now

This isn't totally true. I brought girls to my parents home and most of my friends do the same. Most likely that's not your issue unless you're specifically looking for hookups.

Hotter OR less of a slut, learn to read.

>This is exactly why guys on Yas Forums are so heavily desired by most women.

Men on fit a striving to be desired. Some already are.
it is undeniable that women compete for the top rung of men, and the top rung of men have slept with a lot of women.


The cuck or femoid ITT acts as if women are innocent and lured by greasy chads to have sex with
the truth is any good looking woman past her puberty years knows how much power she wields in seducing men
women in their 20's don't want to settle down at all with the average guy, then they get buttmad when the jaded beta won't take her when her looks expired

the sexual revolution resulted in less marriages, more single people, less births, and more abortions, all because women are free to waste their youth in a shitty career while sucking some dick on the sideway and not settling down
why am I even discussing this on Yas Forums

You just said the same thing as me dummy

It's not, unless you're a jealous incel. A woman who is unclean, dirty, and irresponsible but a virgin is not better than the girl who is clean, responsible and financially stable yet has had 5 partners

I'm 29 and my age range on Tinder is 18 to +55. Theres hot women in all ages, i have fucked 17 years old and 53 on the same week, both hot af.

KEK.Maybe one day my hatred for women will convert me to the gay side too.24 atm.

how come you're 29 and don't have a stable girlfriend or wife and are still using a slut app to fuck teenage or old sluts?

Why would you settle down with a slut when you could have a virgin? I get that a virgin isn't always in the cards but how are they equivalent when practically every guy would rather marry the virgin?

you said women do not want men if they have slept around.

i said that it makes a man MORE ATTRACTIVE if he has. because it shows he has good genetics.

Everyone here would kill themselves. Honestly if I dont get this internship that'll change my life, I'll just enlist in the most dangerous MOS possible or I'll just kill myself. No reason to keep living if you can't afford to live alone.

because he can, just like the women he is matching with. Everyone decides how to live their own lives. All of your arguments,cause I am sure you are the same person writing the word incel in this thread, will not change that. Women and faggots have such a distinct writing pattern.

Women having sex isnt a problem. It's not like they got tricked into it. Its humans being humans. You're mad at that because theres someone fucking the girl you like. You're resentment is making you place a womans worth solely into her looks.

In reality, if you were a great male at 25, 27 you could find a woman to settle down with. But you spent your 20s being resentful. Now that you're 30, you somehow think you're better than 30yo women because they had fun and you didn't.

Yes at that age women are more likely to settle, but you're also looking to settle at 30 as well. When you were 25 you werent good enough for a woman to choose to settle down with. So now in your anger you only go for the 25yos that you delusionally believe you should of had.

>the woman SEETHING in this thread

also, look at pic related.

who are sleeping with these women?

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18-21 is peak for female beauty
Men till 45. Learn gender dynamics. Learn life. Take the RedPill

if a man at 29 was desirable, he would have had many years in his 20s to find a desirable woman who was in a decent age range to date or marry, not have to resort to setting a hookup sex app to literally every age range, desperate to get any crumb of pussy who matches with him

>"yeah man lol women are such disgusting degenerate whores, if they aren't married by 25 they are completely worthless, useless, overly fucked holes. any woman single over 25 trying to date is trying to desperately latch on to some beta male provider after the ran thru to cock carousel"
>but what about guys still single in their late 20s and 30s who never got a decent girl and are still trolling dating sites to fuck the whores on there? doesn't that show some sort of deficiency on their part?


Life is a battle of individual interests, which is why it's so fucking retarded to be a defeatist resigning yourself to failure.

I want to marry a nice virgin girl to have my kids, that's my personal prerogative. I obviously don't like the guys who are manwhores but at least even if we don't agree they go for what they want, they aren't depressed little faggots like the ones infesting this shithole.. What others think doesn't matter. You are who you are and its pathetic as fuck to give up because it's hard.

Even fucking disgusting single mom fatties put themselves out there trying to get chad, ya it's fucking gross but at less they tried, at least they don't spew their bull tried to drag everyone else down.

This board is about improving yourself, if you'd rather just look for excuses for why your doomed to fail then fuck off.

>When you were 25 you werent good enough for a woman to choose to settle down with

>When you were 25 you werent good enough for a woman

weren't ''good enough''?
gee i wonder where the resentment comes from.

Arguing with women is truly a fruitless endeavor. Jesus Christ. I hope you find a man who will provide you with the family and support that you so desperately need.

what degree are you gonna go back to school for? do you really think just getting a different degree is gonna suddenly change your life and you'll get friends and have sex and stuff? if thats why you wanna go back to school i got bad news, being like that at 35 is unsalvageable

Not sure if actually retarded female or just some fatso baiting. Womens capability of having healthy babies drastically goes down the older they get while men are perfectly capable of conceiving healthy babies well into their 50s. Even if you're too stupid to understand it - like most women are - it's behind the way we act and why we perceive younger fertile women as more attractive. It's also the reason why cockgoblins suddenly want to settle down at 30.

Maybe you're not attractive, maybe you're not financially stable, maybe you're socially awkward. Theres a lot of reasons a woman wouldnt pick you, but there are young women choosing men that dont have those things either. You're resentful because you believe you should have been chosen.
Now that you're 30, you're more in shape, or you have a good job, or you got out of your shell. You're still as genetically undesired as you were at 25, but now a 27yo women is willing to settle down with you. Too bad, you think youre too good for a 27yo, so you'll hold out for a 24yo to take a chance on you.

Guess what you're still under the sexual market value of a 25yo male with the same extra qualities that you have. You're not in your prime. You've past your prime.

The resentment that you have is the idea that the women that are 27 dont deserve your 30yo dusty self. Just because you finally have something to bring to the relationship table that men are able to provide at 25.

You're 5 years too late old man

Holy shit it was actually a woman coping this whole time lmao.

I thought it was just some self hating faggot but this is just funny.

Not at all, lots of guys got married at a later age without any problems. Same can't be said about 30+women.
This can also be seen in attraction patterns. Lots of women, including those in their early 20s go for men 35+. Men that go for 30+ women are either 45+ or extreme soft guys that said women don't like.

>Maybe you're not attractive
Not fat, not deformed, oh sorry for not looking like a greek good
oh wait now looks matter? are you saying men not choosing women past their 25 because their look expire is ok? I think you do :)

> maybe you're not financially stable
how do you define financially stable? why would you be with a woman if she isn't willing to be with you even if you might not be at your financial peak? are you saying women are gold diggers? I think you do user!

>you're socially awkward
how do you even define that? what does this even mean?

>You're resentful
how do you know that?

>ou're still as genetically undesired as you were at 25, but now a 27yo women is willing to settle down with you
user are you psychic and you know my age so surely? :)

>94 posts
>36 users

>mos t men wasted their time fapping to JAV, watching anime and playing vidya and donating e girls
you're full of shit

>98 replies
>37 posters

i'm not any of the things you mention btw. i was showing you the point of view of these men.
i don't resent women, I'm just a bit disappointed in how shallow people are. i think our culture has unleashed a lot of this behaviour.

i think it is normal to be unhappy about suddenly being good enough for a woman who under ideal circumstances would not be with you.

again, this does not apply to me, i am not speaking from my own experiences here. i just have empathy.

Jesus you’re dumb

Because the only 27+ year old females are single mothers or disabled women. Do you really want that extra baggage and financial strain? Additionally the dating pool will have shrunk by a lot. So you'll probably only have a handful of 27+ women in your area.

not even those fags but you sound pretentious as fuck lmao are you a wanna be psychiatrist or something bitch?
stfu roastie

The wall musta hit you hard roastie for you to cope this hard. This guy is 52. Just cuz u have shit aging genetics and have a beer belly doesnt mean everyone has to age like milk like you. Men can age gracefully unlike you.

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>You're 5 years too late old man

5 years might be along time to a women (fertility). But to a man it is nothing.

Attached: female-egg-count-by-age.png (390x330, 9.79K)

Honestly, I think very few men are resentful to towards these women. They simply don't care about them, not as potential mates anyway. Same way they don't care about all the other women that they don't see as gf/wife/whatever material.

If you experience those symptoms at 29 you should see a doctor immediately. Even at 39 the brittleness and ED would be unusual, and the hair is ultimately genetic. You're deluded.

I'll play a bit of devil's advocate and say this guy has fucking fantastic genetics.

But even then no women at even 40 can come anywhere close to this dude.

I'd say over half of men could potentially look just as good in their 30s as 20s. Like look at the famous actors like the guy who plays thor or captain America. Both look just as good in their 30s and they aren't even genetically gifted aging wise. Even the absolute hottest girls like Emma Watson are noticeably less attractive and she's not even 30 yet.

this post reeks of madonna-whore complex :l

>hottest girls like Emma Watson

Attached: hak.jpg (800x1201, 73.35K)

Not fucking wrong. A man should be established, experienced, and able to provide. A woman should be at peak fertility.

Yas Forums - Fitness

Some incel wish fulfilment may indeed be present but answer this honestly: do women typically go for guys younger or older than them?

The ones doing the most useful stuff are the one's least likely to find a partner. A guy working 12 hour days doesn't have time to flirt or meet a wide variety of women.

For guys like that, they either meet a wide in high school or early college or never really have a chance. And those kinds of guys are never desirable to women of that age group.

keep coping fat roastie

yo I'm studying for my CPA what's at the end of the tunnel?

Men age like wine. Women age like milk.

i was in auditing. the job wasn't hard. but you need social skills and networking skills to get promotions and nice raises

i lack both, so i'm going back to school to try something different, and maybe try to learn social skills and make friends ;_;

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