Hey retard user here

>Hey retard user here
ive been wondering, have there been people who were considered smart or wise or were good at a skill which conventionally requires intelligence while also having a low iq?

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Richard Feynman claimed his IQ tested at 120 which isn't low in any absolute sense but is much lower than anyone would expect Richard Feynman's IQ to be.

Intelligence is not really a requirement for wisdom or skill. It can let you learn the hard lessons that wisdom usually stems from quicker, and you'll gain certain skills with less repetition needed.
You will need longer and have to work harder than others to get to the same results, which is discouraging to point of quitting for many.
If you can get past that, you will be able to learn the same things in the end.

your clearly are lacking reading comprehension all i asked was can you give me examples of people considered intelligent but have low iq

read his post again and try to comprehend, it answers your retarded question

That is one ugly fucking woman.
God damn.
How the fuck can she have any fans?!

shes a mma fighter.

this is why op is retarded. He doesn't want to get better he just wants to cope.



I mean I tested pretty low because the tism but I can recite the flux integral off the top of my head

Are you retarded? Do you not understand that your question is bad?

Why don't you google the definition of examples
Then you can google your retarded fucking question you ass-pained pedo nigger

Holy shit OP what a tantrum
It's ok people can still see you as smart even though you have a low IQ

You're getting baited a bunch OP, but I'll answer your question.

Fighters like Floyd Mayweather or Bruce Lee are seen as smart. Floyd is illiterate, but is seen as tactically intelligent in how he fights and moves in the ring. Bruce Lee isn't that good an example, since he did have a college degree and wrote a book about the philosophy of martial arts.

OP you want to look into the theory of multiple intelligences. There are no skills that "conventionally" require intelligence. Skills require different types of intelligence. Few types of intelligence are measured by IQ tests. IQ tests are meaningless.

If you want a list of people look them up yourself, nobody thinks about things in the terms you're presenting the question in, so nobody is going to have an answer for you.

No one touts around the fact they have a low IQ so you're not going to find anything, really. There are, however, plenty of people who are considered wise or skilled despite not being very intelligent, because wisdom, skill and intelligence are different things.

It's also worth noting that while IQ is the greatest psychometric predictor of all time, and might always be, it doesn't predict everything and in certain areas there are things that exist which are better predictors.

IQ is also multi-faceted, so someone can score very high on one IQ subtest but not so high on the others, although, they are correlated to such an extent that it's pretty much impossible for someone to be a genius on one subtest but a retard on the others, but they could be a genius on one subtest and just above average on the others, or above average on one but a retard on the others. The comparison I like to make is to mass or body size. You can be tall, and not thick, and you can be thick, but not tall, but generally the two are correlated, and we call the combination of these dimensions "size."

i am a big fan of mma and i dont really see traditional athletes as smart more so they are just skilled. For instance who is smarter a professional chess player or a plumber answer the chess player. Now who is making more money because of there skill answer is the plumber. ergo skill does not equal smart.

so basically what your saying is
>hurr durr i cant answer your question
>gee why dont you just answer your own question retard

Probably yes, as long as you can focus and grind on a single skill you'll become good at it and with enough time even the best in the world, it's just that it takes more time for someone with low IQ than high IQ.

i can understand that and all but there is defintley examples of people who have high iq's but arent too bright.
i made this thread because i saw the bobby fischer movie today and i realized that despite having a really high iq this guy died a ignorant fucking loony

That is merely a dumb social stigma, for whatever reason chess players are seen as smart while their game takes much less skill than your average videogame, remember this an high IQ person is able to pick up any skill and learn faster than a low IQ question, chess itself is a solved game that requires the memorizing and learning of thousands of moves, that is something anyone with enough care and interest in chess could do in the arc of 10,20, 30 years, meanwhile we could take a 130 IQ person, a random chess grandmaster and an algorithm that chooses 100 games at random whenever they are traditional card or tabletop games or videogames and I bet my ass the 130 IQ person would beat the chess grandmaster in the vast majority of cases.

you know ive actually thought about this so let me refute you. Chess requires more skills than probably any video game to get good at. Chess has been around for thousands of years and has been a consistent unchanged almost perfectly balanced game. No video game has been played competitively and as widely as chess for anytime near as long as chess has been played. for instance even recently the super smash bros melee meta has been changed and that is a game which has remained stagnant it what it offers for 19 years. any modern game will never truly be understood because as soon as some people start to get really good at one aspect of it the developers will change something. that is why the talent required to be good at chess will always be higher it is simply one of the most balanced competitive games of all time with centuries of playtime

Many people don't take IQ test or publicize them so you're not likely to get an answer. That said, probably. Maybe some great leader, or great poet or artist.
Anecdotally, there was a guy at my college who was retarded. And not retarded in the dumb sense, actually mentally disabled. Face deformity, speech impediments, eat gripping fork like a caveman (and no this was not cerebral palsy, I know they aren't retarded). But this was a decently rigorous and brainy school (Sarah Lawrence College), so he probably just very slowly did the work and got the credits.

>chess is a solved game
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about? There are super computers battling it out with each other as we speak and haven't solved the game yet.

Chess is a solved game, every single manouver, opening and counter opening has been written down on books, we are at a point where computers that ran billions of simulations can effectively beat grand masters, while even the most advanced machine learning programs struggle at beating above average starcraft players, what does this mean? It means that to become good at chess there are 2 foundamental skills, 1 is the knowledge of the game and 2 is reading your opponent, the second skill is what matters in the vast majority of games and even real life scenarios but in chess the first skill is what matters the most at an absolute state, that means you can easily be the better chess players by merely understanding the game better rather than having an actual dynamic shift of the envoirment, you said videogames change quickly becaue devs change the balance and that is where someone with IQ will shine, they will be able to forsee what new tactics and strategies will work better in this new envoirment and will be able to apply them way faster and effectively than someone with low IQ.

The man with the current world record IQ is working on a mathematical proof to "prove the existence of god." He claims he's close. Such a waste.

nigger, chess is a game with a fixed amount of pieces and a fixed amount of combinations in which every piece and be moved, it's a limited number, in thousands of years that the game exists every single move you can make has been documented and every single strategy has been named, they are thousands but it is a done game.

There are two reasons for this.

1. A high IQ person can be a janitor but a low IQ person can't be a doctor. Being a doctor requires a high IQ, otherwise you'd be so bad at it that no one would want to be your patient. However, a high IQ person isn't prevented in any way from being a janitor if that's what they really want to do, and they may want to do it for any number of reasons. For example, there could be social reasons for it, perhaps they're carrying on a tradition or it's the only job they can get while staying in physical contact with someone they care about, and there could be temperamental reasons for it, perhaps they're afraid of failure and the challenges presented by high IQ jobs even though their odds of success are so much better than everyone else's.

2. Asking how someone with a high IQ could end up in a position of misfortune is like asking how someone with a gun could be robbed or murdered. The reason is because IQ, or in this situation owning a gun, is only a part of the formula, and if you don't use it or you don't use it correctly, then of course the gains you'll make with that variable aren't going to be less than expected.

Another way of looking at it is, someone with the greatest accuracy in the world can still miss a shot, they're just less likely to than other people. If all you look at it is one or two shots, then of course, you could be seeing the misses. This is why studies like to use large sample sizes. The closer to infinity, the better, otherwise you're just dealing with anecdotes and they might not be indicative of the full picture of what's going on.

I'm a pretty smart guy myself but I dropped out of high school, was a NEET for several years and now I work in a factory doing entry-level work. You can say, "Oh, you probably weren't that smart then," but teachers and other students constantly told me I was, and I'm assuming they weren't just trying to make me feel good about myself.

well a hole can be deep without being wide. alot of times in video games you can get away with things even if you dont understand the outcome of it. i think that the ai not being good at starcraft says more about starcraft or the ai than it does about chess. videogames require constant calculation not necessarily deep ones.

Chess allows unlimited pondering and zero physical reaction time or any kind of skill beyond premeditated cerebral reasoning and as you say a deep understanding of the rules and dynamics.
It's the difference between a math professor and a football quarterback. The quarterback has to think faster, and football is far less mapped out and involves less previously solved procedures than math, but sports, like e-sports... it's not really more cerebral.
So what your describing

see thats the thing though im interested in the opposite. can someone be smart without technically being smart? what does this look like i wonder what some examples are? you seriously cant be telling there hasnt been some 90 iq person who has never made a ground breaking discovery.